Saturday 6 May 2017

The art of suggestion

A mere thought can be like wheels that turn that incites us to act which gives power process of thought and yet many people are not aware of the danger of our thoughts where the art of suggestion can come into play.

If wheels has been turning in the wrong direction in our life like the wheels that lead us into drinking excessive alcohol or smoking, eating fattening food,  this can trigger the art of suggestion that works against us since the art of suggestion is there to destroy us.

The reason behind this is because we are connection to the BIG picture where on one side there is light and on the other darkness; we do not stand alone.   Therefore, when wheels are used to turning anticlockwise, like the wheels of immorality that has a polarity that is MINUS, it gives life to MINUS who wants its wheels to turn which is why it uses the art of suggestion to trigger its wheels turning.

In other wheels it will try to tempt us into turning those wheels since MINUS wants to live and have life even though it exists against life and The BEAUTY of LIFE.   It uses the art of suggestion to tempt us which means that even our very own thoughts may not be trusted due to the presence of MINUS who is the ill consciousness as God is the HIGH consciousness.

MINUS wants everything bad for us, it’s our worst own enemy; it hates us with a blazing rage and yet it wants to live in our life.   

If someone wants to cut down on drinking alcohol and is so keen to be disciplined that is the last thing that MINUS wants and it will use the art of suggestion to trigger its wheels turning anticlockwise.   It will jolt us with thoughts of a bottle of white wine.   You can go and buy it today…   The thought can trigger a reaction as your mind opens up to buying that bottle of white wine.

The moment you have bought the wine and opened it, MINUS will then want you to drink the whole bottle if it has the power to get the wheels turning in that way.

Therefore, one has to be very mindful of one’s very mind and be very steadfast in one’s own will to remain on the narrow path in life, for through such an arm you can desert the art of suggestion and know which thought pertains to MINUS.

If you are a hellraiser, used to reckless living, you’re far off the narrow path within MINUS’s territory therefore you won’t have the mindset to truly care that you are with MINUS even though it is death.

So many people just want to have a nice time, especially when they are young and want to enjoy life to the full; they have no awareness that they are connected to the BIG picture where the wheels of their own destruction may be turning through living life off the path.

A young girl heads to a club with a bunch of friends; a youth reaches inside his pocket and takes out a plastic bag filled with pills, they’re ecstasy pills.   He hands it to this young teenager who has no interest or awareness of being on the narrow path.   She takes the pill and pops it into her mouth even though she knows that many young people have died from taking ecstasy but a thought had come to mind JUST TAKE IT….IT WILL GIVE YOU A GREAT TIME… NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU; MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TAKE THE PILL AND THEY LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY…

The next day, the youngsters parent’s find out that their child has been killed by the ecstasy pill; MINUS has had its way through the art of suggestion; despite parental warnings, wheels had turned anti clockwise to unravel the youngster’s life.

MINUS will then seek out its next victim because that’s how it lives and has life; it lives through what it is - MINUS..   

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