Thursday 22 June 2017


If there was one word that would sum up life on this planet, the word would be survival.    The need for survival is what has shaped life as has been the driving force since the beginning of time, but survival against what?  The answer is death and what is death?  The answer is MINUS.

It is hard to imagine life not governed by a need to survive against MINUS and yet our need for survival can mask the fact that what we truly need to do is to SHINE OUT against it which is the basis of creation since in the beginning there was light…

The whole mindset of SHINING OUT against MINUS differs from one’s effort to survive against it, since SHINING out involves a reverse in polarity e.g. to love instead of hate since MINUS is hate, to be fair and honest instead of being unfair and deceitful.    To SHINE OUT is to be generous instead of selfish, peace loving instead of being a warmonger and to be moral instead of immoral.

The aim is to cancel MINUS out by a reverse polarity so that like God there is light that creates space for creation.   Through shining out, there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE away from the struggle to survive.

In years gone past, there has been so many battles, so many conquerors, so many wars and even today, the world is not removed from war; there are nations in the throes of wars, where The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest since life is so caught up with MINUS who exists as a VOID.    Swarms of people flee from such nations, since they want to survive and enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet flee to other nations filled with people who also want to survive but without the mindset to SHINE OUT against MINUS.

Everyone wants to survive but without SHINING OUT; everyone wants a slice of the cake but without the heart to truly share which is why there are laws and legislations where a system is in place where people are forced to give something through having to pay taxes.

If everyone was like God who is light that exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS, no one would be forced to have to pay taxes, they would all be more than happy to pay as part of who they are as people.

It forms an irony that the true basis of life is not survival but SHINING OUT where one gains such a separation from MINUS one no longer belong in a world based upon survival but with The BEAUTY of LIFE - God.   

One of the major things that survival has been based upon throughout the ages and that is eating meat and yet to eat meat is to eat death that is MINUS.   But it would say………..  YES EAT MEAT TO SURVIVE AND FILL YOUR BELLY WITH MEAT - HUNGER FOR MEAT EACH DAY - DO NOT EVEN STOP TO THINK ABOUT DEATH, JUST THINK ABOUT YOUR SURVIVAL.

In other words, MINUS wants people to be so caught up with their own survival, they don’t even care about the suffering of animals during slaughter.   All it wants them to think about is their appetite but they are unaware that MINUS lives through suffering and death since it is MINUS and it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

During humanity's evolution when we were no more than apes, we lacked intelligence to think past a need to survive; humanity were not ready to SHINE OUT.    But as time passed, we have evolved physically and mentally and yet there is still a need to continue evolving but on a spiritual level so that we become like God who exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS which is why God is LIFE and not only that The BEAUTY of LIFE which means that through God there is no death or suffering.

The basis of shining out creates a world where life is above a mere need to survive; so that life is no longer all about MINUS, instead life is about God.

A young man named Adam left school with no education; the schooling system had let him down; he hadn’t figured out what he wanted to do with his life and he lacked the motivation to study.   He didn’t see the point in passing exams.    All he knows is that his parents hate their jobs and yet they are out working from 9 to 5:30 5 days per week, virtually every week of the year and yet they still struggle to make ends meet.

A few months back, they feared they were going to be made homeless because they fell behind on mortgage payments.  Adam’s mother works as a cleaner and his father works as a lorry driver but he got made redundant and he found it hard to get another job.    There are so many people on the job market going after the same jobs.   His Father finally managed to get another job but he has to work nights which means he has to sleep during the day.    

Adam fears ending up like his parents; but after leaving school he found himself with  no prospects.   He had to sign on at the Jobcentre and he hated every minute of it, including the grim atmosphere.   He hated having to speak to a job advisor who made it clear he had to be actively seeking a job or else he won’t get any financial allowance.    He only stuck to the appointment because of the money.

He forced himself to look for work but his heart wasn’t in it but he had to show proof that he was looking for a job.   One day he was invited to an interview in an insurance firm who needed an office boy.   Adam’s eyes were dim during the interview because he wanted the money but didn’t want the job.   On his way to the interview room he saw the drab office and his heart sank like a stone.   He didn’t want to work in that dull office but his Mum was pressuring him to get a job which made him feel like hell.

Some part of him wondered why he had been born since he hated his life but he was determined to survive - somehow, what else could he do?    He knew that he needed to get a distance away from MINUS and yet MINUS was going to get him anyway like it got his parents who both hated their jobs but had to do it to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table.

Some of his friends sell drugs in order to survive and he found himself wondering whether he should join them but he fears getting caught and going to jail; he didn’t think he could survive in jail.   He didn’t want to get into crime in order to survive but he didn’t want a boring 9 to 5:30 job either.

He had to figure something out and soon because he didn’t want to have to return to the jobcentre.

Adam is just one of many disenchanted youths who find themselves on the scrap heap.   They all want to survive in a world filled with other people who also want to survive but without SHINING OUT against MINUS.   The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest in reality so that there is space and light.   Most people only care about themselves and their own family.

A young couple live in a poverty stricken country.   Young children rummage around on rubbish tips in search of food or anything they can sell.   The children want to survive and so does the young couple.    Instead of helping the children to survive, the young couple decide to have a child of their own since they don’t care about those other children who are not their own.

A love of one’s own blood fuels a mass birthing frenzy where there is no space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest.

Wealth is steeped in a huge ill balance between the rich and the poor that exists as space where there is NO light, instead there is a huge VOID that is MINUS.   The nation is steeped in a struggle to survive; everyone has to work and labour is CHEAP.  Capitalism is able to have a field day but harshly.   Many workers are forced to work in hellish conditions but instead of fleeing those hell holes, they continue working for they want to survive; they need the money even though they have to work until sun up til sun-down.    MINUS has them in its grip, they are all so removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.

I have done my share of boring jobs when I rued every second of the day and yet when I walked out of the office at the end of my working day, I felt like a bird who had sprouted wings who could fly; I WAS FREE at least until the next day.   At least I was able to go home; I had to be thankful for small mercies; MINUS could not keep me in that job forever.   

I have always felt that it is harsh having to work only for the money since to do so means that one is completely financially enslaved by MINUS and yet most people only work for the money and hate their jobs; if they became rich, the first thing they would do is resign and then focus on enjoying The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet they are not like God and his Holy Angels who live to SHINE OUT against MINUS which forms a catch-22 situation, since without God, there is MINUS who exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.  


Only a few people among the masses, love their jobs above money.   After a full day at work, many people are able to go home, prepare dinner and then watch television for the rest of the evening.   They see more interesting things on TV than what goes on in their own life.   They can at least tune in and tune out to not think about their own life steeped in a mere need to survive.

They cannot imagine worlds so close to God where life is all about The BEAUTY of LIFE where people live to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   No one has to do jobs they hate since no one is financially enslaved; what’s more, there is no need for money since there is no MINUS…

They are like God and live to fulfil God’s purpose which is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

So on one side there is a world filled with people whose existence is based upon survival of the fittest and on the other side there is a world filled with people who life is based upon shining out.  Who is stronger?   

If we were to swap worlds, their world would be turned into this world and our world would be turned into their world.

If we discovered a way to enter their world where we see fertile ground that we could have for ourselves and our children how would the citizens of that other world stop us from taking over; the answer is God who has a world of his own for his people which means that God not only SHINES OUT against MINUS, God also shines out against people who do not SHINE OUT against MINUS which means that we can only enter his world when we become like God.   

In other words, despite our vast intelligence and our ability to survive, this world is always in a battle for survival; it’s always about MINUS in one way or another that forges all life, not just humans to become stronger but in many ways, we are chasing our own tail away from an infinity of higher intelligence that is able to look down at how we struggle instead of SHINE OUT.   

As we build, MINUS is always there wanting to smash it down; as we seek life, it seeks our death; as we seek happiness, it seeks our misery; as we seek to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE, it wants us to experience hell.   

If ever there was something to SHINE OUT against, MINUS is it and yet so many people have not spiritually evolved to understand this.    They don’t live to be a weapon against their own worst enemy by living against how it wants them to be.   This leads to many people becoming their own worst enemy.

And yet we have in our favour the fact that God loves us and wants to save us and yet it is a huge task based upon how we need to change the very fabric of who we are to reverse its polarity.   The basis of this is to be BORN AGAIN…so that the mechanism of our spirit turns clockwise with a need to SHINE OUT.   We thus, head away from MINUS and its need for us to be caught in a perpetual struggle to survive;  if it’s not one thing it’s another…   MINUS always gives us something to fear; how precious can we truly feel with it breathing down our necks?

But when we become like God and exist to SHINE OUT this is when MINUS will have cause to fear knowing that it will no longer have space to live and manifest itself in reality; it will be cancelled out of existence where it only has itself to feed upon and nothing to sustain it.


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