Saturday 4 March 2017

The color of love

One of the things that we should all be aware of within the huge reality that exists within the BIG picture that is far beyond this worldly plane of existence is that there are only two sides, one between good and the other evil.

On one side there is all that is good and on the other there is all that is evil and one side there is light and the other side darkness; one side has an outward flow that shines out to create space and light and the other an inward flow that is a VOID like a black hole.

On one side there is the high consciousness and on the other the ill consciousness.   One side is heaven and the other hell.   One side is The BEAUTY of LIFE and the other side is DEATH and a living death.

Each side has levels that are infinite which means that there is always more of a capacity to be good and there is always more of a capacity to be evil.

There is one wheel that turns clockwise and the other wheel turns anti-clockwise.   The clockwise wheel generates light and the anti-clockwise creates a vacuum that sucks inwards against creation.   The clockwise wheels draws us closer to God and the anti clockwise leads away from God.

God is love and on the other side there is MINUS that exists as a raging, blazing hate against all creation.   

There is a dividing line between the two sides where on one side there is PLUS and on the other side there is MINUS.   

In terms of who we are as people, no one can be completely good and no one can be completely evil.   Most people consist of many wheels that turn at different speeds that form a complex mechanism that makes us individuals but within the BIG picture our mechanism leads us to stand within a place that reflects what side we are on that has nothing to do with things like the color of our skin and yet a divide between races is something that this world has been steeped in throughout the ages.

So much importance has been placed upon people’s races that humanity has lost sight of the real dividing line that exists within the BIG picture which is between good and evil where on one side there are people of all races on the side of good and on the other there are people of all races on the side of evil.   

Therefore, when we judge people by their race or when we exclude people because of their race, we exclude God.
In other words, heaven is not a place of segregation and yet this world is still steeped in segregation.    

A man named Julian lives in London and all of his mates are white; he doesn’t have any black friends and he is not interested in having black people as his friend since he has a segregated mindset.   He doesn’t see people as people where and only sees the dividing line between good and evil.   Julian would NEVER date a black woman yet alone marry one.   He has his sites one day on meeting a woman and getting married but she has to be white.   

He attends church on a Sunday and the church he goes to has a congregation that is mainly white.   Julian is a nice enough fella; he is not evil and if he found a wallet on the street, he would hand it over to the police.   

But one day when he was driving his car, he received a text message from a friend and he made the mistake of checking his phone while he was driving which resulted in him being in a fatal car crash.   

He finds himself in a long queue and in the distance he sees this huge golden gate and his heart bursts with excitement as he realises that it is the gates of heaven.   At the gates are two giant Angels of God and they look beautiful and powerful.   The Angels don’t look white and they don’t look black; he can’t place their race.   They look mixed but he is of the opinion that once someone is mixed they’re black.   

He is too excited to really think much about it; all he knows is that he has died and is going to go to heaven.   He can't wait to see what it looks like inside.   He is sorry that he is dead; he feels sorry for his family and friends who love him but nevertheless, he feels this beautiful sense of anticipation about his future in heaven.

He sees people walking through the gates and doesn’t notice that it’s people of all races.   He never thought he would be so happy to go to heaven.  When he was alive, his mind was caught up in everyday living like working and having to pay bills.

His heart bursts with excitement again to know that he has left all that behind.   He hated his job and he is thrilled to know that he won’t have to 9-5 anymore.   He thinks about the world and realizes that there are many things that he is happy to leave behind like all the violence.   He is so happy that he has made it and left behind all those dangerous people.

His mind was so caught up with thinking about his past life on earth that time flew and he found himself nearing the gates of heaven.   He couldn’t keep a smile off his face because he was so happy and excited.

But when it was his turn to step in, one of the angels stepped up to him with a look of concern on his face and asked Julian to wait to Julian’s great dismay that dropped the smile off his face.
Then suddenly the two angels bowed and God appeared looking strikingly magnificent and he had the most beautiful eyes you could imagine that was filled with pure goodness.   Julian found himself drowning in God’s eyes but God frowned at Julian and raised his hand and pointed his index finger as he said
“I have a question….what color am I?”

This world is steeped in so many things that can exclude us to justify our place in this world that is so close to MINUS.

We can just fall in line to live our life according to how things are and how things have always been; we may not have eyes to see God and the great dividing line.

Many people think the dividing line is religion where on one side there are e.g. Christians and on the other side Muslims.   And many people think Christians are the one’s who will go to heaven and Muslims won’t or Muslims are the ones who will go to heaven and Christian’s won’t.

We are unaware how such dividing lines exclude us from God since our focus is not on the right dividing line which makes it easier for people to be how MINUS wants us to be so that it is able to live through our life.   MINUS loves all these other dividing lines like the dividing line between race and religion since then the focus is off the real dividing line which is between good and evil.

People end up hating and warring against each other due to all those other dividing lines and times are now fraught with so much tension between religions.   So many people are now more inclined to hate through embracing segregation.

They have no eyes to see that within heaven there are people of all races and they are one; what makes them one?  The answer is, they all have wheels turning in the same direction that has an outward flow of light that shines out to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.   In other words, God lives in them and they are all happy to SHINE OUT together; they all exist against MINUS; MINUS is not able to live in their life to influence them so that it can manifest itself in reality the way it does in this world.   

It uses things like religion and race etc so that it can live within dividing lines that don’t shine out against it, which instead serves it.   It also lives through our lack of understanding.   Many people do not have eyes to see where the enemy truly exists.

But what we have as people is a great capacity to learn and a great capacity to change; even the worst devil can transform when anti clockwise wheels turn clockwise; we can gain the understanding and need to head away from MINUS through the grace of God.  

We can reach a stage when we don’t see things like the color of someone’s skin, we just see PEOPLE and through such eyes we can then gain eyes to see God.   As one wheel changes course to turn clockwise, it can lead to other wheels turning when the light floods in so that our mind is in sync with the high consciousness that shines out against the ill consciousness.   Yes, we have come a long way since the 1960s when the Civil Rights Movement had to be in full force against racism and segregation and yet we still have a long way to go.

Love has no color, The BEAUTY of LIFE shines out against such dividing lines therefore, our hope is through a coming together when we are all able to love each other despite our race and religion, knowing that God is love.

We can gain the understanding of how important it is to LOVE and SHINE OUT against how this world wants us to be.   It is so easy to be caught out made worse by our inheritance.    But do we want to inherit the earth or the kingdom of heaven?   If the answer is heaven, one of the lessons we must learn is that love has no color.


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