Sunday 30 April 2017

The power of inheritance

There are many people who don’t believe in evolution but I’m not one of them since I know that it is something that will continue throughout creation where life shifts with time and adapts.   

There is no limit to how far things can evolve through time, given the right stimulus including animals.

I watched a YouTube video about silver foxes bred in Siberia to become tame.   Wild foxes that had a friendly temperament were bred with other foxes with the same temperament and after several generations during which time the foxes spent most of their time with humans, the foxes lost their wildness and became tame.    The fox’s appearance even altered to look a bit like dogs and their mannerisms changed too.

The foxes were not out in the wild having to fend for themselves which led them to lose their killer instinct.   Each generation of foxes inherited the nature of their parents and moved further away from their wild nature.

The point I am making is that through interactions with humans, animals can evolve away from being wild by adapting due to their shift in circumstances where even their appearance change to become more comely.   The silver foxes had evolved on a biology level and also a spiritual level since humans are not the only living life form that has a spirit; to think so is very ignorant.

No life form in this world is more intelligent than humans which means that we have the most capacity to evolve with time which means that there is a great power of  inheritance; in other words the more we make of ourselves, on a positive level, the more of these things can be passed onto our children.

This is HUGE and a great opportunity to shape who we are as people on a higher level to be more than who we have been born to be.   We can look back at how we had been knowing that we have a capacity to be better.    Who we would have been 100 years ago is less than who we can be today especially when the right shifts had occurred.

One of the things that had shifted this world on a positive level was the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s that did away with discrimination against black people.   Laws had been passed to end segregation.     

In South Africa apartheid ended in 1991.   Yes, there are still many racists in this world and yet so many people have spiritually evolved away from being racists and such spiritual evolution can be inherited.
Having the right laws in place that shine out in this world can trigger spiritual evolution so that humanity heads further away from the ills of the past through the power of inheritance.

But it is not just laws that can create a shift in the right direction.   We can choose to be improve who we are as people through having the mindset to shine out, like a man named Lloyd who gets married even though he had a rocky upbringing due to his parents who constantly argued with each other.   They ended up getting divorced and both of them blame each other for the breakdown of the marriage.

Lloyd was determined not to follow in his parent’s footsteps.   He remembered how lazy his father had been around the house and how he made no effort to make his wife happy; he never took her out; he treated her like a servant.   His mother had been a terrible nag; she never knew how to say things in a way to bring the best out of people.    She used to rub her husband up the wrong way which made things worse.

His Father also had a drinking problem.   Due to Lloyd’s determination to be a better man than his Father he made sure he never over indulged with alcohol.   He decided to go the complete other way from his father to become the most loving, kind and considerate husband and through his love his wife blossomed..

Their children had parents who were so loving towards one another.   Lloyd was so helpful around the house and he took his wife out as if they were.    Lloyd also learned to play the guitar and practiced every day and his children ended up learning to play instruments too.

The reason why Lloyd decided to learn to play an instrument because he remembered how his Father used to spend an inordinate amount of time watching TV, whilst drinking gegs of bear.

Lloyd decided he wasn’t going to follow in his father’s footsteps and spend too much time watching TV; so he not only learned to play an instrument, he went to the gym too and stuck to a healthy diet with occasional treats.

Thirty years later, Lloyd’s children were all married with children and none of them were in dysfunctional relationships because they had such high standards about how things should be on a positive level.   Their children were happy to devote their time in learning skills; none of them had to be reminded to practice.    

The atmosphere in the home was so different to the grim atmosphere Lloyd had been brought up in when his parents were like cats and dogs.    Lloyd had triggered a shift on a positive level by making more of himself that his children had inherited and carried on.

We have so much potential to shift things up which makes it a shame when people hurry into having children too quickly without making more of themselves.   There are so many ways to make more of ourselves; it doesn’t just have to be based upon learning new skills; we can also spend time drawing closer to God and learning about the beauty of living through God so that we have a strong connection with God which is also something that can be inherited.

To find time to just sit in a quiet place and just imagine being bathed in the light of God with this need for God to live within one’s life.   This is such a powerful thing to do, especially when you do it regularly.  

You can also say positive affirmations like My space is for the light, past present and future….  I am happy and resonating on the highest level…..  The light is with me…… I am an extension to the light…..

Imagine yourself aglow with light as you imagine clear blue skies up ahead and the warmth of the sun shining down upon you.   This is a great thing for pregnant mothers to do each day with this need for their child to be space for the light.    Sometimes one can sit in silence or play gentle music.    There is also Om chanting music…

Spending time alone with God is a wonderful thing to do since God is the light of an eternal flame that never outs and his light is LOVE that had triggered creation.    So many people only take time aside to be with God in places of worship and yet spending time alone with God in a quiet place can be more powerful since places of worship can be very people orientated.

Spending time alone with God is like spending time alone with nature.   Have you ever been on a beach on a sunny day when you are alone or just with a few people?  Compare the atmosphere to being on the same beach with hundreds of people.    

Certain people have an agenda, they’re controlling or are so self orientated; it can be very draining.   Even in church, everyone may want a piece of God but in a quiet place, you can have God all to yourself so that the focus is just on God…...away from people.

You can build the light of God within yourself and imagine being this great channel for God where his light flows through you.   You can place your palms upwards and imagine the light of God flowing out of your hands and filling space.

If this is done throughout your life and you teach this to your children and this is carried on; it means that we can inherit being a powerful channel for the light of God to flow into this plane of existence.

What we should know is that only God has the power to calm the blazing raging hate of MINUS who exists against creation and seeks our destruction.    

This means that instead of just rushing off to have children we can spend time empowering ourselves on a spiritual level through gaining a strong connection with God.   Certain people feel that the way to be empowered to is to know the words of holy books inside out so that they can quote it but they are not aware that spending quiet time alone with God can be a very powerful thing to do since at the end of the day God is a spirit of the high consciousness who is pure light that can live within us.   Spending time calling upon the light is how we can grow in the light like a door that continually opens wider.

What I am aware of is despite how wicked mankind is, we were designed for God;  in other words we were designed for heaven not hell.    We were designed to be something not nothing since what would be the point of us?   

This means that ultimately as time passes, we will continue to evolve to be at a higher place to where we are today and yet we still have a long wait to go.   Many nations are in a grip of MINUS who is determined to keep people in a limited space against change on a positive level.

There are so many countries that lack the right system and the right laws to trigger a shift in the right direction.    This makes it easier for people to inherit the sins of the father so that generations pass caught up in a mouse wheel to move whilst going nowhere.    So many people are caught up in that wheel.

MINUS is aware of the power of inheritance and it hungers for people to inherit IT.   It can have great influence over us through our inheritance which means that when we do something that may go against it it may give us impulses NOT to do such a thing.

If you decide to learn to play an instrument, it may be in the background raging against it and whip up your spirit of reluctance.   MINUS has this raging need to control people so that they fall in line to be who it wants them to be.   

We can use the power of inheritance against it by striving to transform ourselves where we live to love instead of hate, we are kind instead of wicked, generous instead of selfish, thoughtful instead of inconsiderate, peace loving instead of being a warmonger.

We can choose to be hard working instead of lazy, nice natured instead of being hard to deal with; we can choose to be moral instead of immoral, the list goes on……

We have a great responsibility for the sake of the future since ultimately we were created for God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE and he wants us to fit in and he also wants this world to be of space and light away from wars and the destruction of this planet.

Therefore, God wants us to have an outward flow where there is light away from the inward flow within the VOID that is MINUS…   We can get there through our inheritance so that one day we reach a stage when we are born to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

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