Thursday 20 July 2017

Self reflection

I have written about this before and yet it is such a key factor in where we stand within the BIG picture which forms an irony since it is about the second most important Holy Commandment which is to Love thy neighbor as one loves oneself and yet our inability to do SO creates a self reflection when what we should eyes to see is God and his world where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Having the ability to love one’s neighbor as one loves oneself is one of the key things that makes us fit IN with God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE, than fitting in with what exists away from that which is a VOID MINUS.

It forms an irony that the more we only care about ourselves, the closer we are to MINUS who exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   SELF can includes one’s own family especially one’s own children who are part of oneself…

In other words, without loving each other as we love ourselves, there is a VOID that prevents The BEAUTY of LIFE from being able to manifest.   It forms a catch-22 situation for The BEAUTY of LIFE is what many of us seek since ultimately we were created for it, not what exists away from it which is hell.

Therefore, humanity within our own self reflection there is MINUS instead of God through our inability to love as God would have us love.   So many things we long for and seek in order to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE lays in the hands of MINUS who forms our self reflection; for as we don’t care about other people and only care about ourselves, there is MINUS who rages against all life and all creation for MINUS is hell itself who is not only death, it is a living death.

MINUS has an inward flow that sucks inwards via a vacuum; it hungers for creation; all it wants is to feed and as it sucks inwards there is suffering and sickness, withering of age, there is unease, discord.     There is paranoia, phobias, violence, addictions, depression, financial enslavement.    So many people live but have no life for their life is so caught up in a deficit situation, removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.   

We are given good cause to fear for MINUS is out there and it seeks to put us in a deficit situation; it doesn’t care about us; it HATES us.   Who gives life to it even though it is death? The answer is humanity through our own self reflection, forsaking the second most important Holy commandment, stated in The Holy Bible that is there to correct our polarity so that we have an outward flow instead of an inward flow.

With an outward flow, we SHINE OUT against MINUS so that it is not able to LIVE in us, instead The BEAUTY of LIFE - God is able to live in us and manifest for God is LOVE the complete opposite polarity to MINUS who is HATE.

Therefore, when we choose to side with God, we have to be of LOVE instead of hate; we have to have a heart for our neighbors who  is able to see God manifest in reality where there is space and light that shines out against MINUS.

When we are selfish, only caring about ourselves and our own family, we inadvertently call upon MINUS who is able to justify our very demise.    In other words, we give MINUS space to operate through our own self reflection.

Even if is not possible to help our neighbour, to love one’s neighbour shines out against MINUS since sync up with God through having the same polarity.    There is light within us instead of a VOID.   

We want the best for ourselves but ironically, the way to call upon God, The BEAUTY of LIFE is to want the best for our neighbours too.    God has a world so removed from the ills of this world where so many people are financially enslaved; caught up in a struggle against MINUS.   They get to see how the rich spend money like water;  they would love it if the rich were to share their wealth with them but would they do the same thing?   

Our own self reflection explains why so many wealthy people spend money like water or they heap up their wealth like a mountain to climb upon where they can look down at the swarming masses caught up in a stranglehold by MINUS who wants them to live but have no life; it doesn’t want them to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE; it just wants the rich few to splash out like there’s no tomorrow to embellish their life with more than what they need as the masses down below struggle to meet their most basic needs.

And yet the moment there are ills God is angrilly blamed.   So many people long for God to serve them while their self reflection is MINUS which means that God does not live in them, MINUS does.  How can God manifest itself in reality through MINUS?   The issue is not God, it’s people.   

Who does this world reflect?  God?  No the answer is MINUS due to the huge number of people whose self reflection is inward instead of outward.     Ironically, MINUS makes it easier to only care about oneself to form a catch-22 situation.    So many people are so caught up in a struggle against MINUS; which makes it easier to only care about oneself.   We can end up with a Dog eat dog attitude.   

Everyone wants a slice of the cake but no one wants to share.    On one side the rich few have the largest share and have more than they can eat, leaving everyone else to fight among themselves for a slice.    University students flood out of university and all of them are graduates; they all want a nice slice of the cake in a dog eat dog world.   Employers can take their pick of the bunch and ensure they earn every penny.    The object is not for them to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE but instead WORK but how many of them truly want to work?   Have they truly discovered their passion in life?

Harsh reality can set in during a 9-5 job where people are expected to work out their youthful life and only retire when they are old and spent.   

In the UK they have employment laws that put a cap on working hours and there are laws to ensure employees are allowed time off.   

Living in the UK can give people a false impression about the level this world is on, when the harsh truth is, there are nations where people’s lives are caught up in the throes of hell due to the lacking of vital laws.    Many employees are made to work from sunup to sundown.

The point I am making is that this world is so close to MINUS; it is only one step away from it which means we are only one step away from hell.

And yet his world can rise up to head closer to God and away from hell when we are able to love as God would have us love, so that our self reflection is God instead of MINUS.    In other words through God we have a heart to care about our neighbours across the world who may need the light of God to shine down upon them to free such nations from the grip of MINUS for when we love with an outward flow, there is light.

But when we only care about ourselves, there is MINUS.   So, even if we live in the UK where there are laws that turn clockwise against MINUS so that there is an outward flow that’s there to cancel MINUS out, we should still have a heart for people who live in other nations that lack vital laws.   For such a heart is an open door to The BEAUTY of LIFE but to not care is a door closed against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   Away from TBL there is nothing but a VOID.


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