Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Power of the deficit MINUS

Written on the 6th June 2017

One of the defining things about humanity is that we have been created for The BEAUTY of LIFE (TBL) since TBL is God who is the father of creation who was able to take NOTHING and make it something.

The nothingness before creation was MINUS which exists against existence which means it exists against LIFE and God is LIFE.

Within the BIG picture there are many levels of existence where some are close to TBL and others are close to MINUS and contained within each level there are other levels from top to bottom.

One of the things that we should all know is that God is love and yet on the complete opposite side to God there is hate that is a raging, blazing hate against all creation which is why MINUS is death and a living death that is hell.   

Therefore, it is in our best interest to love instead of hate since love connects us to God as hate connects us to MINUS.   

But in this world love can be very contained and limited where many people only have a capacity to love their own which means that within the BIG picture there is limited light that shines out against MINUS and this poses a huge problem that gives power to MINUS and not only that it gives life to MINUS even though it exists against life.

One of the teachings of Christ is for us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves as written in Mark 12:31 of the Holy Bible; it is the second most important commandment for vital reasons that serve as the cornerstone of those higher levels where there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest in reality.   Such worlds are not driven by MINUS which means that no one is financially enslaved by MINUS; in other words money has no use in such worlds for there is no deficit.   They are able to enjoy the true nature of abundance which is driven by God instead of MINUS.

In this world, many people seek money in order to gain The BEAUTY of LIFE, unaware that God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE and money is driven by MINUS; therefore TBL gained through wealth is nothing but an illusion and a smokescreen that can hide the presence of MINUS.

We can be under the impression that all is well in a world driven by MINUS who ironically lives within the ill balance between the rich and the poor; the greater the divide, the more space there is for MINUS to live.

In higher planes of existence that are closer to God, they understand this and live to shine out together so that there is no ill balance; they all love each other as their own for they have a oneness through God.

In this plane of existence that is so close to MINUS, there are so many divisions among mankind; so much hatred that creates a VOID that is MINUS; the limitation that so many people have to love as God would have us love creates space for MINUS to live and manifest itself in reality against life.

They cannot hear its voice of rage whipped up in a frenzy against our existence; it hates us more than you can imagine for it is hate itself…  It relies on us not being able to love as God would have us love and it seeks for us to be misguided so that we never know that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who exists against it.     

This world embraces so many elements that pertain to MINUS; elements like immorality and selfishness that spin anticlockwise as MINUS turns anti clockwise which means that it is able to control us through its elements NOT God.   This gives power to MINUS and through vast numbers it is able to spin anti clockwise even faster which fuels the vacuum within the VOID that sucks inwards against creation.

It’s almost like a machine and MINUS needs us to power it when we fail to SHINE OUT against it.   It is so easy to just get caught up in life and there are so many people who hunger for The BEAUTY of LIFE but instead of hungering for God, they hunger for money unaware that hungering for money can be as good as hungering for MINUS.    It’s a paradox since the basis  behind money is MINUS.

It is so easy to blame God for all the ills of the world, they are unaware how so many people are giving power to MINUS through who they are as people.   By the nature of free will God cannot force people to become one with him and SHINE OUT against MINUS; this is one of the things we have to learn to do as people as a collective so that the tide turns against MINUS.    

God cannot force us to love as he would have us love.  He cannot force us to turn to Christ and repent of our sins and be born again of the Holy Spirit; so many people in this world do not even follow Christ; he is forsaken and the sacrifice he had made to save their souls is disregarded.

God cannot force us all to SHINE OUT so that The BEAUTY of LIFE can manifest in reality within space and light where there is no space for MINUS to have power.   Only a few people are able to truly figure things out.

It forms an irony since within our spirits there is such a need for The BEAUTY of LIFE but it can work against us when we do not seek it through God; instead it can give power to MINUS whose wheel can spin so fast to drive us.   If only they knew.

So many people may look up to see God but only because they want The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet their aim may not be to SHINE OUT against MINUS; all they truly want is to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE.

This forms a catch-22 situation. That would give power to MINUS for the basis of God is to SHINE OUT against MINUS so that there is space and light, like how it was in the very beginning when  there was light.   All those higher planes of existences was able to form and come to life where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE due to the existence of space and light away from MINUS.

In this world we equate having The BEAUTY of LIFE through money and yet in The Bible it is written in Matthew 19:24 that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.    

Abundance through wealth is left behind in a world that is so close to MINUS where there is a gross ill balance between the rich and the poor.   As the rich spend money like water; it gives power to MINUS who is able to see how we fail to SHINE OUT against it through loving each other as God would have us love and to live as God would have us live so that elements of God SHINES OUT like the element morality…

Therefore, as we tap into our inner design that seeks The BEAUTY of LIFE we should know where we stand and realise that there is truly a need for us to be reborn of The Holy Spirit and a need for us to turn to Christ and repent of our sins knowing that God has the power to forgive all our sins, even the worse of all  sins since God had paid a penalty for all our sins by suffering and dying on the cross.

MINUS was able to have the death of Christ but Christ came back to life since Christ is The son of God.   After his resurrection he gained the power to forgive all our sins since MINUS has had the full measure of all our death.   Therefore, Christ has great power against MINUS since Christ has the power to save us from MINUS.   Christ was born into this world with that purpose.

Therefore, above all other things are ultimate hope should be Christ who comes from a world filled with space and light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest beyond what we can truly imagine removed from all ills that define this world.   

So, as we live to love as God would have us love, live as God would have us live, we transform into people who pertain to his world, a world removed from hate and a world removed from death; in other words, we pertain to a world free of MINUS who is on a rampage in this world feeding upon LIFE.   Through God who is LOVE we can live to give God the ultimate victory over our existence so that our worth is defined by God instead of MINUS who then loses what it seeks which is the power of the deficit - MINUS.


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