Wednesday 5 July 2017

How much space do you have away from it?

The concept of shining out is not something that the world is based upon and yet shining out is the foundation of creation since God is light whose power creates space away from the great VOID of nothingness that is MINUS.

A married man named Colin is prone to violent outbursts since he lacks space where there is tolerance, understanding, patience; there is not enough light that shines out against violent outbursts which means he lacks space away from MINUS.

MINUS one day tells the man to pick up a knife and stab his wife but there is light enough within him to cancel out MINUS when his spirit says NO…. I will not pick up that knife and yet he can feel this wild need within him to pick up the knife.

If he had picked up the knife to stab his wife MINUS would have come alive through the demise of his wife and also Colin who would have been arrested and sent to jail for many, many years but he had enough space away from MINUS not to do what MINUS wanted him to do.

There are so many people who are unaware how close this world is to MINUS and they don’t have the understanding how they should SHINE OUT against it, instead of acting through it so that its wheels are able to turn, enabling it to come to life.

A young woman named Ellie had been dating boys since she was 14 years old and she lost her virginity when she was 15.   The wheels of immorality had been turning for many years that has led her into being easy pickings for men who don’t want to make much effort to get a woman into bed.    She’s happy to snog a guy she hardly knows and do much more, especially after a few drinks.    She doesn’t have any space away from MINUS when it comes to immorality; she is unaware how immorality is a part of MINUS that exists against God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.     She has no interest in SHINING OUT against MINUS as God shines out against MINUS which is why there is creation.

But another woman named Roseanne has a lot of space away from MINUS when it comes to morality, so if MINUS where to tell her to snog a man she hardly knows, her spirit would SHINE OUT against MINUS to cancel it out which means that MINUS has no control over her.

Even if Roseanne were to get drunk, she still wouldn’t snog a guy she hardly knows because she has too much morals.   

The basis of having space away from MINUS is another world away from MINUS which hates The BEAUTY of LIFE since MINUS is hell and it hates us all since it exists against creation, therefore MINUS is death.

Therefore, if ever there was something to have space away from, it’s MINUS which exists as hate, filth, corruption, injustice,  selfishness, greed, dishonesty and the list goes on since it has an opposite polarity to God who is love who shines out against MINUS which is why God has his own world where there is space and light, for The BEAUTY of LIFE.

This is a world where so many people strive to have The BEAUTY of LIFE but without the mindset to SHINE OUT against what exists against it which is MINUS.   It forms the biggest catch-22 situation for without SHINING OUT there is a VOID that is MINUS.

One of the biggest ways to SHINE OUT in this world is to love as God would have us love so that our love extends outwards beyond SELF so that we become like God who creates space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Through loving each other, we fill space with light so that there is no VOID which means there is no space for MINUS to operate.

A young man fell on hard times due to an injury and cannot work but he has no fear knowing that many people out there will ensure that he doesn’t go hungry because they love him even though they don’t know him.   They are happy to help him because their love extends beyond SELF to SHINE OUT against MINUS who wants them to be selfish and only care about themselves; it wants them to only love their own blood.

A famous singer named Jenny has many friends, many of whom are also rich and famous.   She loves to hold grand parties in her huge mansion but a few years later, she fell on hard times due to many financial mishaps.   All the friends she thought she had refuse to accept her phone calls, they don’t want to know her anymore because she’s broke.   Jenny is left having to experience a rude awakening about having had so many false friends.    She had no space away from all those false friends due to naivety.   She learned that she only had two true friends away from hundreds of false friends.    They are all rich but none of them offered to help her out.   Before her financial ruin, she thought she was blessed to have had so many friends.    She learned a harsh lesson how the rich only love the rich.

She didn’t know how she would have coped if it wasn’t for her family and true friends.   There was a time when she considered committing suicide but she had enough light to SHINE OUT against doing such a thing.   She would have been horrified to know that within the BIG picture there is a living evil force that exists as a VOID against creation that hungered to swallow her up.   Even when she had thought about committing suicide, it had whipped MINUS up in a frenzy.   It had come alive even through her thought of committing suicide for she is precious to God; she hadn’t turned to God and had faith in him; she had turned to MINUS by invoking him by thoughts of committing suicide.

She is unaware that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who exists above money; through God there is no need for money for the need for money in this world is due to MINUS who is a deficit.   God is able to cancel out the deficit so that there is abundance instead beyond what we can imagine to create a world that represents The BEAUTY of LIFE.

We can pertain to that world but only through shining out against MINUS so that our polarity is in sync with Gods.   MINUS wheels turns one way as God’s wheels turn another.   MINUS wheels turn to generate sin and give life to it; which means it comes alive through sin.   So, when we commit sin, we give life to what exists against God.

Even our very thoughts can give life to MINUS when we think negative or violent thoughts for example; when we think about how we dislike or hate someone.   If someone does something to anger us and we dwell on thoughts of retribution such thoughts give life to MINUS.   It is better to be forgiving and think positive thoughts.

For example, if a sister lets another sister down, she may dwell upon being let down and be so unhappy and perhaps think vengeful thoughts against her sister.     All the while she is giving life to MINUS who wants sister to be against sister.    It would be better for the other sister to say to herself  I am so happy that I have a sister and I don’t bear any grudge against her…      Saying this will help to cancel out MINUS since they are positive thoughts.     

The harsh truth is, through negative thoughts and intentions MINUS can come alive to such an extent it can take people over where they have no space away from it; in other words they have no space away from death and a living death that is hell.   There are so many people out there who embrace hate.   

They give life to their worst enemy for no words can truly sum up how MINUS hates them.    MINUS’s hate is a raging, blazing fire that would incinerate everything if it could.    MINUS lives through mayhem, violence, destruction - anything that works against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   It relies on people not having space away from it so that it can come alive to manifest itself in reality but it’s the most terrible thing you can imagine.  

It is all the more reason why we should turn to Christ and repent of our sins and focus on following the narrow path that he had laid out so that our focus is on separating ourselves from who MINUS wants us to be.    

Ephesians 4:31-32 - 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you

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