Friday 14 April 2017


The way we view ourselves can be a complex mix of a biological awareness along with an awareness of multiple needs.   We can look at our physical form which influences our perception of ourselves but we can also feel who we are through our emotions and mental capacity.

The last thing we may have is a spiritual awareness of who we are and see the spiritual mechanism that is running like the workings of a clock where there are different size wheels that turn that all form a part of one big mechanism.

Every living thing has a mechanism including all animals who tend to have a very strong instinctual mechanism that had been running through various evolutionary stages based upon survival of the fittest.   Animals have such a strong instinctual mechanism that they don’t have to be taught many things, since the wheels of instinct turns within its own accord to show them the way.

Humanity don’t have such a strong instinctual mechanism as animals but what we have is the highest intelligence on this planet that enables us to adapt and learn.

Our biology has a mechanism that runs that scientists have studied over the centuries but they have no understanding of spiritual mechanisms instead it is something that they completely dismiss since they can’t see and dissect it in a laboratory and yet our spiritual mechanism is the driving force behind who we are far above our biological mechanism.    

Spiritual mechanisms are also far more complex since it is routed through the mappings our conscious and self conscious mind like countless doorways where some are open and others are closed.   So many things can influence our spiritual mechanism like our needs, our inheritance, geographics, religion, economics, our social structure and finances.  

A young man named Gaz lives his life like a lost soul and finds himself falling in with the bad crowd.   He didn’t have a good upbringing and he didn’t have spiritual wheels that turned to counter it by focusing on gaining a good education.   He had no interest in learning in school and on many occasions he flunked school to hang out with his friends.    He ended up leaving school with no education which made it easier for him to turn to petty crime to get money.   

Overall, he had wheels that turned that had an anti-clockwise mechanism that turned against creation; the anti-clockwise wheel creates an inward flow into the VOID that is MINUS which is a consciousness but the ill consciousness that exists against God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Gaz had no understanding of the BIG picture where on one side there is God and on the other side there is a VOID that’s MINUS.   He just found himself caught up in an anti clockwise mechanism; he hadn’t really choose it; it was just how things turned out due to a mixture of a bad upbringing, improper schooling that failed to motivate him and his own inner mechanism that didn’t have any BIG wheels turning clockwise to counter all those anti clockwise wheels.   It led him into falling into the bad crowd who reflected the wheels that were turning in the wrong direction.    If Gaz had wheels turning in the right direction, he would have run a mile from the bad crowd.

As the mechanism turned anti clockwise, it saw Gaz getting up to all sorts of shady things like taking drugs and smoking weed, drinking excessive alcohol.     The more the wheels turned, the faster the mechanism ran his life to ruin that saw him getting into fights with gangs; he even purchased a gun.   The last thing Gaz should have in his possession is a gun when his mechanism was not only running anti clockwise but it was spinning fast to give life to MINUS who exists against God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

MINUS is death and a living death that is hell; it feeds upon suffering and lives anywhere where there is a lacking of space where there is light; even if it is a thought within one’s own mind.    Gaz’s mindset was wound up with MINUS through an anti clockwise mechanism.   This meant that MINUS wanted Gaz to go out and use the gun to kill someone.    It knew that Gaz didn’t have the mechanism running against it to counter it; this meant that Gaz had great potential of giving more life to MINUS through killing someone.

Gaz loved the gun and he would take it from its hiding place and he would stand in front of the mirror and pose with the gun and he would point it as if he was going to shoot.   He was a big fan of the character Scarface played by Al Pacino.   He loved Scarfarce’s bad man’s swag and how he had shot up the place.

As Gaz’s mechanism turned, the clock was ticking but anti clockwise against creation.   Then one day, Gaz found out that his good buddy who he knew since school had been shot dead by a rival gang.   Gaz was devastated and when he attended his friend’s funeral, it was the first time he had saw death.    It horrified and terrified him.

After the funeral Gaz sat alone in the church, grieving for his friend.   It had shocked him seeing his friend laying in the coffin.   He couldn’t get the memory out of his mind.   He felt consumed with hate for the person who killed him; he wanted revenge; he thought of his gun and he felt fired up to kill the killer of his friend.   Gaz’s expression was contorted with hate and grief when a minister in the church saw Gaz sitting in the church alone and saw the contorted expression on his face, the minister’s heart ran cold for a moment but the spirit told him to go to Gaz and the minister went and sat beside Gaz who was surprised and turned his head to look at the minister who said.

“Don’t think of your friend as dead for no one truly dies” explained the Minister “he is alive somewhere in the spirit”

Upon those words, Gaz felt his heart lift up to hear that his friend wasn’t truly dead.  He liked the sound of that.
“So where is he now?” asked Gaz
“In God’s hands” answered the minister “Do you believe in God?”
The question surprised Gaz who never thought much about God.   His Mum used to take him to a Pentecostal church when he was a small boy but he stopped going when he was older.   
“I……….I don’t know” answered Gaz who sensed something so peaceful about the Minister; it wasn’t a feeling he had ever felt before and it was comforting to him.
“Know that God is love” stated the Minister “and he loves us all…… which is why he had sent his only Son Christ to be our redeemer of our sins…….. He told us to forgive so that we might be forgiven…...and to even LOVE our own enemies”
Love our own enemies?  Like my friend’s killer?

Gaz’s expression contorted with a frown as he asked
“Why should we love our enemies?”
“Because God IS love……….and he exists as a world away from all suffering, misery and fear…… Through God there is heaven…….. Away from God there is hell……..  The devil wants us to hate each other……. To KILL each other…… like what happened to your friend…….. That’s what the devils wants for ALL of us…..   It wants us to be haters, to only care about ourselves…… The devil doesn’t want us to forgive……. It wants our hearts to be filled with vengeance…… but you know what the Lord said?   LET VENGEANCE BE MINE….  Know that God will deal with it………. But focus on having love within your own heart…… Don’t let the devil have your soul…… since the devil it hell”

After Gaz left the church he went to the graveyard and watched his friend get buried and then family and friends went to a hall where food and drinks were held.   All the while Gaz kept thinking about what the minister had told him and he felt comforted to know that his friend wasn’t truly dead, lying in a grave; his spirit was alive somewhere in God’s hands.   Gaz believed it which took away a lot of his sadness.

My friend isn’t really dead….

A week later, the gang that Gaz was in, were hanging out together and they all became whipped up with vengeance to retaliate against their rival gang.   They wanted blood to pay with blood.   “You’ve all got your guns right” said one gang member “because we’re gonna use it………. Tomorrow night……… YEAH….. They’are all gonna pay”

But Gaz found himself feeling horrified as he thought about what the minister had told him.   God is LOVE…. Let vengeance be mine………….. Forgive ……….

Gaz found himself feeling apart from his friends and he didn’t want to have any part in the killing to he found himself saying…

“WAIT A MINUTE GUYS………… WAIT A MINUTE……… This isn’t the Wild West……… Those days were WHACKED…….. Here’s what’s going to happen…….. We go out and kill……… they go out and kill……..  To make it all about the killing instead of living…….. Trevor is DEAD and there ain’t NO coming back…….. But what about you……….” said Gaz pointing at one of his friends “and you and you……….. You’re alive…….. We’re alive………..  And I don’t want to see ANY of us lying in no grave…………. SO NO GUNS……….AND NO KILLING………...LET’S START LIVING………”

All his friends looked at him in shock as his impassioned words was felt like ice cold poured over their heads.   Did they really want to go out and start shooting up the place like Scarface?

Gaz was right, they weren’t in the Wild West.  They had all gotten a bit caught up in the moment.   

After that day, Gaz returned to that church and the minister became his mentor.  Gaz decided to go to college to get an education.   It was as if he had woken up from a fog and now he thought about his future.    His Gang fell apart after Trevor’s death and Gaz’s speech.   All the gang members dispersed to see whether they can figure out what to do with their lives.   

Ten years later, Gaz looked back at those times and saw a stranger in himself since his whole mechanism had changed to be running clockwise to lead his life in a completely different direction where there is light instead of darkness.   

God is love who has the largest mechanism with countless wheels turning clockwise which is why through God there is creation.   The wheels that exist as elements of God shine out as light with an outward flow like the element morality, generosity and truth.

We can become a part of God’s mechanism through syncing up through our belief structure, needs, our actions.   It isn’t enough just to LOVE God, we have to be a part of God’s mechanism.

But this isn’t easy in a world that is so close to MINUS which is why God had sent his only son Jesus to be our redeemer so that we can turn to him and repent of our sins since we are all sinners.  

MINUS hungers after us being a part of its mechanism; it wants our life taken over by vices, SELF, hate, a love of money, materialism,  violence.    It doesn’t want humanity to live in peace; it wants our lives caught up in war, misery, trouble and strife in and outside the home.   

It doesn’t want couples to have happy marriages and it wants us to put our relationships above God.   Even though religion, MINUS wants us caught up in misconceptions and misunderstanding so that our mechanism cannot sync with God as countless people raise their hands up to God while their mechanism is wound up with MINUS.

One of the things that so many people lack, is the light of understanding where they have eyes to see this world where it sits within the BIG picture.   Humanity is so caught up in fighting each other, nation upon nation, religion against religion, race against race etc that we cannot see where the true enemy lies within our own mechanism.

If all our mechanism started running clockwise, MINUS would be shut out as the outflow of light shines out within space to manifest The BEAUTY of LIFE.   No more hating, no more killing, no more selfishness, no more ill balance, no more ruthless capitalism, no more immorality, no more dishonesty………….

We could all come together as one people like how it is on higher planes of existence.   The power of money would then become powerless as the light shines out against MINUS the deficit.   The ill balance between the rich and the poor where MINUS lives would be eradicated; no one would have to suffer poverty.   

We could leave our front doors open with no need to fear MINUS coming into wreak havoc.   So many things would change in this world so that within a few years it would be unrecognisable.  All Nuclear weapons would be dismantled.    Guns would be put in storage.    

The point I am making is that humanity is our own worst enemy through our own mechanism which has been running anti clockwise throughout the ages which is why our history has been so bloody.    The only reason things are not far worse is that this planet is not a hell dimension; this world is not hell, it is level one which means it is only one level away from hell.   One is a PLUS which counts for a lot since it means that this world does not belong to MINUS even though it wants to take it over fully to turn it into hell.

But nevertheless, despite humanity, this World is designed for a clockwise mechanism, even if the wheel turns slowly but surely.   It means that the light is flooding in and will keep flooding in against MINUS and this can happen through things like the right laws being put in place, like the Civil Rights Laws of the 1960s.

World Leaders can come together to set wheels turning clockwise instead of anti clockwise.   In other words, however much MINUS wants this world to be a part of its mechanism time must change so that there is more space and light against MINUS.

The very nature of being born into this world means that there is hope for us, where sinners can be redeemed; the power of Christ has graced this world and his power is great indeed against MINUS so that even the worst sinner’s sins can be forgiven.     

Through God we can transform to reflect how this world is not hell.   We can look back at ourselves and see a stranger like Gaz.   So many people are like Gaz and so many people are yet to be like Gaz.   We can open our hearts and minds to the light of truth so that our mechanism turns in another direction where we gain that outward flow to shine out in this world.   NO MORE HATING.

The more we embrace the light of truth, the faster the wheels turn to have an even more powerful outward flow.   Living to shine out through our thoughts, our conduct, our attitude….   To become one with God.



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