Sunday 5 March 2017

Sign of the times

Who we are today is not who we would have been in yesteryears since the sign of the times can have the power to dictate who we are.

Like a wheel that turns, the sign of the times can be a BIG wheel which means that our own individual wheels may not have the power to turn against it.

There are many people who have a herd mentality which means that they will go along with anything in order to fit in.   If a force is powerful enough to govern the sign of the times, there are many people who will go along with it whether it is good or evil.   If the sign of the times harbours evil this may not deter people from falling in line.

Therefore, who knows who we really are?  We may not know who we really are based upon the sign of the times.   

Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement the wheels have turned against racial discrimination so that the sign of the times is based upon equality among races.   Many people reflect the sign of the times but if the wheels had not turned against racism so that racism is still acceptable in modern days, there are many people who would now be racist.

What does this mean?  It means that certain people have a herd mentality; they do not truly stand with God and are here to SHINE OUT to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE; they are just here to fit in.

This means that many people who THINK they are good may not truly be good; they are only good because the sign of the times dictates being good.   If the sign of the times dictated being evil, they would be evil.

And yet the sign of the times has reflected a moving away from MINUS, thanks to things like the Civil Rights Movements.   In 1919 women in Britain were able to vote for the first time; many men were against women equality based upon sign of the times.  If all those men were reborn in modern society many of them would feel that women not being allowed to vote would be ridiculous but back in the day, they were so staunchly against women being free to vote.

Even in the present day, there are nations that is hundreds of years behind where women suffer inequality upheld by men who are against women having equal rights as men.   In the free world such men are like aliens from another planet and yet they are here sharing this planet with men who have evolved to a higher state of existence based upon their history having wheels that had turned against such inequality so that there sign of the times shines out against injustice.

It goes to show how the right laws can turn wheels clockwise to reflect a brighter period in history so that the sign of the times shine out against MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.

I am a woman and thankfully I was born in the free world where the sign of the times shine out against oppression against women.

Through having a need to gain one’s understanding about the BIG picture and fit in with God, this is when we can exist through God instead of The SIGN OF THE TIMES knowing that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against MINUS so that there is space and light away from it.

God exists as countless wheels that turn clockwise against MINUS’s wheels that turn anticlockwise.   Therefore, God does not need a sign of the times, since God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE within infinity; it is up to us to sync up with God away from the sign of the times so that our focus is fitting in with God.   

The world can be steeped in so much pressure for us to fit in elsewhere, only a few people may stand alone and have eyes to see God.    We can gain eyes to see this world for what it truly is, which is a world steeped in MINUS.

And yet, we were created for God, we were not created for MINUS which means  that the sign of the times will always strive to head away from MINUS even as MINUS is whipped up in frenzy to reflect the sign of the times and yet MINUS exists as a blazing hate against all creation; it is nothing but a VOID away from The BEAUTY of LIFE.   God SHONE OUT against the VOID to create creation where planet earth is just a part of it.   If it was up to MINUS, there would be nothing but nothingness and LESS than nothingness - death and a living death.

We were not created for DEATH, we were created for LIFE.   Even away from our physical form, our spirit was created to be eternal.   The spirit is the sum of us, not out physical form.   The ugliest person can be beautiful of spirit and that is what truly counts within the BIG picture.

We put so much focus on the physical form and think that what is beautiful physically is truly beautiful and yet MINUS owns the physical form which is why it is able to wither and age beyond recognition in many instances and yet through God we are able to grow in BEAUTY and our physical form can reflect this on higher planes of existence.

On this lower plane of existence, so much focus is placed upon physical beauty and there are so many people who display it to gain eyes of admiration unaware that they are plain in comparison to people on higher planes of existence whose beauty reflects the beauty of God.   In other words, many people’s beauty on this lower plane of existence reflect MINUS.

Sexual displays is now the IN thing to gain attention.   There was one celebrity I recently saw a picture of online and she wore a top when one side was covered and the other half exposed with a sticker stuck against her nipple.   

She knew that such a sexual display would hit the mark in a world steeped in immorality.   She knew that she had a body to die for and knew that many eyes would turn to what she had on display.  

Therefore, the sign of the times is very immoral that gives space for such women to gain so much attention.   Only a few people are able to see that she is fallen Eve who is there to tempt people into lusting after her.  This is how she gains her power.    The music industry seems to be steeped in such women.

Who is able to SHINE OUT against the sign of the times and put such women in their place?  So many people are like children and they are unable to look up to God.   They have not evolved to that level.

Now the sign of the times seems to be about divisions against religion?  The point I am making is that the wheels can turn to dictate but the question is, where do we truly want to fit in?  In this world that is so close to MINUS or do we want to fit in with God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE?

If the answer is the latter, we can SHINE OUT against the sign of the times where we have certain politicians who say they want to build a WALL.   A wall against God?   

We can get so caught up in this world where MINUS can age people like prunes as it sucks inwards with its vacuum.   It causes the problem so that it can feed.   It may give us a reason to hate so that it can live through our life.   It will do anything to gain life through our existence even though it lives against LIFE.

HATE THEM, HATE THEM ALL….   It loves haters since it can live through haters and manifest itself.   

But Christ told us to even love our enemies.   Why should we love our enemies?  The answer is for God is love and when we love we have a connection with God. But when we HATE we have a connection to MINUS.   

Therefore, despite the sign of the times, we can gain the understanding of how vital it is for us to love instead of hate, however justified hate may be.   MINUS can give us all the reason to justify hate since it wants to live in our life.

Sign of the times in certain countries may allow abuse of animals like in Spain that still allows things like Spanish Bull Fighting.   It is not outlawed and many people attend and have a great time watching bulls being attacked by spanish bull fighters.   Spears are stuck into the precious bulls who charge at their enemy.

No words can express how wrong this is and how it gives life to MINUS who lives through all suffering.   When we love animals and when we EXPRESS our love for animals who are able to experience the beauty of being loved, a door opens to love that is God himself.

The whole world has this great opportunity to connect with God through loving animals who are innocent like children.   Light can flood out against all ills like sickness.   Loving animals is such a huge weapon against MINUS but so many people are unaware of it; their focus is on consuming animals as food.

Suffice to say, I am a vegetarian and yet I can appreciate in the evolvement of humanity had the mindset to kill and eat and yet the history of humanity is steeped in violence and brutality.  The sign of the times may still be steeped in blood.  

And yet each animal has a complexity and even crocodiles have a capacity to form a strong bond with love, in other words, animals can form a strong bond with God.   Love is so appealing, love makes life worth living; love is so beautiful.   Animals can get to know God through being loved which means that through loving animals we can gain a strong connection with God who is love and yet through abusing animals we can gain a strong connection with MINUS.   Even consuming the meat of animals that had been abused can link us to MIINUS.

If or should I say WHEN the sign of the times SHINES OUT against abuse of animals it will SHINE OUT against MINUS which means that the world will be lifted closer to God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

A school decides to join an animal care organisation that has an animal sanctuary of tame animals who had been reared through love.  The animals are taken to various schools every fortnight where children are able to get to know animals like cows and pigs and see how truly precious they are.   Kittens are taken to schools and children are able to spend time with the kittens and watch how they grow each week.   

Spending time with animals opens a door to all those children loving animals which opens up a door to God that shines out against MINUS.

Therefore, schools can be a place where wheels turn clockwise so that children shine out to create a brighter future.   School doesn’t have to be a place of mere academics.   

Children have such a great capacity to learn which means that in school we can teach children about the beauty of shining out which doesn’t have to be about religion since you don’t have to be religious to SHINE OUT.

But schools can teach children the beauty of things like morality and being honest so that by the time a child leaves school, they have learned about the beauty of shining out against MINUS so that they have a connection with God instead of MINUS.

Why not since children are the future?  

Such things are in place on levels of existences governed by the high consciousness and yet this world is a world that is so close to the ill consciousness which doesn’t want measures put in place to teach people to SHINE OUT against it.    

Certain people at the top may not have an agenda that has a height away from MINUS.   This can reflect the level this world is on.   

But people who are of the high consciousness is what this world needs to lead the world away from MINUS.   Activists, crusaders, campaigners whose aim is to SHINE OUT against MINUS have been at the cornerstone of change so that the sign of the times shine out against the old ways.

Therefore, the enemy can be the old ways that so many people strive to maintain.   They may not want the old ways questioned; they want what had been before to continue but how much had the old ways shone out against MINUS; does the people steeped in the old ways shine out to reflect The BEAUTY of God?

Therefore, we have to be wary of the old ways and not be inclined to follow blindly; you have see where you are being led - closer to God or MINUS?

In other words, we have to know who God truly is and have a mind or our own away from the the sign of the times.   What had been is not necessarily what should be.   When we become of the high consciousness we are able to see things clearly and see where MINUS lives.

No one is able to pull the wool over our eyes and  tell us what is evil is good.   It leads to the ultimate question which is where do you really want to fit in? Merely where you are born?  In a world that is so close to MINUS?

Do you want to inherit the earth or the kingdom of heaven?   Look how overpopulated this world is so caught up in a birthing frenzy.   It is all about numbers and people caught up in family; so many people do not care about what exists outside of their own family circle.   

They only have light to shine upon their own and yet God exists outside of their family circle which means they have God out in the dark and yet God has light of his own and does not need them.

So many people are not able to work together as one since they only have light that is there for their own family circle.    They are unaware that within God’s kingdom everyone is family.

The sign of the times in this world is disunification among people through not living through the second most important Holy Commandment which is to love thy neighbor as one loves oneself.   Most people do not love their neighbor, they do not care about their neighbor and yet through loving one’s neighbor is how we truly connect with God away from only being able to love one’s own family and close friends.

Therefore, we shut ourselves away from God through not being able to love as God would have us love.   How ironic.    Many people only have a heart to love their own flesh but God is not of their own flesh God is there among their neighbors.  God is there through loving animals; God is there through loving and protecting nature.   God is there away from our own self gain.

Can you imagine falling to this world, from a higher plane of existence that is so close to God where people all love each other as family and love shining out together?   There is no ill balance between the rich and the poor, instead everyone has abundance through everyone shining out together.   They don’t need money; money is not worth the paper it is written on since they shine out against MINUS the deficit.

This world is so steeped in signs of the times that reflects MINUS who could not survive in a higher plane of existence since it would have no space to operate.    MINUS has ample space to operate in THIS world based upon the sign of the times.   

Like weeds, they have to be plucked out and destroyed but it is such a task.   Weeds always try to find other places to grow; as one is plucked out, others spring up in other places that lacks light.   

The only solution is to reach a stage when the mindset is to SHINE OUT to create space and light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to flourish bearing in mind that the beauty of life doesn’t need money and shines out against a need for it.

This means, that the only way for the sign of the times to shine out is through a disempowerment of money so that in place of there being a love of money there is a love of shining out against MINUS.

This is when the sign of the times will gain empowerment against what exists against the BEAUTY of LIFE; to replace a love of money with the love of God.   We then gain the mindset to love God instead of money.

This is a task within a world that is controlled by money.  Money has so much power in this world; without money the beauty of life may not have the space to manifest circumstantially in this world.   This is why so many people seek money but not God.   Even if they seek God, the seeking of money can take over one’s life.   So many people are not able to disconnect themselves from their love of money which means that money can dictate their whole agenda.

Therefore, the sign of the times can be a love of money above God and it is something that so many people can fall into by natural course.   They feel that MONEY is what has the power to give them the BEAUTY of LIFE.

And yet the need for money is through MINUS unlike how things are on worlds of the higher planes where people live to shine out against MINUS against a need for money.    If someone is hungry and in need of bread, bread is given to them through a need to shine out against MINUS who has that person at a deficit.   The deficit is countered by the light unlike this world where people need money.   

This world has something called charity that exists against MINUS through charity and yet on higher planes there is a need to shine out against MINUS based far above charity.   In other words, you would be doing them a favor for them to shine out against MINUS since they exist AGAINST MINUS.   MINUS is their enemy which means that they would pay you to SHINE OUT against it.   All they seek is empowerment against MINUS unlike in this world where all some people may seek is money.

If you go to them for help against MINUS, they may serve MINUS through you being in a deficit situation.   They call upon people being in a deficit situation in order to profit from it.   Such people are ruthless mercenaries.   

Christ had enlisted his disciples to go forth and drive out demons.   In modern days there are many healers who proclaim to have the power to drive out demons and yet their real aim is not through a love of God but through a love of money which means that they have no real aim to drive out demons above profiting from your suffering.   

You can go online seeking a healer but then discover the nature of this world that is so close to MINUS where so many people do not truly exist against MINUS including many healers who are like a family member who only cares about people who are of their own blood; you as a stranger are nothing to them; the only thing that counts is the money in your pocket.    

They may turn up at the gates of heaven and then find their way blocked by an angel of God who says to them ‘you have already been paid’.

In other words, the power of money is something that can lead us into selling ourselves out.   We can come alive with purpose and conviction merely based upon what will put money in our pockets.    Without money such a purpose is nothing but dust that is tread upon in contempt.   

An employee is so into his/her job based upon a need and love of money but without money there is no motivation due to the power of money that exist against TIA (Talent, interest and ability) that lays in the hands of God.

This is a world of anti-TIA that relies on the power of money.   But as anti-TIA exists in the free world that has laws that shine out against MINUS, there are countries that have no such laws which means that anti-TIA can draw people into the depth of hell through their need for money.

The sign of the times in modern days is anti-TIA since most people hate their jobs and yet they are shackled to having to work through financial enslavement which is propagated through the ill balance so that as the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer.  But that is another story.

But through the power of money we can lose all sight of God and The BEAUTY of LIFE and focus merely on what puts money in our pockets.

Therefore, the sign of the times is not truly God - The BEAUTY of LIFE even though many people would happily fall in line if they had eyes to see God.   If they were able to look into his world and see how wonderful The BEAUTY of LIFE is, they eagerly change to fit in but their need would exist as an inward flow where there is MINUS.  In other words the driving force would be SELF that has an inward flow instead of an outward flow.   

How ironic that in order to fit into the beauty of life is based upon seeking light upon one’s neighbour along with SELF, the very people most people in this world don’t care about.   But most people don’t care about you either which makes it easier for them to only care about oneself.    

So, the sign of the times is the power of money.   An old rocker attracts some young babe who is happy to fall into his bed; why?  The sight of him horrifies her, he is old and wrinkled.   The only thing that she finds attractive is his money and lifestyle.   She tolerates being in his bed since he removes her from the struggle against MINUS.   If she gives birth to his child, she knows that the amount of money he will pay in child maintenance will be enough for her to live on and have a beautiful lifestyle.

He knows that she would not be in his bed if it wasn’t for his wealth.   She had been the same age in the 1960s.   How is it possible for a woman to remain looking youthful and beautiful in the 1960s to the current day in the year 2017?   Like a car that had been driven for a certain length of time, it gets replaced by a new model.   

Countless women queue up to be picked as the latest model as part of the sign of the times in a world that is so removed from God who shines out with eternal youth.   How ironic to know that in those higher planes of existence people GROW in beauty in time instead of withering to reflect how much closer they are to God.    

They live life through the outward flow so far removed from the inward flow where MINUS sucks inwards with its vacuum that swirls anti clockwise against creation within a VOID.   

How would people like to know that all the ills of this world is through MINUS which many people are connected to?   

How would they like to know that there are worlds filled with beautiful people who grow in beauty with age and they are able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE through shining out together?

All those immoral people who live in this world would look at all those beautiful people and want them to be in their beds.   Fallen Eve and Adam would go wild to see the type of beauty they could only dream of.

Fallen Eve would send a half naked selfie picture of herself up to the higher planes for this dreamboat guy to see, in the hope that he would fall in lust with her but he would look at the picture and frown in distaste as he wonders who sent such an inappropriate picture to him.   He would throw the picture in the trash.

But down here in the lower planes, so many guys would look at her picture and pin her picture up on his wall as they fantasise about her being in his bed to reflect how the sign of the times is steeped in immorality.

On one side there is God who owns the element morality but on the other side there is MINUS who owns the element immorality.   Morality is a wheel that turns clockwise and immorality is a wheel that turns ANTI-clockwise.

There are countless wheels that turn clockwise and countless wheels that turn anticlockwise.    Every individual exists as a mechanism that comprise of many wheels but which way does the mechanism turn?

How easy is it to fit into the mechanism on higher planes of existence when caught up living life on a lower plane of existence that has a sign of the time that reflect it?    

It would be so much easier for certain people to be born on higher planes of existence that have a system designed for people to SHINE OUT   This lower plane lacks such systems in many ways.   It’s like a catch-22 situation.   Even religion on this plane of existence can reflect the level this world is on.   It’s almost as if this world is a place designed for MINUS to live through us to manifest itself in reality.

We can get caught up in worshipping God and going through the whole process as a part of the sign of the times that is removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.    Look at the state of this world that is suffering a downturn due to political upheavals that had failed to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   

Political decision making had not been through the high consciousness and due to this it has led to a raking up of the hornet’s nest.

The beauty of the high consciousness is knowing where the enemy lies and shining out against it so that it is cancelled out.   This has not happened.

What we have to be aware of is how political leaders in this world can govern the sign of the times therefore having the right political leaders in place is vital.   In other words, the right political leader in place can lead to a calling upon God but the wrong political leaders can lead to a calling upon MINUS.

Political leaders control a BIG wheel especially the super powers like Britain and the US.   If Britain and the US had political leaders who were of the high consciousness they would have the ability to alter the sign of the times to create transformation on a global level.

Even the smallest move could trigger a wheel turning clockwise to set wheels turning in the right direction globally and yet political leaders can reflect the people especially in democratic society.

Donald Trump is now the President of the United States and he is only in that position due to having gained the majority vote as a Republican against the Democrats.   Therefore, despite worldwide protest against his position in power there are millions of people who had voted for him, many of whom may not want to come out in the open but Donald had evidently said what he had to say to convince them to vote for him.

He wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico and he wants to block Muslims from entering the US from blacklisted nations.   Is Donald now the sign of the times?  Is he a reflection of modern day Americans?

The American constitution that has a bill of rights where people have a right to bear arms is based upon America’s bloody history based upon how guns had been used to massacre millions of native americans who had fought against their nation being taken over by the white man.   Now in modern day American, millions of Americans are killing each other with guns to reflect the sign of the times and apparently Donald Trump is pro guns.

How can a light be shone bright enough to cancel out Americans love of guns and their need of guns?   They justify their need for guns based upon the very ground under their feet that is stained with blood.

In other words in order for times to change, it calls upon repentance of one’s sins that can be steeped in history.   Times may not change without repentance.   Christ’s time in this world is based upon a sacrifice he had made to MINUS where Christ had paid the penalty for all our sins so that through Christ we can repent of our sins, past and present, even the sins of our ancestors like those American pioneers who had ruthless slaughtered native americans for their land.   Millions of American’s lives are attributed to MINUS.    They OWE MINUS and yet MINUS is death and a living death that is hell, MINUS exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   Is is something anyone wants to owe their life to?   Why you want to walk upon its ground stained with blood?

Would you not want the blood washed clean?   It can only be washed clean through repentance so that the sign of the times leads to a brighter future through our children who shine out against MINUS.

Therefore, we are not just who we are, we are a history that exists through our blood but what history?   Is MINUS steeped in our history?   

Discussion groups, prayer groups - people can come together to talk about their history with the aim of looking back to see the truth and where MINUS may have lived through their ancestors.

We can become aware how MINUS may be right here with us through our history in the hope that we will not see it.   But we can come together and see it together and repent together and then focus on SHINING OUT together.   We can stop wheels that are so used to turning anti clockwise.   We can discover our past failings.

History can teach us a lot about how we should no longer be.   We can shed our old SELF to become reborn where we live to SHINE OUT for a brighter future.

Through the grace of God.

Sign of the times

Who we are today is not who we would have been in yesteryears since the sign of the times can have the power to dictate who we are.

Like a wheel that turns, the sign of the times can be a BIG wheel which means that our own individual wheels may not have the power to turn against it.

There are many people who have a herd mentality which means that they will go along with anything in order to fit in.   If a force is powerful enough to govern the sign of the times, there are many people who will go along with it whether it is good or evil.   If the sign of the times harbours evil this may not deter people from falling in line.

Therefore, who knows who we really are?  We may not know who we really are based upon the sign of the times.   

Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement the wheels have turned against racial discrimination so that the sign of the times is based upon equality among races.   Many people reflect the sign of the times but if the wheels had not turned against racism so that racism is still acceptable in modern days, there are many people who would now be racist.

What does this mean?  It means that certain people have a herd mentality; they do not truly stand with God and are here to SHINE OUT to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE; they are just here to fit in.

This means that many people who THINK they are good may not truly be good; they are only good because the sign of the times dictates being good.   If the sign of the times dictated being evil, they would be evil.

And yet the sign of the times has reflected a moving away from MINUS, thanks to things like the Civil Rights Movements.   In 1919 women in Britain were able to vote for the first time; many men were against women equality based upon sign of the times.  If all those men were reborn in modern society many of them would feel that women not being allowed to vote would be ridiculous but back in the day, they were so staunchly against women being free to vote.

Even in the present day, there are nations that is hundreds of years behind where women suffer inequality upheld by men who are against women having equal rights as men.   In the free world such men are like aliens from another planet and yet they are here sharing this planet with men who have evolved to a higher state of existence based upon their history having wheels that had turned against such inequality so that there sign of the times shines out against injustice.

It goes to show how the right laws can turn wheels clockwise to reflect a brighter period in history so that the sign of the times shine out against MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.

I am a woman and thankfully I was born in the free world where the sign of the times shine out against oppression against women.

Through having a need to gain one’s understanding about the BIG picture and fit in with God, this is when we can exist through God instead of The SIGN OF THE TIMES knowing that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against MINUS so that there is space and light away from it.

God exists as countless wheels that turn clockwise against MINUS’s wheels that turn anticlockwise.   Therefore, God does not need a sign of the times, since God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE within infinity; it is up to us to sync up with God away from the sign of the times so that our focus is fitting in with God.   

The world can be steeped in so much pressure for us to fit in elsewhere, only a few people may stand alone and have eyes to see God.    We can gain eyes to see this world for what it truly is, which is a world steeped in MINUS.

And yet, we were created for God, we were not created for MINUS which means  that the sign of the times will always strive to head away from MINUS even as MINUS is whipped up in frenzy to reflect the sign of the times and yet MINUS exists as a blazing hate against all creation; it is nothing but a VOID away from The BEAUTY of LIFE.   God SHONE OUT against the VOID to create creation where planet earth is just a part of it.   If it was up to MINUS, there would be nothing but nothingness and LESS than nothingness - death and a living death.

We were not created for DEATH, we were created for LIFE.   Even away from our physical form, our spirit was created to be eternal.   The spirit is the sum of us, not out physical form.   The ugliest person can be beautiful of spirit and that is what truly counts within the BIG picture.

We put so much focus on the physical form and think that what is beautiful physically is truly beautiful and yet MINUS owns the physical form which is why it is able to wither and age beyond recognition in many instances and yet through God we are able to grow in BEAUTY and our physical form can reflect this on higher planes of existence.

On this lower plane of existence, so much focus is placed upon physical beauty and there are so many people who display it to gain eyes of admiration unaware that they are plain in comparison to people on higher planes of existence whose beauty reflects the beauty of God.   In other words, many people’s beauty on this lower plane of existence reflect MINUS.

Sexual displays is now the IN thing to gain attention.   There was one celebrity I recently saw a picture of online and she wore a top when one side was covered and the other half exposed with a sticker stuck against her nipple.   

She knew that such a sexual display would hit the mark in a world steeped in immorality.   She knew that she had a body to die for and knew that many eyes would turn to what she had on display.  

Therefore, the sign of the times is very immoral that gives space for such women to gain so much attention.   Only a few people are able to see that she is fallen Eve who is there to tempt people into lusting after her.  This is how she gains her power.    The music industry seems to be steeped in such women.

Who is able to SHINE OUT against the sign of the times and put such women in their place?  So many people are like children and they are unable to look up to God.   They have not evolved to that level.

Now the sign of the times seems to be about divisions against religion?  The point I am making is that the wheels can turn to dictate but the question is, where do we truly want to fit in?  In this world that is so close to MINUS or do we want to fit in with God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE?

If the answer is the latter, we can SHINE OUT against the sign of the times where we have certain politicians who say they want to build a WALL.   A wall against God?   

We can get so caught up in this world where MINUS can age people like prunes as it sucks inwards with its vacuum.   It causes the problem so that it can feed.   It may give us a reason to hate so that it can live through our life.   It will do anything to gain life through our existence even though it lives against LIFE.

HATE THEM, HATE THEM ALL….   It loves haters since it can live through haters and manifest itself.   

But Christ told us to even love our enemies.   Why should we love our enemies?  The answer is for God is love and when we love we have a connection with God. But when we HATE we have a connection to MINUS.   

Therefore, despite the sign of the times, we can gain the understanding of how vital it is for us to love instead of hate, however justified hate may be.   MINUS can give us all the reason to justify hate since it wants to live in our life.

Sign of the times in certain countries may allow abuse of animals like in Spain that still allows things like Spanish Bull Fighting.   It is not outlawed and many people attend and have a great time watching bulls being attacked by spanish bull fighters.   Spears are stuck into the precious bulls who charge at their enemy.

No words can express how wrong this is and how it gives life to MINUS who lives through all suffering.   When we love animals and when we EXPRESS our love for animals who are able to experience the beauty of being loved, a door opens to love that is God himself.

The whole world has this great opportunity to connect with God through loving animals who are innocent like children.   Light can flood out against all ills like sickness.   Loving animals is such a huge weapon against MINUS but so many people are unaware of it; their focus is on consuming animals as food.

Suffice to say, I am a vegetarian and yet I can appreciate in the evolvement of humanity had the mindset to kill and eat and yet the history of humanity is steeped in violence and brutality.  The sign of the times may still be steeped in blood.  

And yet each animal has a complexity and even crocodiles have a capacity to form a strong bond with love, in other words, animals can form a strong bond with God.   Love is so appealing, love makes life worth living; love is so beautiful.   Animals can get to know God through being loved which means that through loving animals we can gain a strong connection with God who is love and yet through abusing animals we can gain a strong connection with MINUS.   Even consuming the meat of animals that had been abused can link us to MIINUS.

If or should I say WHEN the sign of the times SHINES OUT against abuse of animals it will SHINE OUT against MINUS which means that the world will be lifted closer to God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

A school decides to join an animal care organisation that has an animal sanctuary of tame animals who had been reared through love.  The animals are taken to various schools every fortnight where children are able to get to know animals like cows and pigs and see how truly precious they are.   Kittens are taken to schools and children are able to spend time with the kittens and watch how they grow each week.   

Spending time with animals opens a door to all those children loving animals which opens up a door to God that shines out against MINUS.

Therefore, schools can be a place where wheels turn clockwise so that children shine out to create a brighter future.   School doesn’t have to be a place of mere academics.   

Children have such a great capacity to learn which means that in school we can teach children about the beauty of shining out which doesn’t have to be about religion since you don’t have to be religious to SHINE OUT.

But schools can teach children the beauty of things like morality and being honest so that by the time a child leaves school, they have learned about the beauty of shining out against MINUS so that they have a connection with God instead of MINUS.

Why not since children are the future?  

Such things are in place on levels of existences governed by the high consciousness and yet this world is a world that is so close to the ill consciousness which doesn’t want measures put in place to teach people to SHINE OUT against it.    

Certain people at the top may not have an agenda that has a height away from MINUS.   This can reflect the level this world is on.   

But people who are of the high consciousness is what this world needs to lead the world away from MINUS.   Activists, crusaders, campaigners whose aim is to SHINE OUT against MINUS have been at the cornerstone of change so that the sign of the times shine out against the old ways.

Therefore, the enemy can be the old ways that so many people strive to maintain.   They may not want the old ways questioned; they want what had been before to continue but how much had the old ways shone out against MINUS; does the people steeped in the old ways shine out to reflect The BEAUTY of God?

Therefore, we have to be wary of the old ways and not be inclined to follow blindly; you have see where you are being led - closer to God or MINUS?

In other words, we have to know who God truly is and have a mind or our own away from the the sign of the times.   What had been is not necessarily what should be.   When we become of the high consciousness we are able to see things clearly and see where MINUS lives.

No one is able to pull the wool over our eyes and  tell us what is evil is good.   It leads to the ultimate question which is where do you really want to fit in? Merely where you are born?  In a world that is so close to MINUS?

Do you want to inherit the earth or the kingdom of heaven?   Look how overpopulated this world is so caught up in a birthing frenzy.   It is all about numbers and people caught up in family; so many people do not care about what exists outside of their own family circle.   

They only have light to shine upon their own and yet God exists outside of their family circle which means they have God out in the dark and yet God has light of his own and does not need them.

So many people are not able to work together as one since they only have light that is there for their own family circle.    They are unaware that within God’s kingdom everyone is family.

The sign of the times in this world is unification among people through not living through the second most important Holy Commandment which is to love thy neighbour as one loves oneself.   Most people do not love their neighbour, they do not care about their neighbour and yet through loving one’s neighbour is how we truly connect with God away from only being able to love one’s own family and close friends.

Therefore, we shut ourselves away from God through not being able to love as God would have us love.   How ironic.    Many people only have a heart to love their own flesh but God is not of their own flesh God is there among their neighbours.  God is there through loving animals; God is there through loving and protecting nature.   God is there away from our own self gain.

Can you imagine falling to this world, from a higher plane of existence that is so close to God where people all love each other as family and love shining out together?   There is no ill balance between the rich and the poor, instead everyone has abundance through everyone shining out together.   They don’t need money; money is not worth the paper it is written on since they shine out against MINUS the deficit.

This world is so steeped in signs of the times that reflects MINUS who could not survive in a higher plane of existence since it would have no space to operate.    MINUS has ample space to operate in THIS world based upon the sign of the times.   

Like weeds, they have to be plucked out and destroyed but it is such a task.   Weeds always try to find other places to grow; as one is plucked out, others spring up in other places that lacks light.   

The only solution is to reach a stage when the mindset is to SHINE OUT to create space and light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to flourish bearing in mind that the beauty of life doesn’t need money and shines out against a need for it.

This means, that the only way for the sign of the times to shine out is through a disempowerment of money so that in place of there being a love of money there is a love of shining out against MINUS.

This is when the sign of the times will gain empowerment against what exists against the BEAUTY of LIFE; to replace a love of money with the love of God.   We then gain the mindset to love God instead of money.

This is a task within a world that is controlled by money.  Money has so much power in this world; without money the beauty of life may not have the space to manifest circumstantially in this world.   This is why so many people seek money but not God.   Even if they seek God, the seeking of money can take over one’s life.   So many people are not able to disconnect themselves from their love of money which means that money can dictate their whole agenda.

Therefore, the sign of the times can be a love of money above God and it is something that so many people can fall into by natural course.   They feel that MONEY is what has the power to give them the BEAUTY of LIFE.

And yet the need for money is through MINUS unlike how things are on worlds of the higher planes where people live to shine out against MINUS against a need for money.    If someone is hungry and in need of bread, bread is given to them through a need to shine out against MINUS who has that person at a deficit.   The deficit is countered by the light unlike this world where people need money.   

This world has something called charity that exists against MINUS through charity and yet on higher planes there is a need to shine out against MINUS based far above charity.   In other words, you would be doing them a favor for them to shine out against MINUS since they exist AGAINST MINUS.   MINUS is their enemy which means that they would pay you to SHINE OUT against it.   All they seek is empowerment against MINUS unlike in this world where all some people may seek is money.

If you go to them for help against MINUS, they may serve MINUS through you being in a deficit situation.   They call upon people being in a deficit situation in order to profit from it.   Such people are ruthless mercenaries.   

Christ had enlisted his disciples to go forth and drive out demons.   In modern days there are many healers who proclaim to have the power to drive out demons and yet their real aim is not through a love of God but through a love of money which means that they have no real aim to drive out demons above profiting from your suffering.   

You can go online seeking a healer but then discover the nature of this world that is so close to MINUS where so many people do not truly exist against MINUS including many healers who are like a family member who only cares about people who are of their own blood; you as a stranger are nothing to them; the only thing that counts is the money in your pocket.    

They may turn up at the gates of heaven and then find their way blocked by an angel of God who says to them ‘you have already been paid’.

In other words, the power of money is something that can lead us into selling ourselves out.   We can come alive with purpose and conviction merely based upon what will put money in our pockets.    Without money such a purpose is nothing but dust that is tread upon in contempt.   

An employee is so into his/her job based upon a need and love of money but without money there is no motivation due to the power of money that exist against TIA (Talent, interest and ability) that lays in the hands of God.

This is a world of anti-TIA that relies on the power of money.   But as anti-TIA exists in the free world that has laws that shine out against MINUS, there are countries that have no such laws which means that anti-TIA can draw people into the depth of hell through their need for money.

The sign of the times in modern days is anti-TIA since most people hate their jobs and yet they are shackled to having to work through financial enslavement which is propagated through the ill balance so that as the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer.  But that is another story.

But through the power of money we can lose all sight of God and The BEAUTY of LIFE and focus merely on what puts money in our pockets.

Therefore, the sign of the times is not truly God - The BEAUTY of LIFE even though many people would happily fall in line if they had eyes to see God.   If they were able to look into his world and see how wonderful The BEAUTY of LIFE is, they eagerly change to fit in but their need would exist as an inward flow where there is MINUS.  In other words the driving force would be SELF that has an inward flow instead of an outward flow.   

How ironic that in order to fit into the beauty of life is based upon seeking light upon one’s neighbour along with SELF, the very people most people in this world don’t care about.   But most people don’t care about you either which makes it easier for them to only care about oneself.    

So, the sign of the times is the power of money.   An old rocker attracts some young babe who is happy to fall into his bed; why?  The sight of him horrifies her, he is old and wrinkled.   The only thing that she finds attractive is his money and lifestyle.   She tolerates being in his bed since he removes her from the struggle against MINUS.   If she gives birth to his child, she knows that the amount of money he will pay in child maintenance will be enough for her to live on and have a beautiful lifestyle.

He knows that she would not be in his bed if it wasn’t for his wealth.   She had been the same age in the 1960s.   How is it possible for a woman to remain looking youthful and beautiful in the 1960s to the current day in the year 2017?   Like a car that had been driven for a certain length of time, it gets replaced by a new model.   

Countless women queue up to be picked as the latest model as part of the sign of the times in a world that is so removed from God who shines out with eternal youth.   How ironic to know that in those higher planes of existence people GROW in beauty in time instead of withering to reflect how much closer they are to God.    

They live life through the outward flow so far removed from the inward flow where MINUS sucks inwards with its vacuum that swirls anti clockwise against creation within a VOID.   

How would people like to know that all the ills of this world is through MINUS which many people are connected to?   

How would they like to know that there are worlds filled with beautiful people who grow in beauty with age and they are able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE through shining out together?

All those immoral people who live in this world would look at all those beautiful people and want them to be in their beds.   Fallen Eve and Adam would go wild to see the type of beauty they could only dream of.

Fallen Eve would send a half naked selfie picture of herself up to the higher planes for this dreamboat guy to see, in the hope that he would fall in lust with her but he would look at the picture and frown in distaste as he wonders who sent such an inappropriate picture to him.   He would throw the picture in the trash.

But down here in the lower planes, so many guys would look at her picture and pin her picture up on his wall as they fantasise about her being in his bed to reflect how the sign of the times is steeped in immorality.

On one side there is God who owns the element morality but on the other side there is MINUS who owns the element immorality.   Morality is a wheel that turns clockwise and immorality is a wheel that turns ANTI-clockwise.

There are countless wheels that turn clockwise and countless wheels that turn anticlockwise.    Every individual exists as a mechanism that comprise of many wheels but which way does the mechanism turn?

How easy is it to fit into the mechanism on higher planes of existence when caught up living life on a lower plane of existence that has a sign of the time that reflect it?    

It would be so much easier for certain people to be born on higher planes of existence that have a system designed for people to SHINE OUT   This lower plane lacks such systems in many ways.   It’s like a catch-22 situation.   Even religion on this plane of existence can reflect the level this world is on.   It’s almost as if this world is a place designed for MINUS to live through us to manifest itself in reality.

We can get caught up in worshipping God and going through the whole process as a part of the sign of the times that is removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.    Look at the state of this world that is suffering a downturn due to political upheavals that had failed to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   

Political decision making had not been through the high consciousness and due to this it has led to a raking up of the hornet’s nest.

The beauty of the high consciousness is knowing where the enemy lies and shining out against it so that it is cancelled out.   This has not happened.

What we have to be aware of is how political leaders in this world can govern the sign of the times therefore having the right political leaders in place is vital.   In other words, the right political leader in place can lead to a calling upon God but the wrong political leaders can lead to a calling upon MINUS.

Political leaders control a BIG wheel especially the super powers like Britain and the US.   If Britain and the US had political leaders who were of the high consciousness they would have the ability to alter the sign of the times to create transformation on a global level.

Even the smallest move could trigger a wheel turning clockwise to set wheels turning in the right direction globally and yet political leaders can reflect the people especially in democratic society.

Donald Trump is now the President of the United States and he is only in that position due to having gained the majority vote as a Republican against the Democrats.   Therefore, despite worldwide protest against his position in power there are millions of people who had voted for him, many of whom may not want to come out in the open but Donald had evidently said what he had to say to convince them to vote for him.

He wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico and he wants to block Muslims from entering the US from blacklisted nations.   Is Donald now the sign of the times?  Is he a reflection of modern day Americans?

The American constitution that has a bill of rights where people have a right to bear arms is based upon America’s bloody history based upon how guns had been used to massacre millions of native Americans who had fought against their nation being taken over by the white man.   Now in modern day American, millions of Americans are killing each other with guns to reflect the sign of the times and apparently Donald Trump is pro guns.

How can a light be shone bright enough to cancel out Americans love of guns and their need of guns?   They justify their need for guns based upon the very ground under their feet that is stained with blood.

In other words in order for times to change, it calls upon repentance of one’s sins that can be steeped in history.   Times may not change without repentance.   Christ’s time in this world is based upon a sacrifice he had made to MINUS where Christ had paid the penalty for all our sins so that through Christ we can repent of our sins, past and present, even the sins of our ancestors like those American pioneers who had ruthless slaughtered native americans for their land.   Millions of American’s lives are attributed to MINUS.    They OWE MINUS and yet MINUS is death and a living death that is hell, MINUS exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   Is is something anyone wants to owe their life to?   Why you want to walk upon its ground stained with blood?

Would you not want the blood washed clean?   It can only be washed clean through repentance so that the sign of the times leads to a brighter future through our children who shine out against MINUS.

Therefore, we are not just who we are, we are a history that exists through our blood but what history?   Is MINUS steeped in our history?   

Discussion groups, prayer groups - people can come together to talk about their history with the aim of looking back to see the truth and where MINUS may have lived through their ancestors.

We can become aware how MINUS may be right here with us through our history in the hope that we will not see it.   But we can come together and see it together and repent together and then focus on SHINING OUT together.   We can stop wheels that are so used to turning anti clockwise.   We can discover our past failings.

History can teach us a lot about how we should no longer be.   We can shed our old SELF to become reborn where we live to SHINE OUT for a brighter future.

Through the grace of God.

Sign of the times

Who we are today is not who we would have been in yesteryears since the sign of the times can have the power to dictate who we are.

Like a wheel that turns, the sign of the times can be a BIG wheel which means that our own individual wheels may not have the power to turn against it.

There are many people who have a herd mentality which means that they will go along with anything in order to fit in.   If a force is powerful enough to govern the sign of the times, there are many people who will go along with it whether it is good or evil.   If the sign of the times harbours evil this may not deter people from falling in line.

Therefore, who knows who we really are?  We may not know who we really are based upon the sign of the times.   

Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement the wheels have turned against racial discrimination so that the sign of the times is based upon equality among races.   Many people reflect the sign of the times but if the wheels had not turned against racism so that racism is still acceptable in modern days, there are many people who would now be racist.

What does this mean?  It means that certain people have a herd mentality; they do not truly stand with God and are here to SHINE OUT to create space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE; they are just here to fit in.

This means that many people who THINK they are good may not truly be good; they are only good because the sign of the times dictates being good.   If the sign of the times dictated being evil, they would be evil.

And yet the sign of the times has reflected a moving away from MINUS, thanks to things like the Civil Rights Movements.   In 1919 women in Britain were able to vote for the first time; many men were against women equality based upon sign of the times.  If all those men were reborn in modern society many of them would feel that women not being allowed to vote would be ridiculous but back in the day, they were so staunchly against women being free to vote.

Even in the present day, there are nations that is hundreds of years behind where women suffer inequality upheld by men who are against women having equal rights as men.   In the free world such men are like aliens from another planet and yet they are here sharing this planet with men who have evolved to a higher state of existence based upon their history having wheels that had turned against such inequality so that there sign of the times shines out against injustice.

It goes to show how the right laws can turn wheels clockwise to reflect a brighter period in history so that the sign of the times shine out against MINUS that exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE that is God.

I am a woman and thankfully I was born in the free world where the sign of the times shine out against oppression against women.

Through having a need to gain one’s understanding about the BIG picture and fit in with God, this is when we can exist through God instead of The SIGN OF THE TIMES knowing that God is The BEAUTY of LIFE who shines out against MINUS so that there is space and light away from it.

God exists as countless wheels that turn clockwise against MINUS’s wheels that turn anticlockwise.   Therefore, God does not need a sign of the times, since God IS The BEAUTY of LIFE within infinity; it is up to us to sync up with God away from the sign of the times so that our focus is fitting in with God.   

The world can be steeped in so much pressure for us to fit in elsewhere, only a few people may stand alone and have eyes to see God.    We can gain eyes to see this world for what it truly is, which is a world steeped in MINUS.

And yet, we were created for God, we were not created for MINUS which means  that the sign of the times will always strive to head away from MINUS even as MINUS is whipped up in frenzy to reflect the sign of the times and yet MINUS exists as a blazing hate against all creation; it is nothing but a VOID away from The BEAUTY of LIFE.   God SHONE OUT against the VOID to create creation where planet earth is just a part of it.   If it was up to MINUS, there would be nothing but nothingness and LESS than nothingness - death and a living death.

We were not created for DEATH, we were created for LIFE.   Even away from our physical form, our spirit was created to be eternal.   The spirit is the sum of us, not out physical form.   The ugliest person can be beautiful of spirit and that is what truly counts within the BIG picture.

We put so much focus on the physical form and think that what is beautiful physically is truly beautiful and yet MINUS owns the physical form which is why it is able to wither and age beyond recognition in many instances and yet through God we are able to grow in BEAUTY and our physical form can reflect this on higher planes of existence.

On this lower plane of existence, so much focus is placed upon physical beauty and there are so many people who display it to gain eyes of admiration unaware that they are plain in comparison to people on higher planes of existence whose beauty reflects the beauty of God.   In other words, many people’s beauty on this lower plane of existence reflect MINUS.

Sexual displays is now the IN thing to gain attention.   There was one celebrity I recently saw a picture of online and she wore a top when one side was covered and the other half exposed with a sticker stuck against her nipple.   

She knew that such a sexual display would hit the mark in a world steeped in immorality.   She knew that she had a body to die for and knew that many eyes would turn to what she had on display.  

Therefore, the sign of the times is very immoral that gives space for such women to gain so much attention.   Only a few people are able to see that she is fallen Eve who is there to tempt people into lusting after her.  This is how she gains her power.    The music industry seems to be steeped in such women.

Who is able to SHINE OUT against the sign of the times and put such women in their place?  So many people are like children and they are unable to look up to God.   They have not evolved to that level.

Now the sign of the times seems to be about divisions against religion?  The point I am making is that the wheels can turn to dictate but the question is, where do we truly want to fit in?  In this world that is so close to MINUS or do we want to fit in with God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE?

If the answer is the latter, we can SHINE OUT against the sign of the times where we have certain politicians who say they want to build a WALL.   A wall against God?   

We can get so caught up in this world where MINUS can age people like prunes as it sucks inwards with its vacuum.   It causes the problem so that it can feed.   It may give us a reason to hate so that it can live through our life.   It will do anything to gain life through our existence even though it lives against LIFE.

HATE THEM, HATE THEM ALL….   It loves haters since it can live through haters and manifest itself.   

But Christ told us to even love our enemies.   Why should we love our enemies?  The answer is for God is love and when we love we have a connection with God. But when we HATE we have a connection to MINUS.   

Therefore, despite the sign of the times, we can gain the understanding of how vital it is for us to love instead of hate, however justified hate may be.   MINUS can give us all the reason to justify hate since it wants to live in our life.

Sign of the times in certain countries may allow abuse of animals like in Spain that still allows things like Spanish Bull Fighting.   It is not outlawed and many people attend and have a great time watching bulls being attacked by Spanish bull fighters.   Spears are stuck into the precious bulls who charge at their enemy.

No words can express how wrong this is and how it gives life to MINUS who lives through all suffering.   When we love animals and when we EXPRESS our love for animals who are able to experience the beauty of being loved, a door opens to love that is God himself.

The whole world has this great opportunity to connect with God through loving animals who are innocent like children.   Light can flood out against all ills like sickness.   Loving animals is such a huge weapon against MINUS but so many people are unaware of it; their focus is on consuming animals as food.

Suffice to say, I am a vegetarian and yet I can appreciate in the evolvement of humanity had the mindset to kill and eat and yet the history of humanity is steeped in violence and brutality.  The sign of the times may still be steeped in blood.  

And yet each animal has a complexity and even crocodiles have a capacity to form a strong bond with love, in other words, animals can form a strong bond with God.   Love is so appealing, love makes life worth living; love is so beautiful.   Animals can get to know God through being loved which means that through loving animals we can gain a strong connection with God who is love and yet through abusing animals we can gain a strong connection with MINUS.   Even consuming the meat of animals that had been abused can link us to MIINUS.

If or should I say WHEN the sign of the times SHINES OUT against abuse of animals it will SHINE OUT against MINUS which means that the world will be lifted closer to God who is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

A school decides to join an animal care organisation that has an animal sanctuary of tame animals who had been reared through love.  The animals are taken to various schools every fortnight where children are able to get to know animals like cows and pigs and see how truly precious they are.   Kittens are taken to schools and children are able to spend time with the kittens and watch how they grow each week.   

Spending time with animals opens a door to all those children loving animals which opens up a door to God that shines out against MINUS.

Therefore, schools can be a place where wheels turn clockwise so that children shine out to create a brighter future.   School doesn’t have to be a place of mere academics.   

Children have such a great capacity to learn which means that in school we can teach children about the beauty of shining out which doesn’t have to be about religion since you don’t have to be religious to SHINE OUT.

But schools can teach children the beauty of things like morality and being honest so that by the time a child leaves school, they have learned about the beauty of shining out against MINUS so that they have a connection with God instead of MINUS.

Why not since children are the future?  

Such things are in place on levels of existences governed by the high consciousness and yet this world is a world that is so close to the ill consciousness which doesn’t want measures put in place to teach people to SHINE OUT against it.    

Certain people at the top may not have an agenda that has a height away from MINUS.   This can reflect the level this world is on.   

But people who are of the high consciousness is what this world needs to lead the world away from MINUS.   Activists, crusaders, campaigners whose aim is to SHINE OUT against MINUS have been at the cornerstone of change so that the sign of the times shine out against the old ways.

Therefore, the enemy can be the old ways that so many people strive to maintain.   They may not want the old ways questioned; they want what had been before to continue but how much had the old ways shone out against MINUS; does the people steeped in the old ways shine out to reflect The BEAUTY of God?

Therefore, we have to be wary of the old ways and not be inclined to follow blindly; you have see where you are being led - closer to God or MINUS?

In other words, we have to know who God truly is and have a mind or our own away from the the sign of the times.   What had been is not necessarily what should be.   When we become of the high consciousness we are able to see things clearly and see where MINUS lives.

No one is able to pull the wool over our eyes and  tell us what is evil is good.   It leads to the ultimate question which is where do you really want to fit in? Merely where you are born?  In a world that is so close to MINUS?

Do you want to inherit the earth or the kingdom of heaven?   Look how overpopulated this world is so caught up in a birthing frenzy.   It is all about numbers and people caught up in family; so many people do not care about what exists outside of their own family circle.   

They only have light to shine upon their own and yet God exists outside of their family circle which means they have God out in the dark and yet God has light of his own and does not need them.

So many people are not able to work together as one since they only have light that is there for their own family circle.    They are unaware that within God’s kingdom everyone is family.

The sign of the times in this world is among people through not living through the second most important Holy Commandment which is to love thy neighbour as one loves oneself.   Most people do not love their neighbour, they do not care about their neighbour and yet through loving one’s neighbour is how we truly connect with God away from only being able to love one’s own family and close friends.

Therefore, we shut ourselves away from God through not being able to love as God would have us love.   How ironic.    Many people only have a heart to love their own flesh but God is not of their own flesh God is there among their neighbours.  God is there through loving animals; God is there through loving and protecting nature.   God is there away from our own self gain.

Can you imagine falling to this world, from a higher plane of existence that is so close to God where people all love each other as family and love shining out together?   There is no ill balance between the rich and the poor, instead everyone has abundance through everyone shining out together.   They don’t need money; money is not worth the paper it is written on since they shine out against MINUS the deficit.

This world is so steeped in signs of the times that reflects MINUS who could not survive in a higher plane of existence since it would have no space to operate.    MINUS has ample space to operate in THIS world based upon the sign of the times.   

Like weeds, they have to be plucked out and destroyed but it is such a task.   Weeds always try to find other places to grow; as one is plucked out, others spring up in other places that lacks light.   

The only solution is to reach a stage when the mindset is to SHINE OUT to create space and light where The BEAUTY of LIFE is able to flourish bearing in mind that the beauty of life doesn’t need money and shines out against a need for it.

This means, that the only way for the sign of the times to shine out is through a disempowerment of money so that in place of there being a love of money there is a love of shining out against MINUS.

This is when the sign of the times will gain empowerment against what exists against the BEAUTY of LIFE; to replace a love of money with the love of God.   We then gain the mindset to love God instead of money.

This is a task within a world that is controlled by money.  Money has so much power in this world; without money the beauty of life may not have the space to manifest circumstantially in this world.   This is why so many people seek money but not God.   Even if they seek God, the seeking of money can take over one’s life.   So many people are not able to disconnect themselves from their love of money which means that money can dictate their whole agenda.

Therefore, the sign of the times can be a love of money above God and it is something that so many people can fall into by natural course.   They feel that MONEY is what has the power to give them the BEAUTY of LIFE.

And yet the need for money is through MINUS unlike how things are on worlds of the higher planes where people live to shine out against MINUS against a need for money.    If someone is hungry and in need of bread, bread is given to them through a need to shine out against MINUS who has that person at a deficit.   The deficit is countered by the light unlike this world where people need money.   

This world has something called charity that exists against MINUS through charity and yet on higher planes there is a need to shine out against MINUS based far above charity.   In other words, you would be doing them a favour for them to shine out against MINUS since they exist AGAINST MINUS.   MINUS is their enemy which means that they would pay you to SHINE OUT against it.   All they seek is empowerment against MINUS unlike in this world where all some people may seek is money.

If you go to them for help against MINUS, they may serve MINUS through you being in a deficit situation.   They call upon people being in a deficit situation in order to profit from it.   Such people are ruthless mercenaries.   

Christ had enlisted his disciples to go forth and drive out demons.   In modern days there are many healers who proclaim to have the power to drive out demons and yet their real aim is not through a love of God but through a love of money which means that they have no real aim to drive out demons above profiting from your suffering.   

You can go online seeking a healer but then discover the nature of this world that is so close to MINUS where so many people do not truly exist against MINUS including many healers who are like a family member who only cares about people who are of their own blood; you as a stranger are nothing to them; the only thing that counts is the money in your pocket.    

They may turn up at the gates of heaven and then find their way blocked by an angel of God who says to them ‘you have already been paid’.

In other words, the power of money is something that can lead us into selling ourselves out.   We can come alive with purpose and conviction merely based upon what will put money in our pockets.    Without money such a purpose is nothing but dust that is tread upon in contempt.   

An employee is so into his/her job based upon a need and love of money but without money there is no motivation due to the power of money that exist against TIA (Talent, interest and ability) that lays in the hands of God.

This is a world of anti-TIA that relies on the power of money.   But as anti-TIA exists in the free world that has laws that shine out against MINUS, there are countries that have no such laws which means that anti-TIA can draw people into the depth of hell through their need for money.

The sign of the times in modern days is anti-TIA since most people hate their jobs and yet they are shackled to having to work through financial enslavement which is propagated through the ill balance so that as the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer.  But that is another story.

But through the power of money we can lose all sight of God and The BEAUTY of LIFE and focus merely on what puts money in our pockets.

Therefore, the sign of the times is not truly God - The BEAUTY of LIFE even though many people would happily fall in line if they had eyes to see God.   If they were able to look into his world and see how wonderful The BEAUTY of LIFE is, they eagerly change to fit in but their need would exist as an inward flow where there is MINUS.  In other words the driving force would be SELF that has an inward flow instead of an outward flow.   

How ironic that in order to fit into the beauty of life is based upon seeking light upon one’s neighbour along with SELF, the very people most people in this world don’t care about.   But most people don’t care about you either which makes it easier for them to only care about oneself.    

So, the sign of the times is the power of money.   An old rocker attracts some young babe who is happy to fall into his bed; why?  The sight of him horrifies her, he is old and wrinkled.   The only thing that she finds attractive is his money and lifestyle.   She tolerates being in his bed since he removes her from the struggle against MINUS.   If she gives birth to his child, she knows that the amount of money he will pay in child maintenance will be enough for her to live on and have a beautiful lifestyle.

He knows that she would not be in his bed if it wasn’t for his wealth.   She had been the same age in the 1960s.   How is it possible for a woman to remain looking youthful and beautiful in the 1960s to the current day in the year 2017?   Like a car that had been driven for a certain length of time, it gets replaced by a new model.   

Countless women queue up to be picked as the latest model as part of the sign of the times in a world that is so removed from God who shines out with eternal youth.   How ironic to know that in those higher planes of existence people GROW in beauty in time instead of withering to reflect how much closer they are to God.    

They live life through the outward flow so far removed from the inward flow where MINUS sucks inwards with its vacuum that swirls anti clockwise against creation within a VOID.   

How would people like to know that all the ills of this world is through MINUS which many people are connected to?   

How would they like to know that there are worlds filled with beautiful people who grow in beauty with age and they are able to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE through shining out together?

All those immoral people who live in this world would look at all those beautiful people and want them to be in their beds.   Fallen Eve and Adam would go wild to see the type of beauty they could only dream of.

Fallen Eve would send a half naked selfie picture of herself up to the higher planes for this dreamboat guy to see, in the hope that he would fall in lust with her but he would look at the picture and frown in distaste as he wonders who sent such an inappropriate picture to him.   He would throw the picture in the trash.

But down here in the lower planes, so many guys would look at her picture and pin her picture up on his wall as they fantasise about her being in his bed to reflect how the sign of the times is steeped in immorality.

On one side there is God who owns the element morality but on the other side there is MINUS who owns the element immorality.   Morality is a wheel that turns clockwise and immorality is a wheel that turns ANTI-clockwise.

There are countless wheels that turn clockwise and countless wheels that turn anticlockwise.    Every individual exists as a mechanism that comprise of many wheels but which way does the mechanism turn?

How easy is it to fit into the mechanism on higher planes of existence when caught up living life on a lower plane of existence that has a sign of the time that reflect it?    

It would be so much easier for certain people to be born on higher planes of existence that have a system designed for people to SHINE OUT   This lower plane lacks such systems in many ways.   It’s like a catch-22 situation.   Even religion on this plane of existence can reflect the level this world is on.   It’s almost as if this world is a place designed for MINUS to live through us to manifest itself in reality.

We can get caught up in worshipping God and going through the whole process as a part of the sign of the times that is removed from The BEAUTY of LIFE.    Look at the state of this world that is suffering a downturn due to political upheavals that had failed to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   

Political decision making had not been through the high consciousness and due to this it has led to a raking up of the hornet’s nest.

The beauty of the high consciousness is knowing where the enemy lies and shining out against it so that it is cancelled out.   This has not happened.

What we have to be aware of is how political leaders in this world can govern the sign of the times therefore having the right political leaders in place is vital.   In other words, the right political leader in place can lead to a calling upon God but the wrong political leaders can lead to a calling upon MINUS.

Political leaders control a BIG wheel especially the super powers like Britain and the US.   If Britain and the US had political leaders who were of the high consciousness they would have the ability to alter the sign of the times to create transformation on a global level.

Even the smallest move could trigger a wheel turning clockwise to set wheels turning in the right direction globally and yet political leaders can reflect the people especially in democratic society.

Donald Trump is now the President of the United States and he is only in that position due to having gained the majority vote as a Republican against the Democrats.   Therefore, despite worldwide protest against his position in power there are millions of people who had voted for him, many of whom may not want to come out in the open but Donald had evidently said what he had to say to convince them to vote for him.

He wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico and he wants to block Muslims from entering the US from blacklisted nations.   Is Donald now the sign of the times?  Is he a reflection of modern day Americans?

The American constitution that has a bill of rights where people have a right to bear arms is based upon America’s bloody history based upon how guns had been used to massacre millions of native Americans who had fought against their nation being taken over by the white man.   Now in modern day American, millions of Americans are killing each other with guns to reflect the sign of the times and apparently Donald Trump is pro guns.

How can a light be shone bright enough to cancel out Americans love of guns and their need of guns?   They justify their need for guns based upon the very ground under their feet that is stained with blood.

In other words in order for times to change, it calls upon repentance of one’s sins that can be steeped in history.   Times may not change without repentance.   Christ’s time in this world is based upon a sacrifice he had made to MINUS where Christ had paid the penalty for all our sins so that through Christ we can repent of our sins, past and present, even the sins of our ancestors like those American pioneers who had ruthless slaughtered native Americans for their land.   Millions of American’s lives are attributed to MINUS.    They OWE MINUS and yet MINUS is death and a living death that is hell, MINUS exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.   Is is something anyone wants to owe their life to?   Why you want to walk upon its ground stained with blood?

Would you not want the blood washed clean?   It can only be washed clean through repentance so that the sign of the times leads to a brighter future through our children who shine out against MINUS.

Therefore, we are not just who we are, we are a history that exists through our blood but what history?   Is MINUS steeped in our history?   

Discussion groups, prayer groups - people can come together to talk about their history with the aim of looking back to see the truth and where MINUS may have lived through their ancestors.

We can become aware how MINUS may be right here with us through our history in the hope that we will not see it.   But we can come together and see it together and repent together and then focus on SHINING OUT together.   We can stop wheels that are so used to turning anti clockwise.   We can discover our past failings.

History can teach us a lot about how we should no longer be.   We can shed our old SELF to become reborn where we live to SHINE OUT for a brighter future.

Through the grace of God.