Thursday 15 June 2017

To only care about oneself

A happy couple get married in a lavish wedding ceremony.   They are so happy to share all what they have with each other because ‘they are in love’ and want to spend the rest of their life together.

From one standpoint it is so wonderful except for the fact that through God we should all feel that way about each other; be willing to share everything we have with each other as part of having a beautiful togetherness with one another.

The happy couple only want to share what they have with each other since they love each other that creates a light that shines out but such a light is not far reaching as it would be through God and this words both ways in terms of other people who love their own while everyone else is left in darkness.

The great issue with this is that God cannot operate through darkness, only the light; it is MINUS who operates through darkness.   The darkness is the darkness within a VOID that exists away from God.

This means that loving as God  would have us love is vital for The BEAUTY of LIFE to be able to manifest in reality; it cannot manifest through limited light.

How can one be given a heart to love as God would have us love so that there is a powerful outward flow out of the VOID where one’s spiritual polarity is in sync with God’s.

So many people are unaware that MINUS is pure selfishness and hate; it doesn’t want us to care about anyone but ourselves.   It is endless HUNGER and GREED since it has an inward polarity that would take away instead of give.     It doesn’t want us to live as one instead it wants us to be in discord with each other.

A young man finds himself caught up in a life of 9-5ing; he hates his job but he has bills to pay.   He is not able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and the hidden cause behind it is a world populace of people who only care about themselves including the young man.

Through God, everyone operates through their TIA - talent, interest and ability that shines out within their heart as a passion.   MINUS operates through anti-TIA, the very jobs that so many people hate.

There are a few people who have jobs they love, but that is rare; most people are in jobs they hate through being financially enslaved by MINUS, the very thing that wants us to hate and be selfish.

I have a very intuitive spirit when it comes to light and darkness.   I have worked in many offices where the spirit of MINUS besieged me through office staff.  The fewer the people in the office, the less I sense MINUS and the better I feel.

Once I worked for the Housing Communications Agency as a temp.   The first day, the office was filled with staff and I groaned inside but the next day everyone was away on a staff awayday.   I could have floated on the air like a feather.   If I relied on all those people for light in order to survive, I would be a sure-fire goner.   

But the truth is most people only truly care about themselves and their own family.   But beyond that, there is nothing but a VOID that is MINUS.  

I have written about this so many times to drive home the pitfalls of living in this world and how we can be how MINUS wants us to be instead of God since this world is so close to MINUS.   God’s Kingdom is based upon an outward flow of light that allows no space for MINUS to live through its inward flow.    All citizens within God’s Kingdom have an outward flow which means that would not fit into this world where so many people only care about themselves.

A man wins the lottery jackpot and the first thing he does is buy a supercar that most people can’t afford to represent his inward flow.    Wealth increases his inward flow.

It is hard to imagine how people are in God’s Kingdom who would delight in using the money against MINUS in this world so steeped in it.   The key is, they exist AGAINST MINUS, unlike many people of this world.

It forms a huge irony because they are able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE that their world is based upon since The BEAUTY of LIFE is God who also exists against MINUS.   They all exist against MINUS together which means that through existing against MINUS, The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest.

Unlike how it is in this world where so many people want The BEAUTY of LIFE but they don’t exist against MINUS and many people are IN with it.

This means that it is impossible for The BEAUTY of LIFE to truly manifest in a world without existing against MINUS since The BEAUTY of LIFE is God himself but so many people only want TBL on a superficial level; they don’t truly love God or want God for if this was truly the case, they would exist against MINUS.

This means that despite the masses of people who want The BEAUTY of LIFE they are forced to live in a world with MINUS who exists against it and hates them all.   It wants them to experience what it is which is HELL.   So through mankind’s inability to love as God would have them love, there is MINUS.

What most people are not aware of is how MINUS is like an engine that runs with a wheel that spins anti clockwise.   It lives through people as it draws inwards against our life.    When we only care about ourselves, there is a powerful connection with MINUS who is able to live through our life.

If we all truly loved each other and the light of our life shone out upon each other to create space and light, it would shine out against MINUS since it cannot stand the light.    When we raise our hearts up to God and love God for who God truly is, with all his elements like the element morality this is when we have the mindset to exist against mindset who owns the element immorality.

As God is love, MINUS is hate.  As God is generosity MINUS is selfishness.   As God is positive MINUS is negative.   As God is calmness, MINUS is rage.   As God is the most beautiful spirit, MINUS has the ugliest spirit.    As God is truth, MINUS is lies.    As God is purity, MINUS is corruption.    

As God is helpfulness, MINUS is laziness.  As God is cleanliness, MINUS is pure filth.    As God has the most beautiful fragrance, MINUS has a stench that is so terrible one would wish to die than to smell such a stench.

As God has the most beautiful sense of style, MINUS has the worst style.   

As God is freedom and liberation, MINUS is enslavement and oppression.   As God is fairness, MINUS is pure injustice.

As God is choice, MINUS operates through a lack of choice.  

As God shines out with the most beautiful attitude, MINUS has the ugliest attitude.    The list goes on and on and on and on to make how they are complete opposites from opposite worlds for as God is heaven, MINUS is hell.

Therefore, when we love God with all our hearts mind and souls, we then exist against MINUS which is why to love God in such a way is the first and most important Holy Commandment.

The second most important Holy Commandment is to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.    This is when there is no room for only caring about ourselves which means that there would have an outward flow and be in sync with God instead of MINUS.

Therefore, those old dusty Holy commandments in the Bible that so many people forsake is there to save us in the most important way beyond what we can truly imagine for God and his Kingdom redefines the word beauty and abundance.   No one is poor in God’s Kingdom since there is no ill balance; everyone has abundance to such a degree there is no need for money.

It all forms this huge irony where people of this world live as their own worst enemy through only caring about themselves.    The more they only care about themselves, the more they have MINUS who is a raging hate against their life and all creation.    

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