Sunday 14 May 2017

Our strengths and weaknesses

One of the greatest aspects of humanity is the mind that we have to figure things out; we are the most intelligent life-form on this planet and yet we still have so much to learn which is a failing and yet a part of life.

There are many ways in which we can life our life, we can have the mindset to live and learn with an openness to knowing where there is truth and what is false.   Through truth there is light but falseness can lead us into darkness, therefore there is always a danger of being open to learning without seeking the light first and foremost.   

One of the things that I fully believe in is that there are higher realms of existences above this world, worlds that are close to God where life is lived to shine out against what exists against God with an awareness of that what exists against God is MINUS.    People in such worlds live to have strengths knowing that MINUS works through our weaknesses.

They know that MINUS exists against the BEAUTY of LIFE that is God and God’s TBL design which means that MINUS wants us to be the opposite to how God wants us to be but because those higher realms are so close to God, they have a higher understanding of how to SHINE OUT against MINUS so that it has no power to influence them.

One of the things that MINUS is able to influence people through in this world, is an excessive consumption of alcohol.   Despite the health benefits of alcohol when drank in moderation, so many people’s lives are wrecked by drinking alcohol excessively that is like a key that can open the door to all our weaknesses.

If someone’s weakness is being immoral alcohol can open the door wide to immorality even if that person has a need to be moral.   If someone’s weakness is eating fattening food, alcohol can open the door to food bingeing.   If someone’s weakness is smoking cigarettes, excessive alcohol can lead a smoker into smoking even if the smoker wants to give it up.    If someone is living on the edge whether it is to be violent, suicidal, reckless excessive alcohol can push people off the edge.

Therefore, alcohol is a major threat to humanity since when drunk in excess it can open the door to MINUS who wants to destroy us.   If many people were fully aware of it and see how whipped up it is when we have a glass of alcohol in our hands, they would drop the glass in horror for MINUS always wants us to have another and another since it hates us for as God is love, MINUS is hate.  

Even if you want to drink moderately, if drinking in excess has wheels turning, MINUS will always want to turn those wheels and it does so by planting suggestions in your mind.   If you are heading to the supermarket it will say BUY A BOTTLE OF WINE OR BUY A BOTTLE OF VODKA to get the wheels turning anti clockwise.

It knows that once you buy the bottle, it will work through your weakness to get you into drinking in excess.   Its wheels are used to turning and it wants the wheels to continue turning for that’s how it gains life even if the wheels turn to your demise.   That’s what it wants, since MINUS is death as God is life.

The moment you go over the limit, MINUS wheels start turning anti clockwise as part of a huge VOID like a black hole that has a vacuum that sucks inwards against creation.    How would have thought that all those drunks out there are giving life to that thing that wants to suck up creation so there is nothing but nothing.   

If you are a regular drinker, try giving up drinking for a few weeks.   Be prepared for multiple jolts of suggestions to get you back drinking alcohol.   It means that through our weaknesses our life is not our own instead MINUS is running things.

The same applies to sex in a world where countless millions of people have a weakness for it; many people can’t go a week without it; so many people are a slave to it.   It has created one of the biggest wheels in this world that turns anti clockwise to give LIFE to MINUS.    

Fallen Eve is having a field-day these days, especially through social media; she is able to gain millions of followers, whose eyes are on her assets that she is so happy to show off, knowing that she has a body to die for, literally since the harsh truth is, all those eyes who are on her, cannot truly look up to God for she gains her power through MINUS who does not want anyone looking up to God.    Therefore, the hidden sexual display of Fallen Eve, plays upon men’s weaknesses due to his inability to resist her which is why he is Fallen Adam.

No words can truly sum up the huge victory for God when Adam is able to resist fallen Eve; she is so determined to gain all the attention away from God - Look at me - DON’T LOOK UP - WANT ME - DESIREEEEEEE ME….   She hungers for as many followers as possible and when she ages, withers and turn to dust, others will sprout up to take her place in a world that is so close to MINUS who is like a huge engine that turns against life.

She plays upon our weakness through immorality which is an element of MINUS as morality is an element of God.   Therefore, being moral gives life to God but immorality gives life to MINUS.

We are like a mechanism and many people’s mechanism has immorality as part of their mechanism which runs things which means that their life is governed by their weaknesses.   

It means that God is not able to manifest when our mechanism is wound up with MINUS who is happy to live through our weaknesses, the more the merrier since they can all work together for it to destroy us.

So things are not as it seems in this world; it’s a bit like the film the matrix when people are living their life in a virtual reality but outside of that reality they are nothing but batteries that power a machine.   

All those people suffering in poverty, all those people whose life is caught up in the throes of war, all those people who are financial enslaved are living life within a huge imbalance between the rich and the poor which also gives life to MINUS; the wider the imbalance, the more space there is for MINUS to live.

This leads to another weakness that people have which is for money.   So many people have a lack of it which limits their life and yet if money was no object it would set them off like a race car zooming down the materialistic highway.    They have a weakness for fast living; they hunger for materialistic things that gives them this huge inward flow.   I WANT MORE - I WANT MORE - I WANT MORE….    MINUS is so happy that there is the rich few but countless millions of people who hunger for more far above their needs, hungering for those things above God.

But instead, countless millions of people’s lives are caught up in financial enslavement due to MINUS.   But on the other hand, it is able to place certain people at the top who are so happy to show off their expensive bling blings.    It knows that most people in this world are not like people on higher realms who are happy to share with one another.    

In this world, we have tax legislations which means that most people have to pay tax by law; if such law didn’t exist, many people would prefer to keep their money in their own pockets for themselves and their own family.   

Therefore, it is not just money that is our weakness; WE are our own weakness, in other words our love for SELF which gives many people an inward flow unaware that God has an outward flow of light that shines out against MINUS.   In other words, the general populace have the wrong polarity that is in sync with the VOID.

Therefore, we live against one of the most important Holy Commandments which is to love thy neighbor as you love thyself.   Through such a law there is God which forms a huge irony since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE on every level of existence; his world is a world that shines out against MINUS and its ill balance.   

Therefore, when money is our weakness, MINUS can live through such a weakness for it is the reason why money is needed in this world in the first place and yet so many people crave the beauty of LIFE and yet they seek and love money above God whose abundance exists within an external light that MINUS cannot touch.

But in this world, many people are like the Pharaohs of old who thought they could bring their worldly wealth into eternal life; they built pyramids that reflected a life they lived at the top off the backs of the many poor who slaved at the bottom having to carry the heavy weight of the rich.

What we may not be aware of is that great wealth that is hoarded can just serve to be a heavy anchor for our souls that is not able to rise to be up there with God.   Therefore, when money is our weakness, it can be our downfall.

We can be so used to The BEAUTY of LIFE in this world whilst becoming unworthy of The BEAUTY of LIFE at the same time since many people think that the only way to have the beauty of life is through money, unaware that the real beauty of life is God.

One of the aspects of humanity is our need to fit in which means that we can have a need to fit into this world and yet this world is so close to MINUS which means that this is not really a world to fit into; we have to SHINE OUT against many aspects of this world so that we stand in the light away from MINUS’s influence.    

We may want to fit in with our family, community, culture and many other things but this can be our weakness too that MINUS can also live through since we may be too into fitting in down here than fitting in up there with God.

But if you truly have a need to fit in with God, the veil can be taken from your eyes so that you can see what you truly need to see and see this world for what it truly is so that your mindset is to fit into that higher place where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest in reality to SHINE OUT as a place that is more beautiful than we can imagine.   

We can become aware that our weaknesses is what exists against us and we have to focus on overcoming our weaknesses as a matter of priority.

God is on your side, which is why he sent Christ, his only son to atone for our sins so that we can turn to him and repent of all our sins and Christ has the power to wipe our slate clean.   

Things are not as it seems in this world, MINUS is a force of pure raging hate against creation; it is whipped up in a frenzy against our life; it takes over so many people’s lives; it can make all hell break loose.   God knows that many people are blind; they cannot see where the true enemy lays.    Even many people who are whipped up in hate which they feel is justifiable are not aware how hate is like a whip to their own backs since it gives life to MINUS against God.

Therefore, another weakness that many people have is being blind to the truth of what exists within the BIG picture and such blindness can lead them into darkness.   The moment, they see they would then lay down their arms and fall to their needs and call upon forgiveness.    I knew not what I was going...

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