Friday 23 June 2017

Our worth through the love of God

From the moment a child is born, their is the love of the child’s mouth who love shines upon the shine to create space and light.   The aim is for the light to shine out brightly so that the child can grow up safely and have enough room to learn and discover the best way to face life.

Throughout the ages, the love of one’s mouth has been a light that has shone out people’s lives to create space and light and through the love one’s one’s mouth, one is able to gain a sense of worth.

What we may not be aware of is the love of God who loves us all since God is love and he not only has the power to give life to all creation, his life can shine out so that there is eternal life.   This means that through the love of God, his love shines out beyond infinity far more powerful than the love of one’s own mother who only has the power to give us life through flesh whereas God has the power to give us life through the spirit that is eternal.   

Therefore God’s aim is for us to never die and for us to have The BEAUTY of LIFE.   But in order for our worth to be defined by God, we have to live above the love of even of our own mother so that our worth is defined  through God with the understanding that God is not just life but The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against what exists against it which is MINUS.

It is so easy for us to define our worth based upon the level this world is on which is MINUS.  Everything costs, so many things come at a price.   If you want to have The BEAUTY of LIFE, you have to pay for it…  Despite reaching an advance level, far above living in the wild there is still MINUS who exists as a deficit.   The BEAUTY of LIFE does not define the world, MINUS does which means that ultimately it is in control whether we like it or not.

If you happen to be born in the wrong part of the world, or had a chance of making it but hadn’t capitalised upon your opportunity, MINUS can be there waiting to define your worth.    You hadn’t discovered TIA (Talent, interest and ability)  that shines out above money so you end up in a job that takes up the crux of your adult life and yet you hate your job or just tolerate it; it’s not what you truly want to do with your life….   Since your job takes up the crux of your adult life, it means that MINUS controls most of your adult life and yet it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.    

It may be hard to imagine God who IS The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against so many things that MINUS lives through like financial enslavement.   You may not even have a love for God, or any interest in God; all you truly want to do is enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE with your family and other people you may love.

We may look at certain religious people who raise their hands up to God and feel disgusted by the notion of religion as you think ‘look at how all those hellraisers are raising their hands up to God.  What kind of God produces people like that?’

You may think that such people represent God; they form a smokescreen against who God truly is, who exists as a world that shines out against all those hellraisers…    You don’t want to define your worth through God because you think God is behind all those hellraisers…    

The reality shines out against such a belief since God is Love whose love shines out to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE so that the true nature of our worth is removed from MINUS.

Therefore, when we live to justify the love of God, this is when we then have the need to SHINE OUT against MINUS too so that we live to create space and light.   Even if it is a struggle since this world is so close to MINUS who wants to live through our life even though it hates us and is our worst enemy.   

Nevertheless, it wants to define who we are as people.    MINUS wants us to be immoral, selfish, vain, judgemental, vulgar, violent, lazy, filthy, dishonest, greedy, weak, etc since it knows that God is the opposite to all those things and it knows that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE.    

MINUS wants to rob us of The BEAUTY of LIFE so that our life is caught in a struggle against it.   It wants the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer so that the life of the poor is defined by the rich; in other words, it wants life to be defined by MONEY.  As the rich spend money like water, the extreme poor struggle to find clean water to drink and food to eat.

MINUS is able to live through the rich and the poor, defining their worth away from God.   The rich look down at the poor and think they have made it and the poor look up at the rich and covet them.   They hunger for what lays in the hands of MINUS.    

Neither of them may define their worth through God but through money.   The rich think they are blessed as the poor think they are cursed.

And yet within the picture there is God who loves the rich the same as he love the poor.  Royalty has no greater claim upon the love of God over a tramp.   A holy angel of God may walk pass royalty to greet an old lady who had spent most of her adult life as a nobody.   

The holy angel of God greets the old lady warmly as if she is an old friend; the angel is so delighted to meet her for she has a beautiful spirit that had shone out to create space and light.   She is a kindly grandmother who dotes on her grandchildren.  She had brought her children up to SHINE OUT…     She is astonished to be so warmly greeted by an angel of God who tells her that he looks forward to seeing her again; he knows that she will be welcomed in his world and he is so happy through the love of God.   

The angel of God has so much power; he knows all the winning jackpot numbers of all the lottery games.   Many people would love to know the angel to get the winning numbers, unaware that the true nature of winning is through the love of God who exists above MINUS and a need for money.

We can look up at the wealthy feeling that they have made it and not be aware that we can only make it through the love of God whose love exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS and its raging hate against creation.

Therefore, despite our circumstances, caught up in a struggle to survive, we should know that God exists as a world who has the power to shine out against such struggles within infinity; in other words God in bliss beyond what we can imagine.    You would not be able to withstand the full measure of God’s love that would turn you senseless with the most beautiful feeling.  

Such a reality can be hidden in a world so steeped in MINUS who wants us to focus our attention upon money, thinking that it has the power to define our worth and yet look at how the pharaohs of old had left behind their great wealth that they wanted to take into their afterlife.

So many slaves had been whipped, forced to build the great pyramids; their life had been deemed nothing; their life had not been defined by the love of God as they slaved to secure a tomb for the pharaohs who wanted to protect their wealth from robbers.

But who is the robber; the answer is MINUS who knows that as we may wither and turn to dust our soul can SHINE OUT against it so that we live on through the love of God.    We thus leave behind all fears governed by MINUS to know that we are removed from death and withering with age, instead our full worth is defined by God so that our existence is based upon a huge victory for the whole purpose of creation which is God.   


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