Thursday 22 June 2017

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it

One of the aspects about humanity is how we can be a reflection of what exists within the BIG picture where on one side there is a halo and on the other side horns.    

Many people are so nice but if you get on their bad side, all niceness goes out the window.   It is easy to perceive a person who is raging in anger as a ‘bad person’ but this may not be the case at all.   But what is clear, something or someone had invoked that person’s anger to bring out the horns which make it clear ‘DON’T MESS WITH ME’ - ‘I AM MAD AS HELL’.    

Like a domesticated cat who hates being brushed, the cat’s eyes can coil as the cat growls in fury.   The cat is making it clear ‘I don’t like this’.

There are so many relationships that are fraught with arguments and bursts of anger.   A stressed out housewife rages at her husband “WHY DON’T YOU TAKE THE RUBBISH OUT, CAN’T YOU SEE THE BIN NEEDS CHANGING?”

He has his leg up watching football and all he can hear is his wife’s angry voice.   It brings a frown across his brow and he finds himself shouting back at her “WHY DON’T YOU PUT THE BIN OUT……. CAN’T YOU SEE I’M WATCHING A GAME”

“A GAME?” storms his wife as she charges up to him in fury.    They end up having a huge argument that the neighbours can hear that causes them to groan for it’s just one of many arguments that occur each week.

The truth was, he should have taken the bin out and he hadn’t been angry about that.   If his wife had spoken to him nicely he would have told her that he will take the bin out after he has finished watching the game.    Better still, if she went over to him, wrapped her arms around him and said ‘You know, I would love you more if you put the bin out after the game’ that would have put a smile on his face and he would have looked forward to taking the bin out.

A single mother rails at her son to TIDY UP YOUR ROOM and as he hears her shouting he frowns as his emotions rage like a storm.   He knows that he should tidy up his room but he doesn’t WANT TO because his storming emotions doesn’t want to be amenable to his angry mother.    His expression contorts and all he can think about is leaving home.   He is sick and tired of his mother shouting at him.   She is always angry; sometimes he wishes he had never been born.   He likes to hang out with his mates, many of whom are in the same boat as him.   

He rarely likes to be home since he hates being in the same house as his angry mother.   He wonders whether she’s angry because his father doesn’t want to have anything to do with her.   
He is too young to know that the way his mother speaks to him has brought out his horns that has made him turn into an angry youth like so many out there made worse by a poor schooling system and poor prospects.   It’s easy to be angry when his life lacks light.   

The harsh truth is that there are many people out there whose communication skills is geared at bringing out horns instead of a halo.   

Instead his wife had brought out his horns instead of his halo.

I am one of those people who feel that arguing is unacceptable; it is ok to have disagreements and debates but the act of raising one’s voice angrily is not what I want in my life.   

But I know that many people like to vent their anger as they communicate what irritates them but they are unaware that anger can create a double edged sword which means that instead of just having to deal with the issue, one has to deal with the anger at the same time and on many occasions, it can cause a backlash.

This means that the response can be negative not unless someone is extremely submission but most people are prone to lash out at what threatens them.  This means that one is less inclined to gain a desirably response by communicating through anger.

A man named Stan is driving his car down a road when someone veers to the side and hits his car.   The other car stopped and Stan stopped his car and he rushes out his car in a rage.  The other driver had been about to admit that he had been in the wrong but Stan’s anger, angers him so he responds in anger.    This makes Stan even more angry because he thinks the other driver won’t confess he’s in the wrong.    Stan turns the air blue with his swearing and so does the other guy; they end up having a fight.   But the other man is stronger than Stan and thumps him down upon the ground and Stan ends up losing his front tooth and suffers a broken nose.

The storyline had played out with MINUS results since Stan had brought out the other guys horns but they were bigger than Stans.

Many children are brought up without being taught proper communications skills because their parents don’t have proper communication skills.    It can lead to people having a very short fuse after years of being rubbed up the wrong way.   Their horns had grown over the years to turn into dangerous weapons that make it loud and clear - DON’T MESS WITH ME.    

It can be like a wheel that turns in the wrong direction, spinning so fast it takes them over so that all they feel is RAGE.

Therefore, what we should be aware of is that speaking to people in the wrong way can give life to MINUS while speaking to people in the right way can give life to God.   We have to ask ourselves, whose side are we really on.  

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