Sunday 29 January 2017

Money and The BEAUTY of LIFE

One of the major aspects of humanity is how we are designed for The BEAUTY of LIFE which means that most people want to have beautiful things around them and be free to enjoy it.    Most people want to live in a nice home and go on holiday to beautiful locations; most people want to be happy and carefree.

But we can equate all those things with having money, unaware that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE on every level of existence, shining out against anything that doesn’t pertain to The BEAUTY of LIFE.    With all the worries that we may have like financial worries, God is pure bliss and all the things that we need God is abundance but on a level far above money.   Therefore, through God there is no need for money.

How can this be understood in a world that is so close to MINUS that calls upon a need for money to compensate for its deficit?  How can we understand that all the woes of this world including sickness is due to the presence of MINUS who exists as a huge VOID away from The BEAUTY of LIFE - God?

This forms an irony as so many people set their sights upon having money in order to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE but they fail to set their sights upon God; instead they seek out a worldly illusion of The BEAUTY of LIFE but it is a sad illusion since it is unsustainable; the only BEAUTY of LIFE that is sustainable is God.

But from a worldly perspective, the way to truly gain The BEAUTY of LIFE is through having enough money to be free from financial enslavement which is why so many rich people sit upon a mountain of wealth, for their wealth represents a distance away from MINUS who lives through its ill elements like the ill element anti-TIA.   

TIA is what God operates through (Talent, Interest and ability) that is a light that shines out above money; which means that when someone’s career is based upon TIA, it is something they would do even if they had all the money in the world.   

Since this world is so close to the VOID most people don’t discover their TIA, instead they become financially enslaved and work through anti-TIA; in other words, they do jobs they hate or a job they would leave behind if they were free from financial enslavement.   

In countries like the UK that have laws against unsuitable working conditions, laws that regulate working hours, laws against low pay, anti-TIA can only sink employees so low, unlike other countries like third world countries that lack all those laws that leads many employees into a form of hell through anti-TIA.   In such instances, MINUS is able to manifest itself in a powerful way through anti-TIA and financial enslavement.   

For instance, there is a country very close to the US where the standard of living is extremely low especially for many people who are poor.   There are no laws against unreasonable low pay which means that many workers are paid as low as $5 per day when in the US, that is what many low paid workers earn in one hour.   

It leads to a woeful contrast between the lifestyle of the poor in the US and the poor in that other country that is so close.    The poor in such a country have no hope of enjoying The BEAUTY of LIFE since the nation is too close to MINUS who lives through things like corruption, greed, poor leadership, a lacking of proper laws etc. etc.   

There was a long distance runner who woke up in the early hours of the morning to run miles to train for international races.   He lived in a poverty stricken country steeped in corruption.    His hours of dedication paid off and he won $3,000 which to him and his family was like winning $1m.   His life was going to change forever; he would be able to move out of the hut he was living in with his wife and build a proper house, except his money got swallowed up by the corrupt system his country was built upon.    

When he went to the Government office to ask where his money had gone, he was told he would have to pay for them to investigate.   

The point that I am making is that since this world is so close to MINUS, it makes it very difficult for many people to have The BEAUTY of LIFE; they have life but with MINUS who is able to live in their life and yet the basis of us having been born in this world in the first place instead of higher planes of existence away from MINUS is because we do not fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE.   

In order for us to fit in, we have to be born again of The Holy Spirit since God is The Father, Son AND The Holy Spirit.  In order to get to the Father, we have to turn to the Son who had laid out a narrow path for us to follow so that the basis of our life is to be born again as a Holy person who SHINES OUT against MINUS.

But how many people want to be holy?  In other words, who wants to be godly in an ungodly world that is so close to the basis of ungodliness which is MINUS?   

Instead what many people want is The BEAUTY of LIFE but without God, they want it through money which is when they can open themselves up to the huge VOID to feed their hunger to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE.    Many people don’t want God to be a part of it since through God, there is that narrow path that they don’t want to walk upon since that narrow path is all about seeking God above worldly things and pleasures.    

When on that narrow path, one has to leave MINUS behind but MINUS maybe where all the fun is.  

A rich man named Errol drives a sports car that makes most people drool.   He goes into a club and the most beautiful women target him and he is able to take his pick.   It is a bit like being presented with a huge box of chocolates; he can take his pick of the ones he wants to gorge himself upon.   He doesn’t like the strawberry flavour or the hard toffee since it gets stuck in his teeth and takes too long to suck; he likes the crunchy nutty chocolates and the fudge.     He is very picky.

He has this huge taste for chocolates and he is always presented with new ones even though he is a very ordinary looking guy.   He knows all those women are only after him for his money but he doesn’t care.

He knows that if he was on that narrow path, all those women wouldn’t fit on the narrow path.  The path is so narrow that not even one of them could fit on it.   So he doesn’t want to be on that narrow path since it’s too narrow; he wants to be out in that vast space where anything goes.

He loves expensive cars but not just one; he has a garage filled with $19m worth of cars and he always has his eye for new expensive cars.

If he was on that narrow path, there wouldn’t even be room for one of those cars for Christ knows that we live in a world steeped in a gross ill balance between the rich and the poor.   Can one of his followers drive on the narrow path in a car that cost $1m?   No, he would have to downsize but he doesn’t want to downsize.   If he had his way, he would drive all his cars into heaven.   He hates the fact that he can’t even drive one of them in.    He hates that narrow path for it’s too narrow.   He doesn’t feel that he has any room to breath on that narrow path.

He gives money to charity which he feels good about but if he was on the narrow path, maybe Christ would ask him to give more but he doesn’t want to.  Suppose if Christ wanted him to give all his money to the poor?   Errol keeps well away from the narrow path because he loves his money too much.   

He also loves hell-raising, smoking, taking class A drugs on occasions and he loves drinking alcohol in excess but alcohol of the most expensive kind.    He loves drinking wine but you can forget about the wine that is sold for £5 in the supermarket.   The lowest he is willing to pay for a bottle of wine is £50 since he hates anything that is cheap even if it tastes nice; it’s the principal.   

He loves having what most people can’t afford.   But one day Earl doesn’t feel so great and goes to the doctor and after a few tests he is dealt a huge blow; he has a serious disease that makes his blood grow cold.    The shock when his doctor told him had blasted him like a bomb.   He suddenly realised that he might die and leave The BEAUTY of LIFE behind along with all his cars and his huge mansions.

He doesn’t want to leave anything behind; he wants to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE forever.   He has children who he can will his wealth too but he doesn’t want to will anything to anyone because he wants to live to enjoy his own wealth.    

Now every day is different from the moment he wakes up in the morning.   He looks around at his beautiful home with its vast garden and he grieves at the prospect of leaving it all behind for someone else to buy his precious home and live in it.   He wants to stay in his own home; a home that most people can’t even dream of.   He has homes all over the world and he loves all of them and wants to live to enjoy them.

But now he views his home with new eyes - sad eyes that differ from the previous hard look in his eyes that brimmed with confidence and triumph that always said LOOK HOW I AM ABLE TO ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF LIFE…

He used to feel so victorious in a world steeped in the ill balance.   Now he is afraid and he now wants to make peace with God and starts to pray.   Now he considers heading onto the narrow path and if Christ wants him to give all his wealth to the poor, he would give it away since he doesn’t have long to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE anyway and he feels that he feels that maybe his children should earn their own wealth.  


He curses the doctors for not having a cure for his illness; they can treat it in the hope that it will disappear but there is no pill he can pop that would make the illness just go away.

Now he is too sick to go to any of those clubs; he no longer has an appetite for chocolate; he is too sick to enjoy it; he just wants to live, he doesn’t want to die; he has so much in his life worth living for; he had been living the dream for the past 30 years; he doesn’t want it to end.  Every day he laments about why he has to grow old and get sick.   

Sickness puts a new spin on everything.  Now he views his life in the past instead of the future.   He knows that the pharaohs of old tried to take their wealth with them so that they could enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE in the afterlife.     Look how they turned out…

The thought of dying terrifies him and there is no one he can turn to for help, not even the doctors who aren’t miracle workers.   He tries praying but his heart isn’t in it; he feels like a fake.  The truth is, he is loaded down with spiritual baggage that he wants to carry with him; he doesn’t want to leave it behind.   

He loves his drinking and carousing with women.   He loves money being of no object and going on wild shopping spree.   He loves picking up women like a takeaway he can just toss out afterwards.   He loves having all the power through having wealth and see the gleam in their eyes that make him feel like a handsome stud.   He had never been a looker, not even in his youth and always knew that he needed to have money and lots of it in order to get with the type of beautiful women he wanted.

All his three ex-wives were beauties who wouldn’t have given him the time of day if he wasn’t loaded.   They had all filed for divorce due to his womanizing and the courts forced him to pay them far more than he wanted to pay but at least he could afford it.  He had been able to walk away and carry on but how can he walk away from death.   

As his sickness got worse, Errol decided to go to church and after the service, he sat in the church when the other members of the congregation had left.  The minister saw him sitting in the church with a sad expression on his face and the minister went over to Errol and sat next to him and asked.
“What’s troubling you?”
Errol’s expression became very mournful and he said
“I’ve been a very selfish man all my life….  I’ve made millions and wasted millions of extravagant living; I have been a womanizer, I’ve been ruthless and mean but now I’m sick and I want to make peace with God”
The minister looked at Errol in empathy and said
“Do you know that Christ came into this world to suffer and die on the cross for the atonement of our sins and now he has the power to forgive us for all our sins, no matter how terrible the sin had been when we repent to him in earnest”
Errol looked at the minister in surprise and said
“Are you saying that if I repent right now, Christ will forgive me for everything I have done and allow me to go to heaven?”
The minister blanched and said
“If you repent in earnest”
“You mean if I really mean it?” asked Errol with a look of hope in his eyes
“THEN I REPENT” cried Errol
“Don’t tell me” said the minister “pray and ask Christ for his forgiveness”
Errol closed his eyes and clasped his hands together as the minister closed his eyes too and Errol said

Errol spent ages asking Christ for forgiveness as the minister sat listening in shock.
Afterwards, Errol said
“There………. I think that’s it……….. Am I forgiven?”
The minister eyed Errol somewhat tentatively and answered
“If you meant it”

Afterwards, Errol felt as though a load was off his shoulder but he was still scared about dying.   But one day, the doctor came in and told him that there was a new drug that had just come out and wondered whether Errol would want to try it out even though it was still in its experimental stage.
“You mean treat me as a guinea pig” stated Errol scathingly
“No...not exactly” said the Doctor “extensive tests have been carried out and we are confident that the drug will cure you disease but we need your written consent before treating you since the drug is so new”
Errol looked a bit fed up
“What choice do I have?” he said “I’m dying anyway”
Errol then signed the consent form and he was given the drug.
A week later, he felt his strength returning and after tests he was delighted to be told that his illness was in rapid remission.

Errol was jubilant and that evening he invited some friends around to his home for a celebration.    He was SO HAPPY; he had his life back; he wasn’t going to die.   Now he viewed his home with new eyes that gleamed with joy to know that he wasn’t going to leave it behind afterall.

Now his focus returned to ENJOYING THE BEAUTY OF LIFE which led him back into a club to gorge on chocolates but this time he went for the whole box and invited 35 hot babes back to his mansion and he allowed them to stay a week.    By the end of the week, he had gorged himself on all of them to make up for lost time.

In terms of the narrow path, he now looked upon it with disdain knowing that it was such a kill-joy and wouldn’t allow him to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE, instead it wanted him to be holy.   HOLY! Are you kidding me?

Errol had as much interest in being holy as he was interested in Christ for to him his God was money - MONEY - MONEY.   That time in church now seemed like a bad dream that he wanted to forget.   The truth was, he wasn’t sorry anyway; he had loved every minute of living on the fast lane.    He never wanted it to end; he loved enjoying The BEAUTY of LIFE and planned to keep going and going for as long as possible, especially after his near death scare; now he was even more keen to enjoy every second of his life.    Now he was even more extravagant in his spending, knowing that he can’t take it with him.

As far as he is concerned, he already has The BEAUTY of LIFE, he doesn’t need Christ.    To him money and The BEAUTY of LIFE are a match made in heaven.  

Friday 27 January 2017

Lower powers and high powers

Having power in this world can be a great thing or it can be the worse thing for power creates space in which one is able to operate; if one operates through God to SHINE OUT to create space and light so that The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to manifest, having power is a wonderful thing but if having power creates a huge area of darkness that is a VOID, then having power can be a disaster since it creates a vacuum against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

One of the major issues with this world are leaders of nations who are LOWER powers instead of higher powers and due to their position of power a huge VOID is created that SUCKS many people in.   

They are the opposite to what the world needs, since we need leaders who are higher powers whose aim is to SHINE OUT against MINUS to cancel it out of existence.

A higher power aim is to instill peace, harmony and prosperity not just within one’s own nation but also globally; this calls upon a leader who can exercise caution and diplomacy, and is able to look at the bigger picture.  Through God such a leader would be humble and down to earth.

Many people may say ‘I want a world leader who is a successful capitalist’  but I would say ‘I want a world leader who is a higher power’ since a higher power shines out against ruthless capitalism that this world is steeped in.

Solutions to issues would then be found from a higher perspective to alleviate a need to fear the world being lowered, lower to where it is already.

The world has been shaped by lower powers, people like Genghis Khan but thankfully his time has passed.  Men like Hitler had risen up as a lower power to become a powerful leader of a nation and he had his eyes upon the world so that the whole world is run by a lower power.

What many people may not understand is that within the BIG picture there is a great war going on between good and evil; God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE who wants his light to shine out within space on all levels of existence and on the other side there is MINUS, the devil who exists against creation and wants space to manifest hell which is death but a living death.    MINUS doesn’t want people to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and furthermore, it doesn’t want people to PERTAIN to it.

What MINUS loves is an ill balance between the rich and the poor so that as the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer through ruthless capitalism.   MINUS loves feeding off the poor and living through the rich; it doesn’t want people to care about each other and it wants nations to be against nations knowing that the only way to truly SHINE OUT against it is when nations come together to live in peace and harmony.  In other words, MINUS lives through discord as God lives through accord and a beautiful oneness.

Therefore, although many people feel that religion and politics shouldn’t mix, I feel that it should mix but from a higher perspective so that even as people listen to world leaders speak, what they want to hear is the voice of God instead of a ruthless capitalist and a hater.

We live in troubling times, there are so many nations run by lower powers; the power of the VOID is very powerful and so many people are caught up in its vacuum not only circumstantially but spiritually; many people do not even know who God truly is; so many people worship God without shining out against MINUS.

Therefore, perhaps if the world is to reach a stage when most world leaders are HIGHER powers, perhaps it calls upon people of each nation to seek God above all other things, even above money and also for Adam to seek God above Eve and for Eve to seek God above Adam.

Anything that we seek above God, lowers us…  Look at the state of the world now; look at how many lower powers run nations!   So many countries are steeped in pure corruption and lack so many things that is necessary for that nation to SHINE OUT against MINUS. 


Such nations lack so many vital laws like human and animal rights laws that are wheels that would turn to lead the nation up and away from MINUS.  Many nations lack proper policing or have a policing system that is completely corrupt.   

Proper policing and a sound judicial system is vital in a world that is so close to MINUS.   This world is defined by people who don’t belong in heaven; if they did belong in heaven, there would be no need for a policing system or a judicial system.

A higher power would know that a vital part of leadership is teaching citizens the BEAUTY of shining out against MINUS.   A huge program would be set up for kindergarten and schools, since the aim of a higher power would be for the people to pertain to The BEAUTY of LIFE.

What a huge difference it would be running a nation full of people whose aim is to SHINE OUT to create space and light so that the BEAUTY of LIFE can manifest, than running a nation full of devils.    So many people within nation call themselves religious and many of them cleave to so many traditions and customs but in a world that is so close to MINUS!

If the gates of heaven presented itself in this world, how many of them would be able to walk in?  In other words, they have this world but what this world needs are leaders who are higher powers since they have the greatest powers to SHINE OUT against MINUS so that this world is lifted up away from it; everyone in this world would then be closer to God, which would then make it easier for people to live against being of MINUS design; in other words how MINUS wants us to be so that it can live and have life against our life and the life of this planet.

We need higher powers who are not only protective towards people but also nature and animals so that the world SHINE OUT against ruthless capitalism.   In other words, we don’t want lowers powers in power who will foul up the bed they lay upon.    

I remember when Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and his stance on peace humbled the whole world; he hadn’t walked out of prison spouting hate and vengeance and through him the world learned how the power of love can calm a storm and bring upon great change.

Of all the babies born into the world, what we need are higher powers, born to replace LOWER powers.   So many leaders of nations reflect the level this world is on to give MINUS so much room to operate but at the end of the day God sparked creation so that there is space away from the huge VOID of pure nothingness and less than nothingness that had existed before.

This planet is a part of creation that is space that is here for the light.  But MINUS has great power in this world to rise certain up in power so that this world remains close to the VOID.   it’s almost as if certain world leaders are put in power so that The BEAUTY of LIFE cannot manifest since MINUS wants this world as its space where it can live and have life.

One thing is clear about humanity, no one man should have too much power.   In Britain there is the House of Parliament based upon democracy and in the US they have Congress which are there to keep things in check.   In other words, no one can truly be trusted since this world is closer to the lower power than higher which is why this world is steeped in so much mayhem and why there are so many haters and people who are swamped by their own greed.

Now in the year 2017 we are more in need of higher powers who has the power to SHINE OUT in a powerful way against MINUS.   Countries like Britain and the US have such a powerful ability to SHINE OUT but at the same time, a lack of shining out can place the world at peril due to the power that such nations have.   Huge mistakes have already been made; we can’t afford for any more mistakes to be made.

Without having the mindset to SHINE OUT it can rake up a hornets nest to give haters all the more reason to HATE and be happy to go on a warpath.     Hater’s cannot justify their hate through a higher power since a higher powers SHINES OUT against hate; it doesn’t invoke it.  

In a world steeped in MINUS, its tricky.   Even if Christ himself were to return to this world to become a leader of a nation how easy would it be for Christ to transform this world into a place that is like heaven, when this world is filled with so many devils?

Being a leader of a nation on higher planes of existences is easy for everyone shines out to create space for The BEAUTY of LIFE.   This world is filled with so many people who are connected to the VOID and they have a powerful inward flow called SELF; the more they have, the more they want…    There are certain people who delight in buying expensive things, that most people cannot afford; in other worlds, there are people out there who delight in the ill balance.

The aim of many rich people is not to SHINE OUT, their aim is to get richer.   Christ may say ‘The solution is to give half of what you have so that I can build a proper infrastructure’   Christ may as well have asked them to jump off a bridge.

So on one side, there are many people who have LESS than what they need so that their life is caught up in a perpetual battle to survive and on the other side there are the rich few who have MORE than what they need.     Christ cannot operate through an ill balance.

Therefore, the world needs higher powers who are here to eradicate all ill balances.   How easy is that in a world built upon ruthless capitalism?


Thursday 26 January 2017

Building a wall

The basis of a wall is to either shut something in or keep something out.   It is hard to imagine that through God we are all one where no barriers are needed since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE where there is space and light.

The issue with this world is the existence of space where there is lacking of light and without light there can be no BEAUTY of LIFE instead there is a VOID that is MINUS.    A wall can be built to keep MINUS out or it can be built to keep people trapped in with it.   The overall issue is MINUS who can also exist within the hearts of man so that they operate through it; in other words they do not SHINE OUT against it, they enable MINUS to manifest itself in reality.  MINUS can exist within the infrastructure of an entire nation; in other words a nation can be build upon corruption.

No one wants to leave something that is good for humanity had been created for The BEAUTY of LIFE; people only want to leave something that is bad for we had not been created for hell and yet as we may desire The BEAUTY of LIFE, how many people actually pertain to it through shining out against MINUS?

The issue with this world is how close it is to MINUS who wants space to live and have life; to manifest itself through things like ruthless capitalism, immorality, violence, greed, wickedness, suffering,   It doesn’t want people to be free to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE and it doesn’t want people to pertain to it.

Even if certain people have The BEAUTY of LIFE circumstantially, it wants such people's spirits to be steeped in greed and selfishness so that they do not fit IN with The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.  

In other words, MINUS wants such people to have this huge inward flow into VOID that constantly hungers for more that fuels greed and selfishness so that despite having abundance, they are never filled. 

As MINUS has an inward flow, God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE has an outward flow which is why God is The BEAUTY of LIFE.   God is light that shines out to create space where there is light.  Therefore, in order for us to fit in with God, we have to have an outward flow and not just be all out for ourselves.

It is so easy to belong to a prosperous nation and want to build a wall against a poor nation so that there is a complete separation but our need for such a wall can be based upon an inward flow so that there is no empathy for people who are shut in with MINUS.   We can be all for a wall and yet our need for a wall can also build a wall between us and God.  It can be a huge irony that plays right into the hands of MINUS who says…


And yet, within the BIG picture through God we are all one where there are no walls between us; where we have the understanding that the enemy is MINUS who exists on both sides of the wall.

If we change tact to SHINE OUT against MINUS this is when we call upon God, so that a day will come when there are no need for walls.

Sunday 22 January 2017

How we can call upon the opposite

One of the most predominant things that I have learned about God through Christianity is that ‘God is Love’ and Christ taught us to even ‘love our own enemies’.    The second most important Holy Commandment is to love one’s own neighbour as one loves oneself.

Can you imagine what this world would be like is everyone loved each other as they loved themselves?   The world would be a completely different place for love has an outward flow of light that shines outwards like the love of a loving mother who has a love for her small child.    Her eyes shine with the light of her love for her child is a part of her; so through loving her child, she loves an extension of herself but one that is innocent.

God wants that light to shine in our eyes when we look at our neighbour and for such a light to shine in our neighbours eyes for the light of such love exists against MINUS.

No loving mother wants any harm to come to her child, no loving mother wants her child to lack the things that her child needs to have proper wellbeing.    Many parents bend over backwards to ensure their children have all the things they need to be happy.  Can you imagine if everyone was like those parents towards their neighbour and visa versa?    

That’s how things are in the Kingdom of Heaven where all citizens love as God would have us love unlike how things are in this world where people find it so hard to love their neighbours and why there are so many haters.   

Throughout the ages there has been so many haters like racists and now even in today’s times there is a rising of Islamophobia.   So many people find it easier to hate their neighbours than to love their neighbours.    

We can justify why we are here in this world, which is a world that is so close to MINUS who exists as a raging hate against creation. 


What many of us are unaware of is that through our inability to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, where there is only a love of SELF, where one merely has a love for their own child for example, we inadvertently call upon MINUS who wants the opposite to everything that most people wants.

As we want to be happy, it wants us to be unhappy: as we want to live in peace, it wants this world to be overtaken by trouble and strife: as we want to be rich, it wants us to be poor: as we want to enjoy life, it wants us to live and have no life and the list goes on.   

It forms an irony that the more we only care about ourselves the more we can call upon the worse thing in existence - MINUS.   

So many people have such a huge flow inwards that is SELF.   I want this and I want that, I want more and more and more and more…  But MINUS is the inward flow since it is a VOID that spins anti clockwise against creation; in other words it is a huge black hole and it’s hunger is a vacuum that sucks inwards against creation.

Humanity is connected to the VOID in such a huge way, which is one of the reasons why we are so destructive to planet earth.   In other words, we are a part of the huge black hole.

The only way to counter it, is for us to change polarity so that we have an outward flow since God is the outward flow where there is light that has the power to cancel out MINUS.

In other words, God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who redefines the term abundance.   When we have an outward flow that shines out to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE we are a part of The BEAUTY of LIFE that exists against MINUS.    

But the basis of shining out is away from SELF which means that through shining out, we head out of the VOID and away from MINUS.

This is a world that uses money to counter the VOID but through money having abundance can only be an illusion since God is the true nature of abundance.

A man can have a wheel that spins so that he is like a money making machine; his grandfather had that wheel and his father had that wheel and now he has that wheel and it leads into him making millions; he has worldly abundance that most people couldn’t even dream of.   

But the man has such a powerful inward flow you couldn’t even imagine but the inward flow is MINUS.    No one can see the huge VOID that the man lives his life through; all people can see is his great wealth and success in life.  

So many people look up to that; they think he has a winning formula; he knows how to be a winner but you have to ask yourself where?  The answer is in this world that is based upon MINUS instead of God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE; this means that whatever wealth the man has is not sustainable; he cannot keep it; it is only an illusion; it presents a picture of great success but where does he stand with God?

The human life is so fleeting, even if we live to be 100; most people who are in their 90s are withered.   Therefore, whatever we gain on a worldly level we cannot keep since we cannot take it with us when MINUS will swallow us up since MINUS is death and it also exists as a living death that is hell.

It is so easy to set our mind on being a great success in this world but such great success may call upon us being a ruthless capitalist.   It may call upon us being the opposite to how God needs us to be in order for us to fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE.

How ironic since through God, there is no withering with age, there is no letting go of abundance for it to fall into the hands of MINUS, instead the light of God shines out AGAINST MINUS which is why God is able to redefine having abundance.

But this world may call upon us just being out for ourselves; You don’t care about me, so I won’t care about you…

A man who had been earning £24,000 in a basic job found out he won £12m on the lottery; the first thing he did was go out and buy a car that cost £124,000.   In other words humanity has such a huge hunger for more without having a hunger to shine out against MINUS who is here to put us at a deficit; having money cannot save us from it.   All the money in the world cannot save us from MINUS, the only power who is strong enough to save us is God.

This is why God had sent his only son Christ to suffer for the atonement of our sins, so that we can turn to God and repent of our sins and Christ has the power to wash our sins away so that we no longer lay in the hands of MINUS.    We gain the understanding that all manner of sin is MINUS like the sin adultery and abuse.   

We gain an understanding that hating connects us to MINUS which means that whoever we hate, we are putting ourselves in grave peril.   

MINUS lives through our hate when we rage against one another, dislike each other; when we are selfish and lack empathy.   

MINUS lives in so much space in this world, even whole nations; it has led to a mass exodus of people flooding out of such nations to head to higher grounds.   But there are some nations where citizens are trapped; they are not allowed to flee; if they are caught trying to escape they are killed or sent to concentration camps.

There are huge nations were so many of its citizens are a part of MINUS that leads to the most heinous crimes like the rape of women and children.   There are nations so steeped in poverty while there are people in this world who delight in spending money like water.    Try living in a third world country struggling each day to find food to eat and fresh water to drink and then be shown a picture of a celeb flashing expensive bling-blings that cost millions.   

It is a sign how close this world is to MINUS who truly hates us all.    And yet humanity has such a huge capacity to change; we can go from one extreme to the other which means that we have the ability to transform and fit in with The BEAUTY of LIFE above anything else to know that life away from SELF is where life truly begins.