Sunday 30 April 2017

The power of inheritance

There are many people who don’t believe in evolution but I’m not one of them since I know that it is something that will continue throughout creation where life shifts with time and adapts.   

There is no limit to how far things can evolve through time, given the right stimulus including animals.

I watched a YouTube video about silver foxes bred in Siberia to become tame.   Wild foxes that had a friendly temperament were bred with other foxes with the same temperament and after several generations during which time the foxes spent most of their time with humans, the foxes lost their wildness and became tame.    The fox’s appearance even altered to look a bit like dogs and their mannerisms changed too.

The foxes were not out in the wild having to fend for themselves which led them to lose their killer instinct.   Each generation of foxes inherited the nature of their parents and moved further away from their wild nature.

The point I am making is that through interactions with humans, animals can evolve away from being wild by adapting due to their shift in circumstances where even their appearance change to become more comely.   The silver foxes had evolved on a biology level and also a spiritual level since humans are not the only living life form that has a spirit; to think so is very ignorant.

No life form in this world is more intelligent than humans which means that we have the most capacity to evolve with time which means that there is a great power of  inheritance; in other words the more we make of ourselves, on a positive level, the more of these things can be passed onto our children.

This is HUGE and a great opportunity to shape who we are as people on a higher level to be more than who we have been born to be.   We can look back at how we had been knowing that we have a capacity to be better.    Who we would have been 100 years ago is less than who we can be today especially when the right shifts had occurred.

One of the things that had shifted this world on a positive level was the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s that did away with discrimination against black people.   Laws had been passed to end segregation.     

In South Africa apartheid ended in 1991.   Yes, there are still many racists in this world and yet so many people have spiritually evolved away from being racists and such spiritual evolution can be inherited.
Having the right laws in place that shine out in this world can trigger spiritual evolution so that humanity heads further away from the ills of the past through the power of inheritance.

But it is not just laws that can create a shift in the right direction.   We can choose to be improve who we are as people through having the mindset to shine out, like a man named Lloyd who gets married even though he had a rocky upbringing due to his parents who constantly argued with each other.   They ended up getting divorced and both of them blame each other for the breakdown of the marriage.

Lloyd was determined not to follow in his parent’s footsteps.   He remembered how lazy his father had been around the house and how he made no effort to make his wife happy; he never took her out; he treated her like a servant.   His mother had been a terrible nag; she never knew how to say things in a way to bring the best out of people.    She used to rub her husband up the wrong way which made things worse.

His Father also had a drinking problem.   Due to Lloyd’s determination to be a better man than his Father he made sure he never over indulged with alcohol.   He decided to go the complete other way from his father to become the most loving, kind and considerate husband and through his love his wife blossomed..

Their children had parents who were so loving towards one another.   Lloyd was so helpful around the house and he took his wife out as if they were.    Lloyd also learned to play the guitar and practiced every day and his children ended up learning to play instruments too.

The reason why Lloyd decided to learn to play an instrument because he remembered how his Father used to spend an inordinate amount of time watching TV, whilst drinking gegs of bear.

Lloyd decided he wasn’t going to follow in his father’s footsteps and spend too much time watching TV; so he not only learned to play an instrument, he went to the gym too and stuck to a healthy diet with occasional treats.

Thirty years later, Lloyd’s children were all married with children and none of them were in dysfunctional relationships because they had such high standards about how things should be on a positive level.   Their children were happy to devote their time in learning skills; none of them had to be reminded to practice.    

The atmosphere in the home was so different to the grim atmosphere Lloyd had been brought up in when his parents were like cats and dogs.    Lloyd had triggered a shift on a positive level by making more of himself that his children had inherited and carried on.

We have so much potential to shift things up which makes it a shame when people hurry into having children too quickly without making more of themselves.   There are so many ways to make more of ourselves; it doesn’t just have to be based upon learning new skills; we can also spend time drawing closer to God and learning about the beauty of living through God so that we have a strong connection with God which is also something that can be inherited.

To find time to just sit in a quiet place and just imagine being bathed in the light of God with this need for God to live within one’s life.   This is such a powerful thing to do, especially when you do it regularly.  

You can also say positive affirmations like My space is for the light, past present and future….  I am happy and resonating on the highest level…..  The light is with me…… I am an extension to the light…..

Imagine yourself aglow with light as you imagine clear blue skies up ahead and the warmth of the sun shining down upon you.   This is a great thing for pregnant mothers to do each day with this need for their child to be space for the light.    Sometimes one can sit in silence or play gentle music.    There is also Om chanting music…

Spending time alone with God is a wonderful thing to do since God is the light of an eternal flame that never outs and his light is LOVE that had triggered creation.    So many people only take time aside to be with God in places of worship and yet spending time alone with God in a quiet place can be more powerful since places of worship can be very people orientated.

Spending time alone with God is like spending time alone with nature.   Have you ever been on a beach on a sunny day when you are alone or just with a few people?  Compare the atmosphere to being on the same beach with hundreds of people.    

Certain people have an agenda, they’re controlling or are so self orientated; it can be very draining.   Even in church, everyone may want a piece of God but in a quiet place, you can have God all to yourself so that the focus is just on God…...away from people.

You can build the light of God within yourself and imagine being this great channel for God where his light flows through you.   You can place your palms upwards and imagine the light of God flowing out of your hands and filling space.

If this is done throughout your life and you teach this to your children and this is carried on; it means that we can inherit being a powerful channel for the light of God to flow into this plane of existence.

What we should know is that only God has the power to calm the blazing raging hate of MINUS who exists against creation and seeks our destruction.    

This means that instead of just rushing off to have children we can spend time empowering ourselves on a spiritual level through gaining a strong connection with God.   Certain people feel that the way to be empowered to is to know the words of holy books inside out so that they can quote it but they are not aware that spending quiet time alone with God can be a very powerful thing to do since at the end of the day God is a spirit of the high consciousness who is pure light that can live within us.   Spending time calling upon the light is how we can grow in the light like a door that continually opens wider.

What I am aware of is despite how wicked mankind is, we were designed for God;  in other words we were designed for heaven not hell.    We were designed to be something not nothing since what would be the point of us?   

This means that ultimately as time passes, we will continue to evolve to be at a higher place to where we are today and yet we still have a long wait to go.   Many nations are in a grip of MINUS who is determined to keep people in a limited space against change on a positive level.

There are so many countries that lack the right system and the right laws to trigger a shift in the right direction.    This makes it easier for people to inherit the sins of the father so that generations pass caught up in a mouse wheel to move whilst going nowhere.    So many people are caught up in that wheel.

MINUS is aware of the power of inheritance and it hungers for people to inherit IT.   It can have great influence over us through our inheritance which means that when we do something that may go against it it may give us impulses NOT to do such a thing.

If you decide to learn to play an instrument, it may be in the background raging against it and whip up your spirit of reluctance.   MINUS has this raging need to control people so that they fall in line to be who it wants them to be.   

We can use the power of inheritance against it by striving to transform ourselves where we live to love instead of hate, we are kind instead of wicked, generous instead of selfish, thoughtful instead of inconsiderate, peace loving instead of being a warmonger.

We can choose to be hard working instead of lazy, nice natured instead of being hard to deal with; we can choose to be moral instead of immoral, the list goes on……

We have a great responsibility for the sake of the future since ultimately we were created for God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE and he wants us to fit in and he also wants this world to be of space and light away from wars and the destruction of this planet.

Therefore, God wants us to have an outward flow where there is light away from the inward flow within the VOID that is MINUS…   We can get there through our inheritance so that one day we reach a stage when we are born to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Three ways to connect with God

So many people LOVE God and raise their hands up to God and there are so many other people who don’t have any interest in God.

There are so many people who worship God in this world but is it matched by the number of people who live THROUGH God and shine out?

There are three ways to connect with God

  1. Living through God
  2. Being with God
  3. Worshipping God

The reason why worshipping God is number 3 is because ironically, it is the least important one of all three whereas the most important is to LIVE through God.

Living through God

One of the things I know about this world is how this is a world that is in a low place within the BIG picture which means that is so easy to live off the path.    Things like our inheritance where the sins of our father and father’s father can make it easier to live off the path.

A young single mother named Jackie got pregnant when she was 15 years old; she had been underage and having sex with this 19 year old she met in a club.   Within a week of dating they were having sex but when she found out she was pregnant she got the shock of her life; she totally forgot that the real purpose of sex is to have children.    The 19 year old forgot too and when Jackie told him she was pregnant he turned against her and told her to get rid of it.   

Jackie decided to have the baby and had a daughter she named Pauline.   When Pauline turned 13 she started hanging out with a boy in school named Anthony.   When Jackie found out she was furious and warned Pauline not to mess with boys.   

A year later, Jackie was looking for something in her daughter’s bedroom and found contraceptive pills in her drawer.   She knew that her daughter must be having sex and Jackie totally lost it.   She railed at her daughter in fury since she had spent so much time warning her daughter not to do as she had done by having sex underage.   Now it was too late; her daughter was no longer her little girl anymore, the way Jackie had stopped being a little girl at a very young age.

Pauline hadn’t heeded any of Jackie’s warning.   Two years later when Pauline was 16, she fell pregnant and Jackie kicked her out of the house.   

The harsh reality is that the spirit of morality hadn’t shone out in Jackie as it hadn’t shone out in her own Mother and now it hadn’t shone out in Pauline as part of her inheritance made worse by living in a world steeped in immorality that has no real hiding place.   It can’t really be covered up; the only way for us to counter immorality is for us to willfully choose to be moral which forms a part of living through God.

But first of all we have to know who God truly is; we have to know that God exists as a world where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE where all his people shine out together; they are able to live in peace and have the most beautiful togetherness; none of them have to fear; no one has to lock their doors in fear of MINUS since they all exist against MINUS.

But in this world so many people don’t live through God which leads to MINUS coming alive, able to live and manifest itself in reality.

A young man named Kerin meets a woman named Cassandra and they fall in love and get married.    But after a year of marriage Kerin gradually changes and becomes an abusive husband, physically and verbally which sends Cassandra into a tailspin especially since she falls pregnant and relies on her husband financially.   

Her suffering feeds MINUS and MINUS is able to come alive through Kerin and yet on a Sunday he is in church worshipping God with his arms raised high and tears of love flows as he thinks about the glory of God.   He has a great love for God but his worship has no real connection with God since he doesn’t live through God; Kerin is a form of a devil who makes his wife’s life a misery; he has this huge wheel that is spinning within his soul that turns anti-clockwise against God.   

The anti-clockwise wheel leads AWAY from God despite how much he loves God; his love is worthless since he doesn’t even repent for his sins; he doesn’t think what he is doing is wrong; he feels that he has a right to vent his anger on his wife anyway he sees fit.

But when he turns to his wife in desire of her, he expects her to be willing.  When she rejects him he becomes violent.   He feels that it is a man’s right to have sex with his wife.   He feels that she is a bad wife for rejecting him.

He is unaware how his marriage gives life to MINUS through his cruelty and through his wife’s suffering.  He is giving life to the enemy of God.

If he treated his wife with kindness and consideration and made her happy, he would generate light that shines out against MINUS so that there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE - God.    If he made her heart lift upwards to God through the happiness he had instilled in her heart, her happiness would connect with God instead of MINUS where God would see how Kerin has opened a door to the light through being a good husband.

But instead, even as he raises his hands up to God in prayer, he gives life to God’s enemy through his cruel treatment of his wife.   How can God save him from MINUS who has his soul since Kerin doesn’t fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE?   He has crossed the line down into hell.   He had inadvertently placed his soul in the hands of the worst thing within existence.

He doesn’t turn to Christ and repent of his sins even though turning to Christ is the last thing that MINUS wants knowing how Christ has the power to wipe Kerin’s sins away to free him of MINUS.   He forsakes Christ.

The reality is, the beauty of loving God is to LIVE through God, in other words live through the elements of God like forgiveness, generosity, selfless, morality, diplomacy, honesty and being peace loving, non judgemental, caring, kind and considerate.   

Imagine that other world where everyone can leave their front door open with no need for fears; we have to imagine belonging in that world where there is no need for anyone to fear us.

The whole beauty of living through God is to CHOOSE to live through God in a world where so many laws are needed against a VOID that is MINUS that sucks inwards against creation.    

Things like law enforcement is put in place to prevent MINUS from having its way and yet I heard that there are nations out there where law enforcement is corrupt.   Even in the US and the UK there are many instances of police brutality that is a reminder of what level this world truly is on; nevertheless without law enforcement, the level of where this world sits within the BIG picture would reveal itself to show how close this world is to MINUS where so many people do not live through God and shine out against MINUS, instead they are a part of it.

But away from laws to unhold the system likes laws against crime there are certain laws that can be a part of who we are as people through God so that ultimately, we fit into his world instead of this one.

A man named Eduardo lives through God as part of who he is as a person.   He became reborn some years ago and he is now very conscious of God and looks up to God for guidance.   His whole purpose in life is to serve God and he is so happy to live through his purpose.

He used to live life on the fast lane and dated loads of beautiful women but now that he has become a man of God he no longer has any interest in such woman; he needs to find a partner who also lives through God and he feels that being moral is a huge part of living through God.  

One day he dates a woman named Annette who he feels that could be right for him but after dating for 2 months, one day she turned to him after an evening out and asked him whether he wants to go to her place for a night gap.   Her eyes are lit with delight in him and doesn’t want the evening to end.

He doesn’t want the evening to end either and heads up to her place.   She turns on the lights but keep it dimly lit; she has a beautiful apartment which serves as a very romantic setting.   She pours him a and herself a glass of wine and then she takes a seat beside him on the sofa.

Eduardo is gorgeous and he is such a great guy; she is so thrilled to have him in her life.   After they had a few sips of their wine, she took the wine glass from his hand and then shifted closer to him as her eyes glowered and she leans in and starts kissing him on the mouth.  They share a passionate kiss for a few minutes but then she starts to unbutton his shirt which makes him pull back, look in her eyes and ask “What are you doing?” that makes her blink in surprise and say “What do you think I’m doing?”
Eduardo’s expression immediately fell and he shifted away from her to her shock and for a moment, all she could do was gape at him for she was a very beautiful woman who any man would want and then she asked
“What’s wrong?”
Eduardo turned to look at her and said
“I don’t believe in sex outside of the sanctity of marriage”
Upon her words, her jaw dropped as his words struck her with a jolt of shock for she had NEVER in her whole life come across a man who was into that…
Her mind raced as she summed up Eduardo and figured that he was gorgeous, successful, fun to be with, interesting, engaging and fascinating.   He ticked all the right boxes for a husband so she said
“OK…...we can wait”
It was clear to Eduardo that she didn’t have to wait and was like countless women out there who weren’t living through God.   He needed a wife who was like him….
Eduardo gave a stiff smile for a few seconds but his eyes were dim knowing that Annette wasn’t the right woman for him afterall; she was just another typical woman of the world.
He knew that he was going to end it with her and yet some part of him felt a feeling of anguish as he wondered whether he was ever going to meet a woman who lived through God like him; she was one in a million.

Eduardo didn’t have any more of the wine, instead he made his excuses and left.   Afterwards Annette kicked herself for having made the move; but the truth was, she had been burning up for him and had hoped they would spend the night together.

The next Sunday, Eduardo stayed on after the church service and he bent down and prayed and tears filled his eyes.   He humbled himself before God and made it clear that if it is his will for him to have children a woman in his life it will be so, but if it wasn’t God’s will he would not question it since Eduardo had to put God first above his own personal needs.   

His prayer connected with God in a powerful way and God was very pleased.

Being with God

One of the things that most people are aware of is how this world is a money world; money is what truly counts in this world far more than people.   It is a part of the harsh reality of living in this world.    

This world is not like worlds on higher planes where life is based upon not only living THROUGH God but being with God through one’s life.

A teenager named Jimmy left school with no qualifications and found himself disenchanted with life; he knew that he needed a job but didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life.   The British schooling system had let him down and he found himself just one of millions of children who have left school with no prospects.   

He hadn’t discovered his talent, interest and ability (TIA).   All he truly loved was playing football which he had spent a lot of time doing as a child.  He had hopes of becoming a footballer but he was just one of a trillion boys who had the same aspirations.   

He had to sign on at the Jobcentre to get a financial allowance that was very small but better than nothing but the job advisor made it clear that he needed to get a job and they didn’t really care WHAT job.    He should have figured things out in school.

He considered going to college but to study what?   He didn’t have a clue; plus he didn’t like reading books and having to study.    

Months passed and he became more and more disenchanted living in a money world with hardly any money.   

He eventually got a job as an office assistant in a small insurance firm.   He found it painfully boring and the hours seemed to drag on endlessly.   When he arrived home in the evening he felt drained; he was living but having no life.   The days he spent at work was MINUS so far removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE that relies on having TIA shining out brightly in one’s life so that one’s career isn’t just based upon MONEY.

God operates through TIA and MINUS operates through anti-TIA; therefore in that job, Jimmy connected with MINUS where MINUS was able to come alive in that job instead of God since Jimmy’s was going through a form of hell.

He couldn’t walk out of the job since it would stop him from getting paid any social security money since they don’t pay people who walk out of their jobs since they want people IN a job not OUT.

Several months passed and then one day he saw a job advert in a newspaper THEATRE ASSISTANT NEEDED.   The pay was very low but Jimmy liked the thought of working in a theatre; instead of an office.

He decided to call up and was thrilled when he was invited for an interview.  The moment he arrived at the theatre, he noticed that the atmosphere was totally different to the dead atmosphere in the office; the atmosphere in the theatre was very lively; he saw actors rehearsing on stage; there was a buzz in the air.  It made him realize that he REALLY wanted the job.

It showed in the interview to the delight of the man who interviewed him who loved Jimmy’s enthusiasm and then said “OK...YOU’VE GOT THE JOB……...WHEN CAN YOU START?”
Jimmy couldn’t believe it; he was so delighted; it was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

He explained that he had to serve a week’s notice.   It was then agreed that he could start the week after that.

His last week in the insurance firm was a different experience knowing that he was going to see the back of it all.  He vowed never to work in an office EVER AGAIN.

His first week working at the theatre was full of so much activity and he was kept very busy but he felt so thrilled.   He was full of beans and enthusiasm after the boring time he spent in the office.   When he arrived home in the evening after work, he felt so different to that drained feeling he had felt before; now he felt invigorated even though his job involved a lot of running around.

But he loved the atmosphere in the theatre and he was making so many friend.   It was a job but it didn’t really seem like work.

A year later, auditions were being held for the role of shy boy who is afraid of his own shadow.   Jimmy decided to audition just for the fun of it since he had made so many friends and he felt so at ease in the theatre.    Everyone was astonished when his audition went brilliantly and he was offered the part.   He couldn’t believe it.    He would be paid 3 times more than he had been earning as an assistant.  He was also assured that the job would be waiting for him after the season had ended; if he wanted to return.

Jimmy was so happy and he excelled in the role and never returned to being an assistant, instead he became a full time actor that shone a bright light in his life against MINUS since Jimmy was now living through his TIA instead of ANTI-TIA.

Through his job he was being with God since God exists as light away from the VOID MINUS and it led Jimmy to having The BEAUTY of LIFE even though the nature of him BEING with God was on a circumstantial level.

But we can also BE with God on a spiritual level like Eduardo who not only worships God but he also lives through God and he also lives through TIA.   

So many people want God on a circumstantial level since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE on all levels of existence including circumstantial but so many people do not PERTAIN to The BEAUTY of LIFE.

For instance, a criminal wants the beauty of life and is willing to do anything to get it since so many people equate the beauty of LIFE through money instead of God.

What they seek are materialistic things and financial freedom away from financial enslavement but it forms a catch-22 situation since if we merely seek The BEAUTY of LIFE circumstantially, it leaves a huge VOID where there is MINUS who has power over this world through itself; in other words, it’s power is through a deficit which manifests in the form of financial deficit.

Therefore, instead of the world being governed by God who shines out against MINUS so that there is no need for money, the world is governed by a deficit that is MINUS who drives the financial engine of capitalism.   

The power of MINUS thus has billions of people trapped in hell, under MINUS’s control.   There are nations where people work from sun up to sundown working for peanuts.    What some people earn in a day in one part of the world is far less than what some people earn in a year.

Since the use of money is through MINUS there is a huge ill balance where on one side there is the extreme rich and on the other extreme poverty.   MINUS lives through  the ill balance whereas through God there is no ill balance since God exists against a deficit; there through God everyone has abundance which is the BEAUTY of abundance.

Where is the beauty in enjoying a huge banquet among friends where there is food aplenty that is overflowing when on the other hand there are people out there who are struggling to find fresh water to drink and food to eat?

Therefore, even when certain people have great financial abundance and are able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE circumstantially as if they are in heaven, such abundance can reflect the power of MINUS which means that no one can truly be rich in this world since MINUS cancels it out through the ill balance.

This means that the more people are into money; in other words,the more they love money, the closer they are to MINUS.  So many rich people delight in spending money like water through the ill balance that gives life to MINUS.

It forms one of the biggest ironies since God IS The real BEAUTY of LIFE and yet MINUS may say NO - JUST FOCUS ON GAINING THE BEAUTY OF LIFE THROUGH ME.   But how can anyone have the beauty of LIFE through MINUS?

We can miss out on truly BEING with God due to money; we may not have eyes to see God; all we may see is all the things that money can buy.   We may think that having all those things can save us.

We may look up to the rich and feel that they have The BEAUTY of LIFE and we may envy them and yet having all those things can be like a smokescreen to make us think that we have The BEAUTY of LIFE.

Luke 18:16  "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God."

We can get so caught up in trying to ENJOY our life but in a world that is so close to MINUS and not focus upon God who is our saving grace.

In other words God is LIFE and yet how much space do we give God in our life through being with God on a spiritual level?   We want The BEAUTY of LIFE but without God?  

Sometimes suffering can turn our attention to God where we gain a need for God, to never be the same again.   We can then have a need to BE with God where our life becomes so open to God living in our life.   

Adam and Eve

One of the predominant things about this world is how much Adam wants to with Eve and how much Eve wants to be with Adam.   God can be put in the backseat.   

On higher planes of existence there are people who wants to be with God above anything else so that God is able to be the guiding force in their life to define who they are as people.

But in this world things are so different where Adam and Eve seek each other out ABOVE God.

Adam can’t RESIST Eve, Adam wants to CONTROL Eve; at the end of the day it can be all about Eve and Adam’s need to be with Eve and Eve’s need to be with Adam.   

But what about being with God?  

Such a huge wheel can turn driving Adam and Eve to be together.   Before you know it, they are together having kids but the wheels that had turned may have nothing to do with God.

This means that Adam and Eve’s togetherness does not allow them to truly be with God the way other people are with God on higher levels of existence.    

Adam and Eve’s preoccupation with one another above God is a reflection how they had fallen onto this level of existence through their togetherness.    

This is another story but the point I am making is that the main focus can be on each other above God so that they justify their place in this world that is so close to MINUS who thrives upon numbers knowing that the only thing that truly counts in this world is money.

Culture and people

Culture can also turn our focus away from God since the focus can be on fitting in within culture above being with God so that culture is what truly influences certain people above God.

So the question is, who or what do you want to be with, fitting in with culture and people or fitting in with God?   

All three

It may not be easy to live through all three where we live through God, life our life being with God and worship God.

Many people find it easy to worship God and it can give them a false sense of security thinking that worshipping is going to get them into heaven.   Heading into a place of worship may be an easy thing to do but how easy is it to walk into the kingdom of God?

What we need is to LIVE through God in who we are as people so that the nature of BEING with God manifests in reality and shines out against MINUS so that there is space where there is light for The BEAUTY of LIFE.   This is how we truly connect with God far above worshipping God.

So many people worship God and so many people say they LOVE God but look at the state of the world; there are still third world countries steeped in poverty; crimes rates are so high; there are nations at war, so many people’s lives are caught up in hell.

This world reflects MINUS in so many ways despite the number of people who call themselves religious.

It’s hard to imagine that if we all became like people who live on higher planes of existences all the trouble and strife in this world would end so that all the space in this world would be for the light with no space for MINUS.

Therefore, what this world truly need is for people to LIVE through God with the understanding that God is LOVE.

Through knowing who God truly is, he can then be fully embraced, even to an extreme that would give us a greater need to shine out and be beautiful of spirit to reflect the beauty of God.

When we live THROUGH God so that he is able to manifest in reality through who we are as people, this is when we truly have a connection with God, so that we live our life BEING with God within our spirit who will then seek to manifest on all levels of existence including circumstantial so that there is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

And then when we worship God, we worship God as his people who are IN this world but not OF it; we don’t worship God whilst being a reflection of this world where so many things are the opposite to The BEAUTY of LIFE, instead we live our life striving to pertain to it so that MINUS is not able to justify itself through our existence where it is able to live through things like the ill balance.   It gives us so many reasons to fear; it hates our life and our need to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE.

But when we connect to God through all three with Living through God as our number one priority, this is when we will become aware of how MINUS seeks to influence us away from living through God for as you seek to be calm and peaceful it will be there wanting you to rage in fury; as you want to be moral, it will be there in the background with a need for you to be immoral; as you seek to be forgiving it will want you to boil with a need for vengeance, as you seek to love, it will want you to hate.

It will try to overturn you through your weaknesses; therefore, when we strive to LIVE through God, this is when we may find ourselves caught up in a battle against MINUS and yet this is a part of the process when we become aware of the importance of SHINING OUT in life through our mind, body and spirit against the enemy of LIFE and when we become aware of the importance of having God living within who we are as people.

Through focusing up upon THE BEAUTY of God, this is when we have eyes to see how this world is the opposite to God’s Kingdom in so many ways, filled with people who are of this world, even countless people who call themselves religious.   

But as the masses of them stand together who among them truly shines out and can be seen clearly within the BIG picture, shining out against the VOID?   Many people think there is safety in numbers but we all truly stand alone; the masses cannot save us; all we can do is strive to save ourselves through connecting with God in the right way.

No one would then be able to pull the wool over your eyes, to make you think that MINUS is God, for you have your own connection with God through living through God, where you are with God able to worship God as one of his people.   

If you feel a need to rage in vengeance, if you feel a need to hate, if you feel a need to be judgemental or feel need to be violent, you will at least know that such impulses are MINUS who exists AGAINST the BEAUTY of LIFE.   

MINUS is what gives us all reason to live in fear, why we need to lock our doors at night and why we need law enforcement and laws.   MINUS lives in so many people in this world, able to manifest itself in reality.  
But when we have a proper connection with God, we will then look around and feel alien to this world knowing that it is not truly a place to fit in; through who we become no laws are needed or law enforcement; no one has to fear us.   

As we raise our hands up to God it reflects having a true connection with God who will say “she is one of mine” or “he is one of mine”.   What more could we ask for since God is LIFE and The BEAUTY of LIFE removed from MINUS which means that through God, all fears can be put aside for we have salvation where bells can ring in celebration of our life.   

Therefore, as we WORSHIP God put substance behind it to know that we have been born in this world for a reason and need to be REBORN through the Holy Spirit which is why Christ had come to save us; paying a penalty so that he has the power to WASH AWAY all our sins when we turn to him and REPENT… to make it clear we now live to SHINE OUT against MINUS (DEATH), now we see it and don’t want to be a part of it; our eyes have been open; we are now aware how we have to CHANGE to reflect the BEAUTY of God so that our life is based upon being with God so that we have a connection with God so that through who we are as people, the BEAUTY of LIFE is able to reveal itself.


Acknowledgement through belief

One of the things that I am very aware of is how our very mind is a series of pathways that lead to doors that are either open or closed.

A young man named Alexander one day decides to learn to play the guitar and bought a cheap guitar on Amazon.   He was 21 years old and full of enthusiasm about learning new things.   He loved listening to classical acoustic guitar played by the most brilliant players in the world; he had a vast music library that he listened to every week; it made him feel elevated.

Sometimes when he felt down, he would play certain tracks and a feeling of peace and tranquillity would wash over him.   

He thought ‘what better than to play myself?’ but he got the shock of his life when he sat down to learn using a beginner’s book.   He found he could barely strum the guitar properly or play a note.   It was like being a small infant again having to learn the alphabet again.  

His mind shirked in horror; it was all double Dutch; he couldn’t read the music and he couldn’t play the guitar.   He felt like giving up before he had even begun.    Nevertheless, he spent an hour learning before putting the guitar down in disgust.   

The next day, he looked at the guitar with disdain and a voice in his head said ‘don’t touch that thing; it’s a pain in the neck……. Watch TV instead…..there’s a good show on you want to watch’.

He felt tempted but his love of classical acoustic guitar music drove him to pick up the guitar and spend another hour learning.   

Three months later after spending an hour each day practicing his mind had opened up to playing so that he could now play properly at beginner’s level.   The door had opened and he was determined to keep the door open by continuing to practice an hour each day with no excuses.

The more he played, the more he wanted to play until after a year he could play complicated classical compositions beautifully.   The door was fully open and had become an extension to his life.

At first the door had been closed but then it opened to enrich his life.

One vital aspect of being a Christian is to believe that Christ not only existed but is the son of God; through belief Christ is acknowledged that is a doorway that is open instead of closed.

The power of such doorway being open is more than what I can truly sum up since that door is a saving grace where the light of truth shines out that can transform us from within.   The power of Christ is beyond imagination.

On a personal level, having a doorway open to Christ is what has given me the understanding to write Our Eternal Energy.   I have experienced an amazing transformation in so many ways.

To have a doorway open to the light that can wash away all our sins so that we are reborn, to no longer be of this world but instead belong in that higher place where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

One of the major aspects of Christ is his ability to forgive all our sins which was his purpose on earth that called upon a huge sacrifice which is why he had suffered and died on the cross; he did so to pay a penalty for all OUR sins and the sins of our father.    

In other words, we have all been born into this world for a reason and that reason called upon God to send his only son to save us, even though many people don’t believe that they need savings and they don’t believe that they need to be reborn.

They are not aware where this world is positioned within the BIG picture; they don’t know that this world is only one step away from hell itself that is MINUS that is death and a living death - it exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   MINUS is a raging hate that blazes like a furnace; it rages against creation since MINUS is MINUS.   It has countless elements that have a negative polarity like the elements immorality, greed and selfishness.

The thing about this world is that it is based upon so many of MINUS’s elements e.g. immorality, greed hate and selfishness.    This world is so wound up with MINUS which is why so many people find it so easy to hate and why they find it so easy to be selfish since MINUS is a VOID that has an inward flow powered by a vacuum.    

The vacuum seeks to cancel out life and all creation.   Therefore, however much we may seek The BEAUTY of LIFE on a circumstantial level; in other words we were created for heaven NOT hell… we live in a world that is very close to MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE (TBL) since it cannot live through TBL who exists as elements of light like the elements morality, generosity and altruism which means being selfless.

As MINUS is a raging hate God is love who has an outward flow that cancels out MINUS so that there is space and light.   Without the power of God and his ability to cancel out the VOID that is MINUS heaven would not be able to exist or any similarities to heaven in this world or any other world; all there would be is nothing or LESS than nothingness which is hell.
In the Bible Matthew 22:39 it is written that Christ made it clear that we should  'Love your neighbor as yourself’.   

Christ also said as written in Matthew 5:44 ‘But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’.

In other words, go the other way from MINUS’s direction who wants us to hate and be of vengeance against our enemies since MINUS can live and manifest itself through it hate but it cannot live and manifest itself through love.

Therefore, however much hate may be justified, to love is our saving grace since God IS love.   

The harsh truth, this world is filled with so many haters, so many evil doers; even in the name of religion there are so many evil doers.   We have our life but MINUS hates our life; it wants us to suffer since it lives through suffering; it lives through mourning and grief; it lives through pain; it lives through war; it lives through trouble and strife.   

MINUS also lives through doorways of misunderstandings which means that the wider the doorway, the more of MINUS is able to flood out into who we are as people.

MINUS also lives through our vices why is why it tempts us into reckless behaviour because it seeks our destruction.

Another thing I am aware of is how MINUS lives through the withering of age, to take someone who is young and beautiful and to wither and destroy all beauty.   Things like stress, smoking, a poor diet and lack of exercise, living but having no life, one’s inheritance etc can weaken our defences against the vacuum within the VOID and drain us.  

The harsh reality is that since this world is so close to MINUS we wither faster; in other words AGE faster made worse by the fast pace and life where there’s all work and no play.   Living in a concrete jungle can also speed up the pace of aging since nature itself especially the beauty of nature acts as a buffer against MINUS.

This is an irony, since natural habitats where the beauty of nature flourishes is constantly under threat by humanity who covet such space for themselves.    They cut down forests and other plant life, drive out wildlife to have more space for their concrete jungle even though within the BIG picture it serves as a defence against MINUS who is not only the cause of withering with age, it is also the cause of all sicknesses and death since MINUS IS death.     

Through God there is NO death and NO withering with age.   

In other words, the reason why we need to be saved is because of MINUS.   Even if all your dreams came true in this world and you were a great success, had millions in the bank, were young and beautiful and were able to ENJOY the BEAUTY of LIFE circumstantially  - despite all those things, you live in a world that has a fast wheel that turns of life and death whereas life comes in life goes out.

Since this world is so close to MINUS, the wheel is turning very fast with MINUS there always wanting the wheel to turn faster since it lives through such a wheel, wanting it to be very small and to spin very fast unlike how things are on higher planes of existence that not only have big wheels but the wheels turn slowly.

The higher up, the bigger the wheel and the slower it turns.   But here we are in a world that has this small wheel that turns so fast due to MINUS.

So, as precious as our life may be, we live in a world so close to a raging hate against our life and our need to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE.

It has so many people financially enslaved where their very life is not their own, so that they have to WORK doing a job that they hate.    It’s a form of hell; it is not of The BEAUTY of LIFE; in other words through financial enslavement one’s life is caught up in a vacuum that has an inward flow and yet this reflects humanity who do not live through an outward flow; so many people only care about themselves and their own family; so many people are only able to love their own blood.

I can write a whole book on why we justify our place in this world that is so close to MINUS and why Christ had been born into this world to save us but first of all we have to acknowledge him through belief….and know that we have to be REBORN of the Holy Spirit so that we shine out against our father and father’s father to instead follow Christ’s footsteps who had laid out a narrow path for us to follow.

No words can truly sum up the power of Christ who wants our door to be open to him instead of closed.   

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.   

Through God we can slow down the wheel of life and death as we turn to each other and become one people, able to love each other, share with one another, have good reason to trust each other.   All the divisions we have with each other reflect the division we have with God.

We can live to shine out with an outward flow that cancels out MINUS so that there is space and light where the light of truth is able to come alive to justify our existence away from death.