Thursday, 27 July 2017

Follow me

When I went to school there were a group of pupils who were the popular ones and everyone wanted to follow them.   I wasn’t one of them, instead I was a loner who wanted to do my own thing.   I didn’t want to be IN with the crowd; I just wanted my own space to figure things out.

I was lost at school but I didn’t seek anyone out to show me the way, instead I just went off somewhere to find solace.

That was me back then and I guess, that little girl is still somewhere inside me who just want to do my own thing and not follow anyone in terms of people.   But I used to have little girl crushes and I had a crush on the boy who lived next door but I grew out of it.

I used to sum things up based upon my own limited equation without a need to follow anyone since I was different to a lot of children who was drawn to following whoever is the most popular.

Now in the year 2017 social media is the yardstick that reveals how popular someone is through websites like  Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.   It can be the judge of us and yet we can end up like a woman who lives in a household that buys a puppy and she ends up taking pictures of the puppy to post on her social media channel.

She delights in all the likes and comments she receives about the puppy more than she delights in spending time with the puppy.   She hardly spends any time with the puppy because she spends most of her time online.   

She uses the puppy to become more popular on social media.  She ends up removing herself from The Beauty of Life - God due to valuing her time spent on social media than spending time with the puppy.   

Through loving the puppy and spending time with the puppy there is light but through forsaking the puppy due to social media there is nothing but MINUS.    The puppy does not benefit from any of those likes and comments what the puppy will benefit from is being in the company of God who is love.

When we open ourselves up to God, knowing that God is the BEAUTY of LIFE, we are able to put things in its place like social media knowing that God exists as a world of togetherness and warmth where there is love that is tangible.

We may feel that we are loved based upon how popular we are on social media but this can be very misleading.   When we are truly open to God, we will see sense to know that we are only truly popular through God who is love.

Through spending time with a precious puppy who thrives upon love, there is God who is light.   We have to ask ourselves where do we truly seek popularity?   What is everlasting?   How popular we are on social media or how popular we are through God?

So many people want you to follow them, and many of them may use a puppy or they may be very sexually revealing - whatever it takes to gain followers but what we have to be aware of is the danger of turning our attention away from who we should truly follow which is Christ who came into this world for a great reason which is to pay a sacrifice for all our sins so that when we turn to him and repent he has the power to forgive us for our sins.  

It forms an irony that there are so many ways to follow that can draw our attention away from who we should truly follow, on that narrow path to salvation.   We can have our eyes everywhere but upon God so that we are not able to see his beauty and how we have to become reborn so that we fit into his world.

We can become caught up in following everything but Christ; we can follow our own inheritance, celebrities, culture, politics, popes and bishops, reverends and pastors.    In other words, our own spiritual door can be closed to inner guidance from God when we are besieged by following what is of this world.   We can become caught up in following customs and traditions, our mother and father, culture that has its own wheels turning that can carry us along in another direction away from who and where God wants us to be.

Even away from social media, so many people hunger to be followed even against choice.   Traditions and customs that has been laid out for centuries can form BIG wheels that seek for life to be caught up in its mechanism to power it like fuel.   Without new life to fuel it, its wheels cannot turn.   What it seeks beyond anything else is life to manifest itself in reality in order to live which means it needs followers.   

But what is such wheels are MINUS?   If this is the case, it will lash out against choice; follow me OR DIE.   

I think the issue with this world is how so many people are unaware how close this world is to MINUS, a great VOID that exists against God - The BEAUTY of LIFE.   MINUS seeks to live but against life and it seeks followers.   It hides behind things knowing that if it was revealed people would flee from it.   It shapes people’s souls away from God so that they do not know wrong from right.    It wants people to think they are following God when they are following what exists against God - MINUS.    

MINUS uses the very reason why people are born into this world knowing that their spirit is not Holy; due to this MINUS can trick and dupe many people into thinking they are righteous when they are evil.

It forms an irony that so many people who think they are religious are more off the track than many people who have no interest in religion.    The sheer number of people who are religious reveal the harsh reality how this world is so removed from God whose  Kingdom that is a place of pure beauty filled with people whose spirits SHINE OUT against MINUS so that there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest- God.   

The harsh reality reveals why there is a need for Christ who calls upon us to repent, even of our very inheritence.   The very blood in our veins can be attributed to MINUS.   If we are to look back at the history of humanity we can then understand why there is a need for us to repent for the sins of our foreparents.   This means, instead of following them, we need to distance ourselves from them to make it clear we are not IN with them, we are IN with God.

We can have the mindset to remove ourselves from the vicious circle of life and death that is a small wheel that turns based upon living through MINUS when there is another world filled with space and light where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE - God who is everlasting.   His wheels propel the true journey of life that is based upon gaining a height away from MINUS who is death and a living death that is hell.

Therefore, as we are born into this world, we are yet to begin.   We only begin when we are IN with LIFE and exist against death that is MINUS.    Therefore, we only begin when we are reborn and become holy through the holy spirit, removed from our blood thirsty past.

It is a huge irony how we can become so caught up in this world that is so steeped in MINUS when there is another world so removed from it.   We can forsake that other world through our struggles in trying to get past MINUS in this world.  

Life can be all about MINUS.   We may even have the mindset to do anything it takes to get past it, even turn to crime when this removes us further from God and his world so that we draw closer to MINUS who exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

In 100 years time we will be long gone but where will we be if we had followed MINUS instead of God?   It is so easy to think that this world is all that there is and yet this world has such a fast turnover of life, eager for there to be death due to how close this world is to MINUS who hungers to live but through itself.  It cannot live through God.

Therefore MINUS seeks mayhem, trouble and strife, anxieties, worries, stress, paranoia, violence, hatred, selfishness, greed, suffering, torment, grief.   It lives through all those things.   It loves bickering, vicious gossip, arguments.   It doesn’t want us to live in peace.

If only we all knew what exists against us and how it seeks to rob us for the reason for our existence - God who is the father of creation for without God there would be nothing but a VOID - MINUS.

Therefore, we should all follow God but only when we know who God is and not the God so many people follow who are misguided and are following MINUS, to be who it wants them to be.

We have to be very careful when it comes to religion.   We can be caught out due to the level this world is on which is so close to MINUS.  

One way of gathering who God is to look at how this world is and knowing that God’s world is the opposite.   As there is war and discord in this world there is peace in God’s world; as there is selfishness and hatred in this world there is generosity and love in God’s world.   

As there is immorality in this world there is morality in God’s world.   As there is disempowerment and financial enslavement in this world there is freedom in God's world.  As there is wickedness in this world there is kindness in God’s world.   As there is an ill balance between the rich and the poor in this world there is no ill balance in God’s world; everyone has great abundance.   As there is reason to mistrust people in this world; everyone is honest in God’s world.   As we have reason to lock our doors against strangers in this world, everyone can leave their door open in God’s world happy to welcome visitors.      The list of differences is endless.   So much for all those so called religious people of this world who number in the billions.      How much do they shine out to create space and light for the beauty of life God to manifest in this world?

Therefore, the task we have is to truly follow God so that we become who God wants us to be instead of MINUS.   It is a huge task due to MINUS.   Who we have on our side is God who loves us and yet what exists against us is the hatred of MINUS.    

Ultimately, we have to ask ourselves who do we truly seek?  Who do we truly want?   Who do we truly love?   Who do we truly want to follow?

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