Sunday 23 April 2017

The wheels of peril

The wheels of peril

It is so easy to be all sweetness and light regarding the spiritual aspect of our existence with an awareness that God is love and yet there are so many counter sides that reflect a harsh reality that exists within the BIG picture where there are many wheels of peril.

A boy in school gets seduced by a female teacher who sets the wheels of peril turning early for the youngster through the enjoyment of sex.   The teacher gets found out but it’s too late for the boy who is never the same after that.   

He has lost his innocence and now the wheels of peril is turning so that his mindset is to have sex as a mere physical act.   Emotions don’t have to be involved; he doesn’t have to love who he has sex with; he doesn’t have to be in a committed relationship.   He sees sex as a mere sexual act for the sake of pleasure; he has no real interest in the real purpose of sex which is to produce children; maybe one day he will meet a woman and settle down and then have children but despite this, the wheels have been set in motion.    

Now he looks at girls in a different way; he knows how great sex is and now he wants to have it all the time.

He is unaware that within the BIG picture that the wheel of immorality is turning within him; the wheel belongs to MINUS who exists against God who owns the wheel of morality.   The boy becomes a part of MINUS’s mechanism through the wheel of immorality that is a wheel of peril that turns away from God.    It’s too deep for the boy to understand; all he knows is that he loves sex and wants to have sex often with a woman he finds attractive; she has to be attractive.

In the same school, children sext each other explicit pictures; this sets the wheel of peril turning too as more children lose their innocence since this world is so close to MINUS who lives through wheels of peril.

A man in his late twenties dates a woman who is only 17 and very naive.   She goes back to his place and he plies her with drink knowing how alcohol can set wheels of perils turning, such wheels turn anti clockwise against creation; the wheels of peril is a wheel of destruction.    As she drinks the alcohol, she is less inclined to say NO to sex; this is what he had hoped for.    She’s all the more up for it when she’s tipsy.

But the next morning she wakes up feeling sick; her head throbs and her stomach aches.  She gets out of bed and throws up on the man’s carpet and then turns and sees this guy laying in bed; the man she had sex with; she hardly knows him and in the light of day, regrets having had sex with him but it’s too late; the wheels of peril had already turned and she had been caught up in its mechanism.  Drinking alcohol made the wheel turn too fast for her to stop it and she got to do what MINUS wanted her to do instead of what God wanted her to do because she had lost her virginity when she was only 15 anyway; the wheel of peril had been turning ever since which meant that she had been up for sex with the guy anyway.   He had secured it by plying her with alcohol.

A man name Fred fell into working to make ends meet early but his job was all about the money; he had no real passion for his job and every Friday night he loved to go to the pub to have a few drinks.   He was disenchanted with life but a few drinks made him feel better.   

He ended up meeting a woman and getting married and they had a couple of kids as he continued heading down to the pub every Friday evening where he would stay until closing time.   The more he drank and more he needed until he ended up turning into a drunk that turned his looks haggard.   

The wheels of peril had been turning for years and picked up momentum throughout the years until it was turning too fast for him to stop it.   He would drink and drink and drink until he was falling down drunk.   

Every time he told himself NEVER AGAIN he found himself heading down the pub and ordering more drinks.   He told himself he wouldn’t go but there he was again and again AND again ordering more alcohol that he drank until he could barely walk.

As the wheels kept turning over the years, Fred withered and aged terribly; his looks became so haggard by alcohol; his wife ended up leaving him; his children didn’t want to have anything to do with him; he ended up losing his job and ended up homeless.   Despite this, all he pined for was money to buy alcohol as the wheels of peril turned.    MINUS had destroyed him but it kept turning until Fred became sick since the wheels of peril is a part of the wheel of DEATH that is MINUS who exists against God who is governs the wheel of LIFE and God is also The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Fred knew nothing about the BIG picture and how this world is so close to MINUS who is not only DEATH it is a raging hate against creation.    If Fred had known, he would have been on his guard all those years ago; he wouldn’t have gotten caught up in MINUS’s mechanism; instead, he would have walked past the pub and gone home.    He didn’t know made worse by his very inheritance since his Father had an alcohol problem as well.   The wheels of peril had been in his blood.   

The harsh reality is that this is a world that has so many wheels of peril that turn where so many people are caught up in its mechanism.   Wheels of perils can turn through our very mindset through misunderstandings about how we should be as people.    We can fall into becoming a part of MINUS’s mechanism that helps to give it more life and not just through ourselves but through our children.

We may not have the understanding to shine out against it through wheels that turn clockwise.   As MINUS wants us to hate, we may not know that we must love instead since God is love and God’s wheel turns clockwise to give power to LIFE against death.

As MINUS wants us to be immoral or selfish we have to be moral and generous since those wheels turn clockwise so that there is light instead of darkness; through those wheels we are a part of God’s mechanism.

As MINUS wants us to lie and be dishonest, we have to life live to be honest; as MINUS wants us to be violent we have to be peaceful.   

As MINUS wants us to live in filth and clutter we have to strive to have a clean home free of useless clutter and this includes our personal hygiene.   

High up in another place, there is another world based upon wheels that turn clockwise; beauty is seen all around and beauty shines out from within.    MINUS is not able to live and have life in such a world since that world exists against it and SHINES out against it.

As people LOVE God, they also LIVE through God through shining out against MINUS; they are able to live together as one where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest.   They love to share with one another; no one has to fear.

So many people strive to reach that higher place in this world and yet this world is so close to MINUS which means that we have it to contend with in a major way.   Even religious holds no guarantees to pertain to that higher place due to how so many people are caught up in MINUS’s mechanism to give life to it.    It is so easy to be the opposite to how we should be; in other words it is so easy to reflect the level this world is on.

I notice how the internet has become a huge forum to set wheels of peril turning through immorality; fallen Eve is having a field day online.   When she has a body to die for, she wants to invoke so much desire from the masses which sets wheels of peril turning.

Our saving grace is to have eyes to see the peril so that one has the mindset to RESIST HER…   You can look but see her for who she truly is.   Onc someone has the power to resist her it means that there are wheels that are turning clockwise that pertain to that higher place.

There is no point in enslaving her, oppressive her or hiding her since the harsh reality cannot be removed; the only power a man truly has against fallen Eve is to resist her even though she gains her power through fallen Adam REMAINING fallen and even when he remains an oppressor.   

In terms of schooling it is currently very academic, but I feel that the way forward is teaching children about wheels of peril and how they can take over one’s life so that one’s life isn’t one’s own.

These wheels have led so many people’s lives down another road but if they had lived to SHINE OUT against wheels of perils their whole life would lead away from where MINUS wants them to be.

A young single Mother named Jackie is housed in a block of flats with her young son; the baby Father doesn’t want to have anything to do with her and her son; all he wanted to do was get his leg over; when she told him she was pregnant he denied the baby was his and accused her of sleeping around.   Now she hates him.    Her whole life is hemmed in; she has no prospects; her life is no longer her own.   Who wants her to be there God?   No, the answer is she is where MINUS had put her.    Before she had figured out what she wanted to do with her life; it figured things out for her knowing that the less she is within herself, such things can be inherited.    

If we live to shine out against MINUS this can be inherited too but that’s the last thing that MINUS wants.    

Even if certain people get rich, there are so many wheels of perils that can turn through having wealth since wealth can give us more room to be who we want to be but that may not be through God.   We can become overly extravagant, hungering for materialistic thing as if there is no tomorrow.    We become nothing but a hunger to reflect what MINUS is which is a VOID that is never filled; it is nothing but a black hole that spins anti clockwise against creation and within the VOID is a vacuum that sucks inwards to suck things in.

Wheels of peril can connect us to the vacuum so that we hunger for MORE so that our appetite becomes so BIG to give more power to the ill balance that exists within the rich and the poor that shows how close this world is to MINUS since it lives through the ill balance.

In higher realms that is close to God, there is no ill balance.    So, the very thing that we hunger for, which is wealth can lead us further away from God.   

But we can reach a stage in life when wheels of understanding turn clockwise so that we gain the mindset against wheels of perils that this world is steeped in; we can realise that we were born in this world for a reason and the only thing we can do is to not pertain to this world but instead that higher place where everyone lives to SHINE OUT and be beautiful to create space where there is light, for The BEAUTY of LIFE.


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