Thursday 26 January 2017

Building a wall

The basis of a wall is to either shut something in or keep something out.   It is hard to imagine that through God we are all one where no barriers are needed since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE where there is space and light.

The issue with this world is the existence of space where there is lacking of light and without light there can be no BEAUTY of LIFE instead there is a VOID that is MINUS.    A wall can be built to keep MINUS out or it can be built to keep people trapped in with it.   The overall issue is MINUS who can also exist within the hearts of man so that they operate through it; in other words they do not SHINE OUT against it, they enable MINUS to manifest itself in reality.  MINUS can exist within the infrastructure of an entire nation; in other words a nation can be build upon corruption.

No one wants to leave something that is good for humanity had been created for The BEAUTY of LIFE; people only want to leave something that is bad for we had not been created for hell and yet as we may desire The BEAUTY of LIFE, how many people actually pertain to it through shining out against MINUS?

The issue with this world is how close it is to MINUS who wants space to live and have life; to manifest itself through things like ruthless capitalism, immorality, violence, greed, wickedness, suffering,   It doesn’t want people to be free to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and it doesn’t want people to pertain to it.

Even if certain people have The BEAUTY of LIFE circumstantially, it wants such people's spirits to be steeped in greed and selfishness so that they do not fit IN with The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.  

In other words, MINUS wants such people to have this huge inward flow into VOID that constantly hungers for more that fuels greed and selfishness so that despite having abundance, they are never filled. 

As MINUS has an inward flow, God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE has an outward flow which is why God is The BEAUTY of LIFE.   God is light that shines out to create space where there is light.  Therefore, in order for us to fit in with God, we have to have an outward flow and not just be all out for ourselves.

It is so easy to belong to a prosperous nation and want to build a wall against a poor nation so that there is a complete separation but our need for such a wall can be based upon an inward flow so that there is no empathy for people who are shut in with MINUS.   We can be all for a wall and yet our need for a wall can also build a wall between us and God.  It can be a huge irony that plays right into the hands of MINUS who says…


And yet, within the BIG picture through God we are all one where there are no walls between us; where we have the understanding that the enemy is MINUS who exists on both sides of the wall.

If we change tact to SHINE OUT against MINUS this is when we call upon God, so that a day will come when there are no need for walls.

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