Sunday, 22 January 2017

How we can call upon the opposite

One of the most predominant things that I have learned about God through Christianity is that ‘God is Love’ and Christ taught us to even ‘love our own enemies’.    The second most important Holy Commandment is to love one’s own neighbour as one loves oneself.

Can you imagine what this world would be like is everyone loved each other as they loved themselves?   The world would be a completely different place for love has an outward flow of light that shines outwards like the love of a loving mother who has a love for her small child.    Her eyes shine with the light of her love for her child is a part of her; so through loving her child, she loves an extension of herself but one that is innocent.

God wants that light to shine in our eyes when we look at our neighbour and for such a light to shine in our neighbours eyes for the light of such love exists against MINUS.

No loving mother wants any harm to come to her child, no loving mother wants her child to lack the things that her child needs to have proper wellbeing.    Many parents bend over backwards to ensure their children have all the things they need to be happy.  Can you imagine if everyone was like those parents towards their neighbour and visa versa?    

That’s how things are in the Kingdom of Heaven where all citizens love as God would have us love unlike how things are in this world where people find it so hard to love their neighbours and why there are so many haters.   

Throughout the ages there has been so many haters like racists and now even in today’s times there is a rising of Islamophobia.   So many people find it easier to hate their neighbours than to love their neighbours.    

We can justify why we are here in this world, which is a world that is so close to MINUS who exists as a raging hate against creation. 


What many of us are unaware of is that through our inability to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, where there is only a love of SELF, where one merely has a love for their own child for example, we inadvertently call upon MINUS who wants the opposite to everything that most people wants.

As we want to be happy, it wants us to be unhappy: as we want to live in peace, it wants this world to be overtaken by trouble and strife: as we want to be rich, it wants us to be poor: as we want to enjoy life, it wants us to live and have no life and the list goes on.   

It forms an irony that the more we only care about ourselves the more we can call upon the worse thing in existence - MINUS.   

So many people have such a huge flow inwards that is SELF.   I want this and I want that, I want more and more and more and more…  But MINUS is the inward flow since it is a VOID that spins anti clockwise against creation; in other words it is a huge black hole and it’s hunger is a vacuum that sucks inwards against creation.

Humanity is connected to the VOID in such a huge way, which is one of the reasons why we are so destructive to planet earth.   In other words, we are a part of the huge black hole.

The only way to counter it, is for us to change polarity so that we have an outward flow since God is the outward flow where there is light that has the power to cancel out MINUS.

In other words, God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who redefines the term abundance.   When we have an outward flow that shines out to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE we are a part of The BEAUTY of LIFE that exists against MINUS.    

But the basis of shining out is away from SELF which means that through shining out, we head out of the VOID and away from MINUS.

This is a world that uses money to counter the VOID but through money having abundance can only be an illusion since God is the true nature of abundance.

A man can have a wheel that spins so that he is like a money making machine; his grandfather had that wheel and his father had that wheel and now he has that wheel and it leads into him making millions; he has worldly abundance that most people couldn’t even dream of.   

But the man has such a powerful inward flow you couldn’t even imagine but the inward flow is MINUS.    No one can see the huge VOID that the man lives his life through; all people can see is his great wealth and success in life.  

So many people look up to that; they think he has a winning formula; he knows how to be a winner but you have to ask yourself where?  The answer is in this world that is based upon MINUS instead of God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE; this means that whatever wealth the man has is not sustainable; he cannot keep it; it is only an illusion; it presents a picture of great success but where does he stand with God?

The human life is so fleeting, even if we live to be 100; most people who are in their 90s are withered.   Therefore, whatever we gain on a worldly level we cannot keep since we cannot take it with us when MINUS will swallow us up since MINUS is death and it also exists as a living death that is hell.

It is so easy to set our mind on being a great success in this world but such great success may call upon us being a ruthless capitalist.   It may call upon us being the opposite to how God needs us to be in order for us to fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE.

How ironic since through God, there is no withering with age, there is no letting go of abundance for it to fall into the hands of MINUS, instead the light of God shines out AGAINST MINUS which is why God is able to redefine having abundance.

But this world may call upon us just being out for ourselves; You don’t care about me, so I won’t care about you…

A man who had been earning £24,000 in a basic job found out he won £12m on the lottery; the first thing he did was go out and buy a car that cost £124,000.   In other words humanity has such a huge hunger for more without having a hunger to shine out against MINUS who is here to put us at a deficit; having money cannot save us from it.   All the money in the world cannot save us from MINUS, the only power who is strong enough to save us is God.

This is why God had sent his only son Christ to suffer for the atonement of our sins, so that we can turn to God and repent of our sins and Christ has the power to wash our sins away so that we no longer lay in the hands of MINUS.    We gain the understanding that all manner of sin is MINUS like the sin adultery and abuse.   

We gain an understanding that hating connects us to MINUS which means that whoever we hate, we are putting ourselves in grave peril.   

MINUS lives through our hate when we rage against one another, dislike each other; when we are selfish and lack empathy.   

MINUS lives in so much space in this world, even whole nations; it has led to a mass exodus of people flooding out of such nations to head to higher grounds.   But there are some nations where citizens are trapped; they are not allowed to flee; if they are caught trying to escape they are killed or sent to concentration camps.

There are huge nations were so many of its citizens are a part of MINUS that leads to the most heinous crimes like the rape of women and children.   There are nations so steeped in poverty while there are people in this world who delight in spending money like water.    Try living in a third world country struggling each day to find food to eat and fresh water to drink and then be shown a picture of a celeb flashing expensive bling-blings that cost millions.   

It is a sign how close this world is to MINUS who truly hates us all.    And yet humanity has such a huge capacity to change; we can go from one extreme to the other which means that we have the ability to transform and fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE above anything else to know that life away from SELF is where life truly begins.

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