Sunday 25 June 2017

Look at me

There are so many things that define this world and one of them is based upon the position of where this world within the BIG picture and why we are here and not up there.

One of the main aspect of why we are here in this world is how we fit in by the natural course of our birth right when all those years ago Adam and Eve had fallen to a place fraught with a need for us to learn so that ultimately when we hear a voice say ‘Look at me’ we know to look upwards at God who pertains to that higher place free from all ills that define this world.

Look at me, I am God, The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against MINUS, a VOID that is a place of nothingness and LESS than nothingness.   

But we live in a world where so many other voices can be heard that says ‘Look at me’.   One of the loudest voices that is heard is the voice of fallen Eve whose mindset is to gain attention so that she has the power to tempt one’s attention away from God himself.   Therefore she may say ‘Look at me - look at my body, look at its desirable shape, look at my pert bottom and my huge…...   She is so preoccupied in being an object of desire because it is how she gains her power.

As all eyes turn to look at her, their eyes turn away from God to justify why they are here in this world that is so close to MINUS.  Fallen Eve represents this world of the fallen; she is who she is and yet it is a task to see her for who she truly is, so that when God says ‘Look at me’ one has the mindset to look upwards.   

As one looks upwards, there is the mindset to RESIST fallen Eve so that when she says ‘Look at me’ there is no interest to look.   There is no point in being preoccupied in covering her up in order to hide from one’s own task of being able to RESIST her.    

Fallen Eve can also become risen Eve and then she would have the mindset to dress beautifully but appropriately so that she can shine out and be beautiful but without serving MINUS whose aim it is to tempt people into sin.   

On one side there is God who says ‘Look at me’ but on the other side there is MINUS who says ‘Look at me’.   But by the nature of the level that this world it on, so many people only have ears to hear MINUS.    There are so many people who don’t have the ears to hear God, they are too busy trying to get on with their life and have a nice life.   

It forms an irony since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who has the power to completely shine out against MINUS which is why God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE, which means that through God there is no sickness and suffering, no withering with age, no financial enslavement and no death.  

One is able to live life without the fear of MINUS and enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE without MINUS there to take it all away through death.  

The irony is that so many people seek The BEAUTY of LIFE without having ears to hear The BEAUTY of LIFE since they are so wound up with MINUS who also offers The BEAUTY of LIFE but through money.   

Hunger for it, be willing to do anything FOR it.

People are unaware that through God there is no need for money in order to have The BEAUTY of LIFE for God’s power shines out against MINUS the deficit who lives through the ill balance between the rich and the poor; no one can truly have TBL through MINUS, neither the rich or the poor since MINUS exists against TBL.   It would see the rich spending money like water as the poor starve.

When we have ears to hear God, we would hear how he wants us to become beautiful of spirit where we live to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   Wheels within our spirit would turn clockwise against anti clockwise wheels like the wheel immorality, dishonesty, greed and hate.

As we look upwards we have eyes to see another world filled with beautiful spirits where there is no need to fear; no doors have to be locked and barred against such people, instead your door can be left wide open where they come in to bless your life with their presence.   

You will see how their world is filled with people who have talents that shine out in their life and in their world.   None of them are financially enslaved by MINUS since their world is based upon SHINING OUT against it;

Their world has great height away from MINUS’s  gravitational pull that is there to suck people in so that their polarity is the opposite to God’s; people can become like monsters when they have a depth within the VOID where they can easily hear the voice of MINUS saying ‘Look at me’.  

MINUS is able to say ‘Look at me’ through so many things in this world, like Fallen Eve and money.  

But sometimes it is OK to look at certain aspects of this world that has a very loud voice that says ‘LOOK AT ME’ through having a very powerful presence in this world.   

One such power is the power of celebrities but if we are to look, we have to make sure that we don’t look up too high by making oneself too small; look up only to a mention through having eyes to look up to God who is who truly loves us and wants to save us from MINUS.    Through God, we can shine out like a star through having the most beautiful spirit; we can pertain to that higher place so removed from the ill balance that so many celebrities live through.

We have to be careful who we look up to in this world, based upon the level this world is on; through God we are able to put things in perspective and not lower ourselves.   

There was a man who was so famous, people tried to touch him as if he was Jesus and had the power to heal.   This sums up a world where there are masses of people who don’t have ears to hear God say ‘Look at me’ since they have made themselves so small but looking up at other things.

We have to be mindful that we have ears to hear God above all other things, even our own family and culture; social group and society itself.    This world can besiege our ears with so many voices saying ‘Look at me’.

But as I had written earlier,  there are two most powerful voices, and one of them is Fallen Eve who even uses music as a tool to say ‘Look at me’ to pass on this subliminal sexual message.   

The second loudest voice is the voice of money who says ‘Look at me…….. Look at all the things you can buy, look at all the things you can do through me.’.

Both voices say ‘Want me…… DESIRE ME’.    

The voices can be heard so loudly that the voice of God is not heard, instead the voice of MINUS is heard.  Want SEX and want MONEY.   




All the while there is God who exists as a world that defines the meaning of the word abundance where no one has to hunger with a feeling of emptiness and unfulfillment, instead there is a feeling joy and excitement, like being a child again; there are so many things to look forward that makes life truly worth living.   

And yet God’s world has such a height away from so many things that define this world which many people love.    

If you were to show them God, would they truly want God or would they want what MINUS has to offer?   The truth is, there are many people in this world who want both.   Like people who go to church but still live in sin.    Yes, they want God; they love God but they also want MINUS.   They hear God but also hear MINUS.   They don’t truly want to SHINE OUT against MINUS because they desire MINUS.   They can’t exist against what they desire.   Instead they might be caught up in a struggle against it for as it seeks to draw them near, they fight against their own desire for it.   

But in that higher place, there are people who have disdain for it and disgust; they all exist against it which is why they are in that higher place; they hate sin knowing that it is MINUS therefore, MINUS has no space to live in their world since it is filled with space and light which is why The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest.    MINUS’s voice cannot be heard as it says ‘Look at me’.    Look at me?   If they think about it they feel horrified by thoughts of it.

If they were able to look down at this world, they would understand why it is in such a state, since so many people are looking at MINUS and not in disgust; they hear and it and like what they hear; see it and like what they see.   Be violent and a woman lashes out like a crazy woman.   She had not heard God say ‘peace be still’.

And yet, I have to give this world some credit for if everyone were to hear MINUS and truly love what they hear, this world would be nothing but a war zone; everyone would be slaughtering each other; no one would love anyone, all there would be is a raging hate against creation.   So many people do not hear MINUS when it says ‘Go on a killing rampage’ since there is so much light that shines out against MINUS being heard.   

Many people do not hear MINUS say ‘why don’t you just kill yourself’ since so much lights shines out against them destroying themselves.     

So many people hear their own voice in a world that is close to MINUS and yet this world is not hell which is why there are many people in this world who are good.   There are many people who are held at bay by their fear of law enforcement but there are many people who wouldn’t commit crime anyway.

The point I am making is that MINUS is there to say ‘Look at me’ as a VOID that exists against creation which means it is a destroyer.   So many people are looking upwards to a mention to mark a world that is level one; just one step away from purgatory where people live but have no life and one further step down that is MINUS - death and beyond that countless levels that are a living death that is hell itself.  

Within who we are as people we can hear the voice of God who says ‘Look at me’ don’t sin…. SHINE OUT AGAINST SIN….   And we can open ourselves up to hear how he wants us to transform and become a beautiful spirit.

But also within who we are as people we can hear the voice of MINUS who says Look at me…. Commit sin…. Think about sin…..desire sin…. Only care about yourself and your family; don’t care about anyone else, they don’t care about you.

There are even many people who call themselves religious who are listening to the voice of MINUS who is their counsel.    I am sure there are even many elders who give counsel to others but through listening to the voice of MINUS who at one stage in their life had said ‘Look at me’ and they had turned to look, thinking that MINUS is God.   

Some people don’t know the difference between God and MINUS.   Some part of them must want MINUS to be God or else they wouldn’t be so misguided.    We are meant to know the difference between right and wrong but only the people who truly want to look at MINUS can become fully misguided to think that it is God.   They want the comfort of knowing that God justifies their evil ways.

One of the things that define this world is how when a voice says ‘Look at me’ many people look in the mirror at themselves to mark how what they truly love is SELF -  they don’t truly want to look at God, not unless God will serve them.   If God were to open his door for them to step into The BEAUTY of LIFE, then they will look at God as their servant.

So, the task is for them to turn their eyes away from the mirror so that they can look upwards to see the beauty of God; they cannot see the beauty of God as they look in the mirror; all they will see is how they will wither and turn to dust.   

Therefore, vanity and SELF is what can lead people into looking at MINUS who is a raging hate against all creation; it hates them more than they can imagine; it is their worst enemy; the last thing it wants is for them to pertain to The BEAUTY of LIFE; it wants them to continue looking in the mirror.

Therefore, when we hear the voice ‘look at me’ we have to make sure that it is the voice of God that we hear, the voice of love whose love has the power to SHINE OUT and cancel out hate as our own spirit SHINES OUT through pertaining to The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Friday 23 June 2017

Our worth through the love of God

From the moment a child is born, their is the love of the child’s mouth who love shines upon the shine to create space and light.   The aim is for the light to shine out brightly so that the child can grow up safely and have enough room to learn and discover the best way to face life.

Throughout the ages, the love of one’s mouth has been a light that has shone out people’s lives to create space and light and through the love one’s one’s mouth, one is able to gain a sense of worth.

What we may not be aware of is the love of God who loves us all since God is love and he not only has the power to give life to all creation, his life can shine out so that there is eternal life.   This means that through the love of God, his love shines out beyond infinity far more powerful than the love of one’s own mother who only has the power to give us life through flesh whereas God has the power to give us life through the spirit that is eternal.   

Therefore God’s aim is for us to never die and for us to have The BEAUTY of LIFE.   But in order for our worth to be defined by God, we have to live above the love of even of our own mother so that our worth is defined  through God with the understanding that God is not just life but The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against what exists against it which is MINUS.

It is so easy for us to define our worth based upon the level this world is on which is MINUS.  Everything costs, so many things come at a price.   If you want to have The BEAUTY of LIFE, you have to pay for it…  Despite reaching an advance level, far above living in the wild there is still MINUS who exists as a deficit.   The BEAUTY of LIFE does not define the world, MINUS does which means that ultimately it is in control whether we like it or not.

If you happen to be born in the wrong part of the world, or had a chance of making it but hadn’t capitalised upon your opportunity, MINUS can be there waiting to define your worth.    You hadn’t discovered TIA (Talent, interest and ability)  that shines out above money so you end up in a job that takes up the crux of your adult life and yet you hate your job or just tolerate it; it’s not what you truly want to do with your life….   Since your job takes up the crux of your adult life, it means that MINUS controls most of your adult life and yet it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.    

It may be hard to imagine God who IS The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against so many things that MINUS lives through like financial enslavement.   You may not even have a love for God, or any interest in God; all you truly want to do is enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE with your family and other people you may love.

We may look at certain religious people who raise their hands up to God and feel disgusted by the notion of religion as you think ‘look at how all those hellraisers are raising their hands up to God.  What kind of God produces people like that?’

You may think that such people represent God; they form a smokescreen against who God truly is, who exists as a world that shines out against all those hellraisers…    You don’t want to define your worth through God because you think God is behind all those hellraisers…    

The reality shines out against such a belief since God is Love whose love shines out to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE so that the true nature of our worth is removed from MINUS.

Therefore, when we live to justify the love of God, this is when we then have the need to SHINE OUT against MINUS too so that we live to create space and light.   Even if it is a struggle since this world is so close to MINUS who wants to live through our life even though it hates us and is our worst enemy.   

Nevertheless, it wants to define who we are as people.    MINUS wants us to be immoral, selfish, vain, judgemental, vulgar, violent, lazy, filthy, dishonest, greedy, weak, etc since it knows that God is the opposite to all those things and it knows that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE.    

MINUS wants to rob us of The BEAUTY of LIFE so that our life is caught in a struggle against it.   It wants the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer so that the life of the poor is defined by the rich; in other words, it wants life to be defined by MONEY.  As the rich spend money like water, the extreme poor struggle to find clean water to drink and food to eat.

MINUS is able to live through the rich and the poor, defining their worth away from God.   The rich look down at the poor and think they have made it and the poor look up at the rich and covet them.   They hunger for what lays in the hands of MINUS.    

Neither of them may define their worth through God but through money.   The rich think they are blessed as the poor think they are cursed.

And yet within the picture there is God who loves the rich the same as he love the poor.  Royalty has no greater claim upon the love of God over a tramp.   A holy angel of God may walk pass royalty to greet an old lady who had spent most of her adult life as a nobody.   

The holy angel of God greets the old lady warmly as if she is an old friend; the angel is so delighted to meet her for she has a beautiful spirit that had shone out to create space and light.   She is a kindly grandmother who dotes on her grandchildren.  She had brought her children up to SHINE OUT…     She is astonished to be so warmly greeted by an angel of God who tells her that he looks forward to seeing her again; he knows that she will be welcomed in his world and he is so happy through the love of God.   

The angel of God has so much power; he knows all the winning jackpot numbers of all the lottery games.   Many people would love to know the angel to get the winning numbers, unaware that the true nature of winning is through the love of God who exists above MINUS and a need for money.

We can look up at the wealthy feeling that they have made it and not be aware that we can only make it through the love of God whose love exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS and its raging hate against creation.

Therefore, despite our circumstances, caught up in a struggle to survive, we should know that God exists as a world who has the power to shine out against such struggles within infinity; in other words God in bliss beyond what we can imagine.    You would not be able to withstand the full measure of God’s love that would turn you senseless with the most beautiful feeling.  

Such a reality can be hidden in a world so steeped in MINUS who wants us to focus our attention upon money, thinking that it has the power to define our worth and yet look at how the pharaohs of old had left behind their great wealth that they wanted to take into their afterlife.

So many slaves had been whipped, forced to build the great pyramids; their life had been deemed nothing; their life had not been defined by the love of God as they slaved to secure a tomb for the pharaohs who wanted to protect their wealth from robbers.

But who is the robber; the answer is MINUS who knows that as we may wither and turn to dust our soul can SHINE OUT against it so that we live on through the love of God.    We thus leave behind all fears governed by MINUS to know that we are removed from death and withering with age, instead our full worth is defined by God so that our existence is based upon a huge victory for the whole purpose of creation which is God.   


Thursday 22 June 2017


If there was one word that would sum up life on this planet, the word would be survival.    The need for survival is what has shaped life as has been the driving force since the beginning of time, but survival against what?  The answer is death and what is death?  The answer is MINUS.

It is hard to imagine life not governed by a need to survive against MINUS and yet our need for survival can mask the fact that what we truly need to do is to SHINE OUT against it which is the basis of creation since in the beginning there was light…

The whole mindset of SHINING OUT against MINUS differs from one’s effort to survive against it, since SHINING out involves a reverse in polarity e.g. to love instead of hate since MINUS is hate, to be fair and honest instead of being unfair and deceitful.    To SHINE OUT is to be generous instead of selfish, peace loving instead of being a warmonger and to be moral instead of immoral.

The aim is to cancel MINUS out by a reverse polarity so that like God there is light that creates space for creation.   Through shining out, there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE away from the struggle to survive.

In years gone past, there has been so many battles, so many conquerors, so many wars and even today, the world is not removed from war; there are nations in the throes of wars, where The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest since life is so caught up with MINUS who exists as a VOID.    Swarms of people flee from such nations, since they want to survive and enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet flee to other nations filled with people who also want to survive but without the mindset to SHINE OUT against MINUS.

Everyone wants to survive but without SHINING OUT; everyone wants a slice of the cake but without the heart to truly share which is why there are laws and legislations where a system is in place where people are forced to give something through having to pay taxes.

If everyone was like God who is light that exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS, no one would be forced to have to pay taxes, they would all be more than happy to pay as part of who they are as people.

It forms an irony that the true basis of life is not survival but SHINING OUT where one gains such a separation from MINUS one no longer belong in a world based upon survival but with The BEAUTY of LIFE - God.   

One of the major things that survival has been based upon throughout the ages and that is eating meat and yet to eat meat is to eat death that is MINUS.   But it would say………..  YES EAT MEAT TO SURVIVE AND FILL YOUR BELLY WITH MEAT - HUNGER FOR MEAT EACH DAY - DO NOT EVEN STOP TO THINK ABOUT DEATH, JUST THINK ABOUT YOUR SURVIVAL.

In other words, MINUS wants people to be so caught up with their own survival, they don’t even care about the suffering of animals during slaughter.   All it wants them to think about is their appetite but they are unaware that MINUS lives through suffering and death since it is MINUS and it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

During humanity's evolution when we were no more than apes, we lacked intelligence to think past a need to survive; humanity were not ready to SHINE OUT.    But as time passed, we have evolved physically and mentally and yet there is still a need to continue evolving but on a spiritual level so that we become like God who exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS which is why God is LIFE and not only that The BEAUTY of LIFE which means that through God there is no death or suffering.

The basis of shining out creates a world where life is above a mere need to survive; so that life is no longer all about MINUS, instead life is about God.

A young man named Adam left school with no education; the schooling system had let him down; he hadn’t figured out what he wanted to do with his life and he lacked the motivation to study.   He didn’t see the point in passing exams.    All he knows is that his parents hate their jobs and yet they are out working from 9 to 5:30 5 days per week, virtually every week of the year and yet they still struggle to make ends meet.

A few months back, they feared they were going to be made homeless because they fell behind on mortgage payments.  Adam’s mother works as a cleaner and his father works as a lorry driver but he got made redundant and he found it hard to get another job.    There are so many people on the job market going after the same jobs.   His Father finally managed to get another job but he has to work nights which means he has to sleep during the day.    

Adam fears ending up like his parents; but after leaving school he found himself with  no prospects.   He had to sign on at the Jobcentre and he hated every minute of it, including the grim atmosphere.   He hated having to speak to a job advisor who made it clear he had to be actively seeking a job or else he won’t get any financial allowance.    He only stuck to the appointment because of the money.

He forced himself to look for work but his heart wasn’t in it but he had to show proof that he was looking for a job.   One day he was invited to an interview in an insurance firm who needed an office boy.   Adam’s eyes were dim during the interview because he wanted the money but didn’t want the job.   On his way to the interview room he saw the drab office and his heart sank like a stone.   He didn’t want to work in that dull office but his Mum was pressuring him to get a job which made him feel like hell.

Some part of him wondered why he had been born since he hated his life but he was determined to survive - somehow, what else could he do?    He knew that he needed to get a distance away from MINUS and yet MINUS was going to get him anyway like it got his parents who both hated their jobs but had to do it to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table.

Some of his friends sell drugs in order to survive and he found himself wondering whether he should join them but he fears getting caught and going to jail; he didn’t think he could survive in jail.   He didn’t want to get into crime in order to survive but he didn’t want a boring 9 to 5:30 job either.

He had to figure something out and soon because he didn’t want to have to return to the jobcentre.

Adam is just one of many disenchanted youths who find themselves on the scrap heap.   They all want to survive in a world filled with other people who also want to survive but without SHINING OUT against MINUS.   The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest in reality so that there is space and light.   Most people only care about themselves and their own family.

A young couple live in a poverty stricken country.   Young children rummage around on rubbish tips in search of food or anything they can sell.   The children want to survive and so does the young couple.    Instead of helping the children to survive, the young couple decide to have a child of their own since they don’t care about those other children who are not their own.

A love of one’s own blood fuels a mass birthing frenzy where there is no space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest.

Wealth is steeped in a huge ill balance between the rich and the poor that exists as space where there is NO light, instead there is a huge VOID that is MINUS.   The nation is steeped in a struggle to survive; everyone has to work and labour is CHEAP.  Capitalism is able to have a field day but harshly.   Many workers are forced to work in hellish conditions but instead of fleeing those hell holes, they continue working for they want to survive; they need the money even though they have to work until sun up til sun-down.    MINUS has them in its grip, they are all so removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.

I have done my share of boring jobs when I rued every second of the day and yet when I walked out of the office at the end of my working day, I felt like a bird who had sprouted wings who could fly; I WAS FREE at least until the next day.   At least I was able to go home; I had to be thankful for small mercies; MINUS could not keep me in that job forever.   

I have always felt that it is harsh having to work only for the money since to do so means that one is completely financially enslaved by MINUS and yet most people only work for the money and hate their jobs; if they became rich, the first thing they would do is resign and then focus on enjoying The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet they are not like God and his Holy Angels who live to SHINE OUT against MINUS which forms a catch-22 situation, since without God, there is MINUS who exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.  


Only a few people among the masses, love their jobs above money.   After a full day at work, many people are able to go home, prepare dinner and then watch television for the rest of the evening.   They see more interesting things on TV than what goes on in their own life.   They can at least tune in and tune out to not think about their own life steeped in a mere need to survive.

They cannot imagine worlds so close to God where life is all about The BEAUTY of LIFE where people live to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   No one has to do jobs they hate since no one is financially enslaved; what’s more, there is no need for money since there is no MINUS…

They are like God and live to fulfil God’s purpose which is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

So on one side there is a world filled with people whose existence is based upon survival of the fittest and on the other side there is a world filled with people who life is based upon shining out.  Who is stronger?   

If we were to swap worlds, their world would be turned into this world and our world would be turned into their world.

If we discovered a way to enter their world where we see fertile ground that we could have for ourselves and our children how would the citizens of that other world stop us from taking over; the answer is God who has a world of his own for his people which means that God not only SHINES OUT against MINUS, God also shines out against people who do not SHINE OUT against MINUS which means that we can only enter his world when we become like God.   

In other words, despite our vast intelligence and our ability to survive, this world is always in a battle for survival; it’s always about MINUS in one way or another that forges all life, not just humans to become stronger but in many ways, we are chasing our own tail away from an infinity of higher intelligence that is able to look down at how we struggle instead of SHINE OUT.   

As we build, MINUS is always there wanting to smash it down; as we seek life, it seeks our death; as we seek happiness, it seeks our misery; as we seek to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE, it wants us to experience hell.   

If ever there was something to SHINE OUT against, MINUS is it and yet so many people have not spiritually evolved to understand this.    They don’t live to be a weapon against their own worst enemy by living against how it wants them to be.   This leads to many people becoming their own worst enemy.

And yet we have in our favour the fact that God loves us and wants to save us and yet it is a huge task based upon how we need to change the very fabric of who we are to reverse its polarity.   The basis of this is to be BORN AGAIN…so that the mechanism of our spirit turns clockwise with a need to SHINE OUT.   We thus, head away from MINUS and its need for us to be caught in a perpetual struggle to survive;  if it’s not one thing it’s another…   MINUS always gives us something to fear; how precious can we truly feel with it breathing down our necks?

But when we become like God and exist to SHINE OUT this is when MINUS will have cause to fear knowing that it will no longer have space to live and manifest itself in reality; it will be cancelled out of existence where it only has itself to feed upon and nothing to sustain it.


Reflection of a World

One of the things that many people may not be aware of is that God is a world where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE since God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE and yet there are many levels of existence where people are a reflection of their world in one way or another.

If we had eyes to see worlds that reflect God we would then have eyes to see how we need to change in so many ways so that we are no longer a reflection of this world.  It is so easy for people to be religious and yet they are unaware that despite religion they are still a reflection of THIS world that is so close to MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Therefore, among all the religious people who raise their hands up to God, who among them are a reflection of HIS world instead of this world?

We can form masses, where we all stand together as a reflection of this world which means that in order to be a reflection of God’s world we have to set ourselves apart from so many things that reflect this world, to shine out against it.

One of the major things I am aware of is how religion itself can form a smokescreen to mask how so many people are a reflection of this world.   It forms a huge paradox since religion is meant to incite a transformation where people are reborn with the spirit of God so that they live to reflect his world.     But only a few among the masses are a reflection of The BEAUTY of LIFE - God while all the others are a reflection of this world.    

This poses a huge problem since such people are deluded , thinking they are in when they are out; they think they are found when they are lost which means they are more unfortunate than the many people who are non-religious  for at least they know they are out and can one day decide to step in, while so many religious people think they are already in when they are out.

They are happy the way they are and they would happily step into heaven even though they are a reflection of this world that is steep in MINUS.

They don’t have eyes to see the world of God where everyone shines out and are so beautiful; they cannot see how the system is run where The BEAUTY of LIFE can manifest in reality to SHINE OUT against MINUS who has no foothold in that world to live and have life against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

It forms an irony that the citizens of God’s world are natural and down to earth people who look contemporary; they look like the type of people many people would want to hang out with.    They all reflect the beauty of God in who and how they are as people so that God lives within them.

They all reflect The BEAUTY of LIFE which means that through them it is able to manifest; they are a reflection of a world that is God’s world where there is no crime, no selfishness or greed; no immorality; no capitalism; NO HATE, NO VIOLENCE.   There is no dishonesty.      
And since their world is governed by God, The BEAUTY of LIFE, instead of MINUS, there is no need for money which means that there is no ill balance where on one side there is the rich few and on the other side the many poor who hunger to be rich.

So, the harsh truth is, despite religion, so many people are a reflection of this world and yet many of them expect to one day step into heaven; they are unaware that first of all, they have to be a reflection of heaven or at least strive to.

In order to do this, they have to shed who they are of this world like an old skin that have built up over the ages, generation after generation.    They have to step right out of it to become reborn like a newborn baby.

How easy is it to step away from one’s old self, born to be of this world, heavy laiden by one’s own inheritance?

How easy is it to give people eyes to see that other world where God’s people live to SHINE OUT to create space where there is light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest in reality?    Once we can invisage that other world, then we become aware how we have to be born again; there is no other way.

We cannot step into The BEAUTY of LIFE when we are a reflection of this world, that is so close to what exists against it.    The very layers of sin that can load us down is what connects us to MINUS who no one has eyes to see, for if they did, they would jump out of their skin in horror.

But as one needs eyes to see The BEAUTY of LIFE, God they also need eyes to see MINUS so that they can see how they are complete opposites for as God is LOVE, MINUS is hate and as God is peace, MINUS is war, as God is generosity, MINUS is selfishness, as God is morality, MINUS is immorality, as God is justice, MINUS is injustice, as God is truth, MINUS is lies, as God is purity, MINUS is corruption, as God is liberation, MINUS is oppression, as God is bliss, MINUS is suffering and as God is heaven, MINUS is hell.

They both exist as worlds but the question is, what side does this world represent?   

The harsh truth reveals the reason why we need to be reborn even though it may be difficult for many people to understand.   But the truth is, we need to step away from who MINUS wants us to be so that we become who God wants us to be so that we become a reflection of his world who shines out against MINUS.   This is when we look back out ourselves and see a stranger.

But how can we reach that stage?  The answer is Christ who is our biggest weapon against MINUS even though many people don’t want to believe it.   But Christ came to this world with a purpose which he had fulfilled through his suffering, death and resurrection since all those things had been on our behalf to gain the power to forgive us for all our sins when we turn to him and repent in earnest; in other words Christ has the power to strip away all the layers of our sin that anchor us to this world since Christ is the son of God, however hard that may be for many people to truly believe but due to who he is, this is why he now has the power to forgive us and why he is our biggest weapon against MINUS.

Through Christ, we then gain the understanding to be a reflection of HIS world instead of THIS world that is filled with so many people who MINUS can live in comfortably even though it hates us all.   

It is the voice of temptation to lead us astray.   It will boil our blood with hatred and rage; it will fill our hearts with greed; it will turn us against each other and create mayhem and destruction.   

It is there to fill us with needs that exist against The BEAUTY of LIFE, needs like the need to be immoral or the need to overindulge; the need to hate and the need for vengeance.   it will puff us up to be so self-righteous and judgemental against who we feel are wrong.    

It wants the rich to be spoilt so that they are the least who are worthy of The BEAUTY of LIFE, to form a huge irony against their life.   MINUS wants to have the last laugh knowing how the rich fuel the ill balance where it lives.

If we all had the full understanding, then we would see how being a reflection of this world is what enables MINUS to live.    

Even humanity’s insensitivity towards the welfare of animals and the planet is a terrible reflection of this world that is so close to MINUS who has no heart.   But if we were able to see how our brutalisation of animals is a reflection of MINUS who is death and suffering, we would see how the eating meat can truly be a reflection of this world..    

Therefore, the harsh truth is, so many people eat meat through MINUS’s heartlessness; all they care about is satisfying their hunger for meat; unaware that such a hunger is for death and yet  MINUS is death; it is suffering AND death; therefore, the eating of meat can be like partaking of MINUS itself.

Separation oneself from all the brutality that lays behind the production of meat, can form a part of becoming a reflection of God’s world; where we gain a heart to truly love animals that forms a part of creation space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest.   The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest within a river of blood.

This means that in order to fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE, our very appetite has to change to become smaller and more mindful, not just the things we do but what we eat.   

What we should be aware of is that MINUS exists as pure mindless hunger but for creation; it has an inward flow that sucks inwards via a vacuum; it is like a huge black hole; in other words it is a VOID.    It is what it is and it is whipped up in a frenzy to feed but it can only feed upon what lacks the light to SHINE OUT against it.   It is a destroyer; it would feed upon everything so that there is no creation if it were not for the power of God.

Within The BIG picture where there are many worlds and this world is a world that is close to MINUS which means it is close to its vacuum which is why this world is hell in so many places and why so many people instill hell.   It explains why so many people are so wicked and so immoral, so dishonest, so selfish, so vulgar and crude.   

It forms a harsh truth within the BIG picture where reality plays out based upon a reflection of worlds.   As there are worlds so close to The BEAUTY of LIFE that is able to manifest itself in all its beauty; there are worlds like earth filled with so many people who would do anything to have the BEAUTY of LIFE but without shining out against MINUS who is hell, instead they are in with it.    

There is so much greed and selfishness that reflects MINUS; not many people are able to love as God would have us love; instead there is a love of SELF…   Babies starve and die as other people have babies of their own who they love with all their heart.   People are together but NOT together instead there is a VOID between us.

People age and wither so fast that reflects MINUS; it is the cause of all sicknesses and death and yet it leads to a paradox since despite our need for cures, MINUS serves us based upon how we are a reflection of this world which forms a catch-22 situation.   

We are not able to see how young people remain in those worlds where they are a reflection of The BEAUTY of LIFE; MINUS is not able to wither them with age, instead they grow more beautiful in time; time is not their enemy; they don’t have to fear death.    

But in this world, MINUS is on a rampage to reveal how close this world is to it.   It is able to live through our disobedience against God who loves us and yet we are here instead of up there.  Despite how much we may love our life, we are down here with MINUS!

Even if we are having the best of times, it does not change the fact about where this world sits within the BIG picture.   

It is ironic that if the people of God’s Kingdom where here in this world, with all their beauty, they would focus upon SHINING OUT against MINUS since they exist against it unlike so many people of this world, many of whom are enslaved by MINUS which means they work long hours that barely leave any time for them to have a life; as the rich few spend money like water.   They want to be the rich few but then there wouldn’t be the rich few.

Since the world is run by financial enslavement, it wouldn’t be workable for there to be more than the rich few anyway, since capitalism is fuelled by the poor; the more the merrier.   The very roof over many people’s heads enslave them which reflects how removed they are from The BEAUTY of LIFE that is a world where everyone is FREE.

Therefore, we are our own worst enemy based upon being a reflection of this world when ultimately, we are designed for The BEAUTY of LIFE not hell….    A huge task lies ahead for us all to change when we decide to become reborn and follow that narrow path that Christ had laid out for us to follow……….. when we believe in him...