Friday, 27 January 2017

Lower powers and high powers

Having power in this world can be a great thing or it can be the worse thing for power creates space in which one is able to operate; if one operates through God to SHINE OUT to create space and light so that The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest, having power is a wonderful thing but if having power creates a huge area of darkness that is a VOID, then having power can be a disaster since it creates a vacuum against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

One of the major issues with this world are leaders of nations who are LOWER powers instead of higher powers and due to their position of power a huge VOID is created that SUCKS many people in.   

They are the opposite to what the world needs, since we need leaders who are higher powers whose aim is to SHINE OUT against MINUS to cancel it out of existence.

A higher power aim is to instill peace, harmony and prosperity not just within one’s own nation but also globally; this calls upon a leader who can exercise caution and diplomacy, and is able to look at the bigger picture.  Through God such a leader would be humble and down to earth.

Many people may say ‘I want a world leader who is a successful capitalist’  but I would say ‘I want a world leader who is a higher power’ since a higher power shines out against ruthless capitalism that this world is steeped in.

Solutions to issues would then be found from a higher perspective to alleviate a need to fear the world being lowered, lower to where it is already.

The world has been shaped by lower powers, people like Genghis Khan but thankfully his time has passed.  Men like Hitler had risen up as a lower power to become a powerful leader of a nation and he had his eyes upon the world so that the whole world is run by a lower power.

What many people may not understand is that within the BIG picture there is a great war going on between good and evil; God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE who wants his light to shine out within space on all levels of existence and on the other side there is MINUS, the devil who exists against creation and wants space to manifest hell which is death but a living death.    MINUS doesn’t want people to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and furthermore, it doesn’t want people to PERTAIN to it.

What MINUS loves is an ill balance between the rich and the poor so that as the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer through ruthless capitalism.   MINUS loves feeding off the poor and living through the rich; it doesn’t want people to care about each other and it wants nations to be against nations knowing that the only way to truly SHINE OUT against it is when nations come together to live in peace and harmony.  In other words, MINUS lives through discord as God lives through accord and a beautiful oneness.

Therefore, although many people feel that religion and politics shouldn’t mix, I feel that it should mix but from a higher perspective so that even as people listen to world leaders speak, what they want to hear is the voice of God instead of a ruthless capitalist and a hater.

We live in troubling times, there are so many nations run by lower powers; the power of the VOID is very powerful and so many people are caught up in its vacuum not only circumstantially but spiritually; many people do not even know who God truly is; so many people worship God without shining out against MINUS.

Therefore, perhaps if the world is to reach a stage when most world leaders are HIGHER powers, perhaps it calls upon people of each nation to seek God above all other things, even above money and also for Adam to seek God above Eve and for Eve to seek God above Adam.

Anything that we seek above God, lowers us…  Look at the state of the world now; look at how many lower powers run nations!   So many countries are steeped in pure corruption and lack so many things that is necessary for that nation to SHINE OUT against MINUS. 


Such nations lack so many vital laws like human and animal rights laws that are wheels that would turn to lead the nation up and away from MINUS.  Many nations lack proper policing or have a policing system that is completely corrupt.   

Proper policing and a sound judicial system is vital in a world that is so close to MINUS.   This world is defined by people who don’t belong in heaven; if they did belong in heaven, there would be no need for a policing system or a judicial system.

A higher power would know that a vital part of leadership is teaching citizens the BEAUTY of shining out against MINUS.   A huge program would be set up for kindergarten and schools, since the aim of a higher power would be for the people to pertain to The BEAUTY of LIFE.

What a huge difference it would be running a nation full of people whose aim is to SHINE OUT to create space and light so that the BEAUTY of LIFE can manifest, than running a nation full of devils.    So many people within nation call themselves religious and many of them cleave to so many traditions and customs but in a world that is so close to MINUS!

If the gates of heaven presented itself in this world, how many of them would be able to walk in?  In other words, they have this world but what this world needs are leaders who are higher powers since they have the greatest powers to SHINE OUT against MINUS so that this world is lifted up away from it; everyone in this world would then be closer to God, which would then make it easier for people to live against being of MINUS design; in other words how MINUS wants us to be so that it can live and have life against our life and the life of this planet.

We need higher powers who are not only protective towards people but also nature and animals so that the world SHINE OUT against ruthless capitalism.   In other words, we don’t want lowers powers in power who will foul up the bed they lay upon.    

I remember when Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and his stance on peace humbled the whole world; he hadn’t walked out of prison spouting hate and vengeance and through him the world learned how the power of love can calm a storm and bring upon great change.

Of all the babies born into the world, what we need are higher powers, born to replace LOWER powers.   So many leaders of nations reflect the level this world is on to give MINUS so much room to operate but at the end of the day God sparked creation so that there is space away from the huge VOID of pure nothingness and less than nothingness that had existed before.

This planet is a part of creation that is space that is here for the light.  But MINUS has great power in this world to rise certain up in power so that this world remains close to the VOID.   it’s almost as if certain world leaders are put in power so that The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest since MINUS wants this world as its space where it can live and have life.

One thing is clear about humanity, no one man should have too much power.   In Britain there is the House of Parliament based upon democracy and in the US they have Congress which are there to keep things in check.   In other words, no one can truly be trusted since this world is closer to the lower power than higher which is why this world is steeped in so much mayhem and why there are so many haters and people who are swamped by their own greed.

Now in the year 2017 we are more in need of higher powers who has the power to SHINE OUT in a powerful way against MINUS.   Countries like Britain and the US have such a powerful ability to SHINE OUT but at the same time, a lack of shining out can place the world at peril due to the power that such nations have.   Huge mistakes have already been made; we can’t afford for any more mistakes to be made.

Without having the mindset to SHINE OUT it can rake up a hornets nest to give haters all the more reason to HATE and be happy to go on a warpath.     Hater’s cannot justify their hate through a higher power since a higher powers SHINES OUT against hate; it doesn’t invoke it.  

In a world steeped in MINUS, its tricky.   Even if Christ himself were to return to this world to become a leader of a nation how easy would it be for Christ to transform this world into a place that is like heaven, when this world is filled with so many devils?

Being a leader of a nation on higher planes of existences is easy for everyone shines out to create space for The BEAUTY of LIFE.   This world is filled with so many people who are connected to the VOID and they have a powerful inward flow called SELF; the more they have, the more they want…    There are certain people who delight in buying expensive things, that most people cannot afford; in other worlds, there are people out there who delight in the ill balance.

The aim of many rich people is not to SHINE OUT, their aim is to get richer.   Christ may say ‘The solution is to give half of what you have so that I can build a proper infrastructure’   Christ may as well have asked them to jump off a bridge.

So on one side, there are many people who have LESS than what they need so that their life is caught up in a perpetual battle to survive and on the other side there are the rich few who have MORE than what they need.     Christ cannot operate through an ill balance.

Therefore, the world needs higher powers who are here to eradicate all ill balances.   How easy is that in a world built upon ruthless capitalism?


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