Thursday 22 June 2017

Reflection of a World

One of the things that many people may not be aware of is that God is a world where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE since God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet there are many levels of existence where people are a reflection of their world in one way or another.

If we had eyes to see worlds that reflect God we would then have eyes to see how we need to change in so many ways so that we are no longer a reflection of this world.  It is so easy for people to be religious and yet they are unaware that despite religion they are still a reflection of THIS world that is so close to MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Therefore, among all the religious people who raise their hands up to God, who among them are a reflection of HIS world instead of this world?

We can form masses, where we all stand together as a reflection of this world which means that in order to be a reflection of God’s world we have to set ourselves apart from so many things that reflect this world, to shine out against it.

One of the major things I am aware of is how religion itself can form a smokescreen to mask how so many people are a reflection of this world.   It forms a huge paradox since religion is meant to incite a transformation where people are reborn with the spirit of God so that they live to reflect his world.     But only a few among the masses are a reflection of The BEAUTY of LIFE - God while all the others are a reflection of this world.    

This poses a huge problem since such people are deluded , thinking they are in when they are out; they think they are found when they are lost which means they are more unfortunate than the many people who are non-religious  for at least they know they are out and can one day decide to step in, while so many religious people think they are already in when they are out.

They are happy the way they are and they would happily step into heaven even though they are a reflection of this world that is steep in MINUS.

They don’t have eyes to see the world of God where everyone shines out and are so beautiful; they cannot see how the system is run where The BEAUTY of LIFE can manifest in reality to SHINE OUT against MINUS who has no foothold in that world to live and have life against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

It forms an irony that the citizens of God’s world are natural and down to earth people who look contemporary; they look like the type of people many people would want to hang out with.    They all reflect the beauty of God in who and how they are as people so that God lives within them.

They all reflect The BEAUTY of LIFE which means that through them it is able to manifest; they are a reflection of a world that is God’s world where there is no crime, no selfishness or greed; no immorality; no capitalism; NO HATE, NO VIOLENCE.   There is no dishonesty.      
And since their world is governed by God, The BEAUTY of LIFE, instead of MINUS, there is no need for money which means that there is no ill balance where on one side there is the rich few and on the other side the many poor who hunger to be rich.

So, the harsh truth is, despite religion, so many people are a reflection of this world and yet many of them expect to one day step into heaven; they are unaware that first of all, they have to be a reflection of heaven or at least strive to.

In order to do this, they have to shed who they are of this world like an old skin that have built up over the ages, generation after generation.    They have to step right out of it to become reborn like a newborn baby.

How easy is it to step away from one’s old self, born to be of this world, heavy laiden by one’s own inheritance?

How easy is it to give people eyes to see that other world where God’s people live to SHINE OUT to create space where there is light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest in reality?    Once we can invisage that other world, then we become aware how we have to be born again; there is no other way.

We cannot step into The BEAUTY of LIFE when we are a reflection of this world, that is so close to what exists against it.    The very layers of sin that can load us down is what connects us to MINUS who no one has eyes to see, for if they did, they would jump out of their skin in horror.

But as one needs eyes to see The BEAUTY of LIFE, God they also need eyes to see MINUS so that they can see how they are complete opposites for as God is LOVE, MINUS is hate and as God is peace, MINUS is war, as God is generosity, MINUS is selfishness, as God is morality, MINUS is immorality, as God is justice, MINUS is injustice, as God is truth, MINUS is lies, as God is purity, MINUS is corruption, as God is liberation, MINUS is oppression, as God is bliss, MINUS is suffering and as God is heaven, MINUS is hell.

They both exist as worlds but the question is, what side does this world represent?   

The harsh truth reveals the reason why we need to be reborn even though it may be difficult for many people to understand.   But the truth is, we need to step away from who MINUS wants us to be so that we become who God wants us to be so that we become a reflection of his world who shines out against MINUS.   This is when we look back out ourselves and see a stranger.

But how can we reach that stage?  The answer is Christ who is our biggest weapon against MINUS even though many people don’t want to believe it.   But Christ came to this world with a purpose which he had fulfilled through his suffering, death and resurrection since all those things had been on our behalf to gain the power to forgive us for all our sins when we turn to him and repent in earnest; in other words Christ has the power to strip away all the layers of our sin that anchor us to this world since Christ is the son of God, however hard that may be for many people to truly believe but due to who he is, this is why he now has the power to forgive us and why he is our biggest weapon against MINUS.

Through Christ, we then gain the understanding to be a reflection of HIS world instead of THIS world that is filled with so many people who MINUS can live in comfortably even though it hates us all.   

It is the voice of temptation to lead us astray.   It will boil our blood with hatred and rage; it will fill our hearts with greed; it will turn us against each other and create mayhem and destruction.   

It is there to fill us with needs that exist against The BEAUTY of LIFE, needs like the need to be immoral or the need to overindulge; the need to hate and the need for vengeance.   it will puff us up to be so self-righteous and judgemental against who we feel are wrong.    

It wants the rich to be spoilt so that they are the least who are worthy of The BEAUTY of LIFE, to form a huge irony against their life.   MINUS wants to have the last laugh knowing how the rich fuel the ill balance where it lives.

If we all had the full understanding, then we would see how being a reflection of this world is what enables MINUS to live.    

Even humanity’s insensitivity towards the welfare of animals and the planet is a terrible reflection of this world that is so close to MINUS who has no heart.   But if we were able to see how our brutalisation of animals is a reflection of MINUS who is death and suffering, we would see how the eating meat can truly be a reflection of this world..    

Therefore, the harsh truth is, so many people eat meat through MINUS’s heartlessness; all they care about is satisfying their hunger for meat; unaware that such a hunger is for death and yet  MINUS is death; it is suffering AND death; therefore, the eating of meat can be like partaking of MINUS itself.

Separation oneself from all the brutality that lays behind the production of meat, can form a part of becoming a reflection of God’s world; where we gain a heart to truly love animals that forms a part of creation space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest.   The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest within a river of blood.

This means that in order to fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE, our very appetite has to change to become smaller and more mindful, not just the things we do but what we eat.   

What we should be aware of is that MINUS exists as pure mindless hunger but for creation; it has an inward flow that sucks inwards via a vacuum; it is like a huge black hole; in other words it is a VOID.    It is what it is and it is whipped up in a frenzy to feed but it can only feed upon what lacks the light to SHINE OUT against it.   It is a destroyer; it would feed upon everything so that there is no creation if it were not for the power of God.

Within The BIG picture where there are many worlds and this world is a world that is close to MINUS which means it is close to its vacuum which is why this world is hell in so many places and why so many people instill hell.   It explains why so many people are so wicked and so immoral, so dishonest, so selfish, so vulgar and crude.   

It forms a harsh truth within the BIG picture where reality plays out based upon a reflection of worlds.   As there are worlds so close to The BEAUTY of LIFE that is able to manifest itself in all its beauty; there are worlds like earth filled with so many people who would do anything to have the BEAUTY of LIFE but without shining out against MINUS who is hell, instead they are in with it.    

There is so much greed and selfishness that reflects MINUS; not many people are able to love as God would have us love; instead there is a love of SELF…   Babies starve and die as other people have babies of their own who they love with all their heart.   People are together but NOT together instead there is a VOID between us.

People age and wither so fast that reflects MINUS; it is the cause of all sicknesses and death and yet it leads to a paradox since despite our need for cures, MINUS serves us based upon how we are a reflection of this world which forms a catch-22 situation.   

We are not able to see how young people remain in those worlds where they are a reflection of The BEAUTY of LIFE; MINUS is not able to wither them with age, instead they grow more beautiful in time; time is not their enemy; they don’t have to fear death.    

But in this world, MINUS is on a rampage to reveal how close this world is to it.   It is able to live through our disobedience against God who loves us and yet we are here instead of up there.  Despite how much we may love our life, we are down here with MINUS!

Even if we are having the best of times, it does not change the fact about where this world sits within the BIG picture.   

It is ironic that if the people of God’s Kingdom where here in this world, with all their beauty, they would focus upon SHINING OUT against MINUS since they exist against it unlike so many people of this world, many of whom are enslaved by MINUS which means they work long hours that barely leave any time for them to have a life; as the rich few spend money like water.   They want to be the rich few but then there wouldn’t be the rich few.

Since the world is run by financial enslavement, it wouldn’t be workable for there to be more than the rich few anyway, since capitalism is fuelled by the poor; the more the merrier.   The very roof over many people’s heads enslave them which reflects how removed they are from The BEAUTY of LIFE that is a world where everyone is FREE.

Therefore, we are our own worst enemy based upon being a reflection of this world when ultimately, we are designed for The BEAUTY of LIFE not hell….    A huge task lies ahead for us all to change when we decide to become reborn and follow that narrow path that Christ had laid out for us to follow……….. when we believe in him...

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