Wednesday 17 May 2017

Fitting in

One of the major things that this world is defined by is nature; without nature this would not be a living planet; it would just be a hard lump of rock floating in space.    Nature with all its complexity is what enables this world to be a living planet that is a place where countless lifeforms have evolved over millions of years.

Humans have played a huge part in shaping this planet to suit our needs and with our vast intelligence we try to bend even nature to our own will, using it as we see fit along with all other life on this planet.

So the question is, are we fitting in with nature or does nature have to fit itself around humanity?  If the answer is not the latter, a huge threat exists to all life on this planet since nature is what sustains this planet not humans.   

This world would live on without humans since it has no real need of us and yet without nature nothing would be able to exist on this world except nothing which is MINUS; this leads to another question; why does humanity abuse this planet that has led to so many animals being endangered species?

It forms an irony that has a great depth for as humanity is not able to fit in with nature, to live in harmony with nature, it highlights how humanity overall is not able to live in harmony with God when God is LIFE and The BEAUTY of LIFE.   In our ruthless efforts to reap as much from this planet for our own survival, we go against God himself who had not only created humanity, God had also created nature and all life within it for without God there would be nothing but nothing that is MINUS.

Therefore, as part of being able to fit in with God, we have to learn how to fit in with nature so that we are its friend instead of its enemy.   This forms a part of the challenge of humanity being able to live in harmony with each other.

In other words, we need an outward flow where there is light, away from the inward flow that sucks inwards like a vacuum; the inward flow is ruthless and selfish, deadly and ignorant; it will just reap no matter what the consequences for the inward flow is a part of MINUS, the huge VOID that has a perpetual appetite to feed.  

It would destroy everything and then see what else it can destroy.   At present, humanity has not reached the stage when we are able to travel to other living planets and this is a good thing for such planets are safe from us knowing that our presence there would be MINUS not TBL.   Humanity have evolved on this planet and this is a place where we have to learn to fit in with God which is when we would then understand how we have to fit in with nature.   In other words, we have to learn how to respect nature as part of respecting God for God created nature not MINUS.   

The be-end and end-ALL is not just about our own survival, the survival of the planet is more important along with all those animals who have spent millions of years evolving where they are able to exist to this present day.   
They should be applauded and protected instead of endangered.   Humanity will only reach that stage of understanding when we disconnect ourselves from MINUS who has countless elements that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE - God, elements like selfishness and greed, ruthlessness, wickedness and arrogance.  

Through our connection with MINUS, we make ourselves unworthy of The BEAUTY of LIFE which forms a huge irony since The BEAUTY of LIFE is what we seek but through elements of MINUS like selfishness and greed, ruthlessness, wickedness and arrogance and yet MINUS is death and a living death that is hell; it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE; if it had its way, this world would be nothing but wasteland; MINUS lives through destruction and mayhem; all it wants is for everything to turn to dust.

The harsh truth is, humanity have advanced through history through MINUS; in other words we have used its elements so that even the very ground we walk upon can be laid there through MINUS.

People of nature have been swept aside as if they are nothing as part of BIG fish eat little fish and survival of the fittest which is what this world is based upon; who will be left standing and yet the real question is, who stands with God?   Where do we truly want to fit in; in this world steeped in pure ruthlessness?  

Yes, we can be the victor through ruthlessness but through a connection with MINUS who exists against God.  So many things are not as it seems; like someone who is wealthy and appears to have it all and yet God is the true nature of abundance who exists against MINUS.   The whole reason why there is a need for money is because of the existence of MINUS.

This can define our mindset so that we operate through MINUS in our efforts to have The BEAUTY of LIFE so that we have no interest in God or fitting into his world where there is no need of money since God's Kingdom shines out AGAINST MINUS.  

One of the things I am very aware of on a spiritual level is how the conflicts of this world is based upon humanity fitting in with this world that is so close to MINUS; if most of us naturally fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE, that is what would manifest in reality and we would go against things like the ill balance between the rich and the poor, a place where MINUS lives.   

It always seeks a greater ill balance so that it has more space to live even though it exists against life.
So many people live out their whole life fitting in here, a world where it is so easy to hate since MINUS is hate and a raging, BLAZING hate against creation.   I don't think I can truly sum up how much it hates.   

The greatest way to connect with MINUS is through hate which is why the emotion hate is such a huge threat to us; it's like poison to our soul.  

This world may give us so many reasons to hate; hate can be justified but that doesn't stop hate being poison.  Now that so many countries are in upheaval giving rise to migrants, so many people's souls are opening up to hate and as they hate they become so unworthy of The BEAUTY of LIFE which forms another huge irony.

How can we stand tall and shine out in this world when it is so easy to fit into this world that we have gained through our inheritance.  In other words, the mindset of humanity is to inherit the world instead of having the mindset to inherit the Kingdom of heaven.   

This is why there is such a birthing frenzy that has led to the overpopulation of this world that serves to endanger this planet, especially in the long-run.    

It forms another irony since God is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE.   The beauty of LIFE cannot manifest without light; away from light there is a VOID where there is a vacuum.   

In order for us to create space and light, we have to SHINE OUT against MINUS but instead humanity is so caught up in just filling space as if we feel that what comes out of us, is far greater than what comes out of God.   

We love what comes out of us far more than loving what comes out of God.   We seek to live on far greater than who we seek for God to live and yet God is eternal and what comes out of God is also eternal away from constant death and renewal like the seasons of nature where fresh blooms have its time before it fades, withers and turns to dust to give space for fresh blooms.

The cycle is so fast and yet humanity is caught up in that cycle where only a few people truly turn their eyes to look up to God with a need to fit in with God above worldly their needs.

We are caught up in so many struggles; we are together but not truly together; everyone is vying for more space to have The BEAUTY of LIFE for themselves and their family; only a few people are truly able to live and have life.  

So many people are caught in a financial stranglehold while they watch the rich few delight in spending money like water.   So much for your precious life in the hands of MINUS and yet there are worlds removed from such struggles where people fit in with God where they live to SHINE OUT against MINUS; they are able to live in harmony with each other AND nature; they would never seek to abuse the very ground they walk upon.   

They all live and have life; MINUS is not able to ruin things; it is not able to financially enslave them; have them doing a job they hate; lead them into selling themselves out; they are all free, living through their passions.

One of the things we lack is understanding; we are not aware where the enemy truly lies; but when we reach that stage, this is when we all have to come together to uproot it, for its roots are so deep in so many places for it seeks space against the light.    But once it loses space, it loses power and its grip on the world.   

Therefore, it is MINUS that does not fit in with this world for it exists against creation; this world was not created for MINUS.   It is a place where we can live and learn, live in harmony with each other and nature with the mindset of fitting in with God as we shine out as space where there is light.

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