Tuesday 26 January 2021

Operating in the light


The things we do and say, where we go, who we have as friends, how we live our lives and the choices we make can be very revealing to show whether we are operating through the light.

I noticed how during the pandemic of 2020, how so many people continued going on holiday including British citizens but with a Government, not equipped with the right know-how to handle a pandemic that left the door wide open for pandemic tourists to return to Britain with not enough restrictions and many returned with the virus.

Worldwide Health Organization (WHO) seemed to leave world leaders to their own devices to handle the pandemic. Despite WHO being paid billions, it failed to set up the right protocols (a rule book of procedures) for nations to follow, to handle a pandemic, which would have e.g. ensured that UK, had enough PPE gear on standby that would have saved the lives of many NHS staff, who were forced to use bin-liners.

WHO could have also prevented ill-prepared leaders from heading off into disaster, by ensuring that they operated through a unified plan.

Governments from all over the world faced two major problems: Covid-19 and people who went abroad and returned despite the risk. When Italy crumbled due to the spread of the virus that led to hospitals being overrun with patients, it was clear that going abroad was a dangerous, but despite this, thousands of British tourists swarmed to Spain, which unsurprisingly crumbled as the virus caused the Spainish Government to shut-shop to tourists, which led to thousands of British tourists swarming back to Britain, which is when Britain started to crumble.

Britain eventually, went into lockdown after an agonizing delay and then UK, stood still for a time and the r rate dropped but when the lockdown ended, the Government made a serious error in opening pubs, bars and restaurants where pandemic revellers kicked up a storm and all the more because the lockdown had kept them in.

Unsurprisingly, the virus quickly spread again, made worse by pandemic tourists who continued going and coming unchecked.  

Even when the Government asked them to quarantine at home, many took taxis and used public transport to return home and even then, many of them didn’t even stay in quarantine. No one was monitored, but in a world where most people can’t be trusted. Again, the Government failed to see how there are two major problems, the pandemic and people who operate through darkness.. 

 If they operated through the light, the light would have restricted them. They wouldn’t need the Government to restrict them, the light would show them where there is danger to themselves and other people because God, who is The BEAUTY of LIFE, exists against misery and suffering, sickness and death, which is why operating through the light would limit his people to avoid giving life to what exists against God, the Devil (MINUS), who lives through misery and suffering, sickness and death.  

The people who operated through darkness were able to serve it as many of them caught and spread the virus, as they selfishly and recklessly holiday abroad during a global catastrophe. In 2020 the Tory Government failed to set up Australian-style quarantine hotels to stop the pandemic tourists from flooding into Britain untested. I watched and waited, hoping that the Tory Government would because I wanted the enemy stopped, all those people operating through darkness. But now in 2021, the Tory Government is considering the tough measures but against the airlines who don’t want such restrictions for fear that it will put off would-be tourists. It’s clear the airlines heads only care about is money, another aspect of the lower planes.

The airlines

If everyone operated through the light, the airlines would find that they have no passengers and the airline chiefs would tell the Government to set up proper measures like an Australian-style quarantine to assure people that they won’t be putting other people at risk by going on holiday. Every nation would set up Australian-style quarantine knowing that without them, tourists won’t travel. But countries who can’t afford it, would be ostracized.

Operating through the light would have called upon the light so that even the Tory Government would know that it has to do the right thing fast to kick-start tourism. But instead, all those people operating through darkness, see restrictions as an inconvenience. 

Many of them rushed back from holiday, when the Government announced plans to impose quarantine. Many of the tourists made it clear that they can afford to go on holiday, but they can't afford to stay in quarantine.

The narrow path

The very basis of living on the narrow path is operating through the light. The path is narrow based upon limitations, but the space where darkness lies is vaster than an ocean where anything goes.   

On the narrow path, Jesus can tell his people, don’t do this and don’t do that, it’s not safe, but when people operate within darkness, they won’t listen to God, for various reasons. Some of them are so selfish, all they see is their own needs.   

To think that thousands of people have needlessly died, due to other people going on holiday. A harsh penalty is paid for living in a world filled with people who are separated from God, The BEAUTY of LIFE. But it’s ironic how so many people who operate in darkness had gone on holiday to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE, circumstantially.

Even if Jesus himself came down to lead the fight against Covid-19, Jesus would see clearly how there are two terrible enemies, Covid-19, determined to spread itself and people who operate through darkness.

The second most important Holy Commandment

The second most important Holy Commandment is to 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself’. It forms the second most important part of the foundation of worlds on the higher planes. Everyone loves each other, everyone wants to SHINE A LIGHT, on each other. No one would do anything to put other people in danger, especially for selfish reasons.   

They operate through the light, shining out against what exists against God. Even with all the money in the world, they would never go on holiday during a pandemic. They would rather reside in a cold and dark dungeon then enjoy beautiful sights on holiday, knowing that they might give life to what exists against God, to spread sickness, suffering and death.

The Devil (MINUS) would tempt them and say, I can lead you into the most beautiful location that you can enjoy, and leave this cold and dark dungeon.  Follow me into paradise.

But the citizens of God would tell the Devil.

Paradise lies within me through my worthiness of God, who is The BEAUTY of Life, I do not need your false paradise. I suffer gladly in this cold and dark dungeon to SHINE OUT against you gaining more life through the pandemic.

“God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God.”

— Albert Einstein

Friday 26 June 2020

The victory of love

When it comes to worlds within the BIG picture that exist between Heaven and Hell, they are all defined by BIG wheels that turn based upon the spiritual mechanism of mankind. 

Wheels that are huge that define worlds on the lower planes are small or don't even exist the closer worlds are to the higher planes. 

One of the biggest wheels that define our world is the wheel MONEY that turns with great power to define how we live our lives, where and also who we are as people since money is what is used to run the world.

So many people are not aware how worlds on the higher planes don’t have the wheel MONEY turning, since people’s spiritual mechanism exists against a need for its use; instead the light of love for each other shines outwards as a victory of love.

Bearing this in mind, people on the lower planes are left with a task of putting money in its place to give room for the victory of love to SHINE OUT.   One of the ways that we can have that victory is to marry for love NOT money.

A young man named Chad Oldfield is a self-made millionaire and even though he’s quite ordinary looking, he is a babe magnet as if he is an Adonis, all because of his wealth.   The car he drives cost more than most people’s homes and his home cost more than what most people will earn in a lifetime.

But he finds himself with a huge problem, finding a wife who truly loves him because he wants that victory.   But how can he find a woman who loves him on the lower planes when it is filled with women who have sold themselves out spiritually for money, seeking a beautiful lifestyle by prostituting themselves to get it.

Chad can see the evil gleaming look in their eyes as they hunger for him so that they can gain access to his money.     If he lived on worlds that are closer to God, it would be easy for him to find a woman who would give him that victory but that type of woman on the lower planes is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He remembers a time, before he was a multi-millionaire,  when so many women didn’t look twice at him, especially stunningly beautiful women who have bodies to die for but now they are like a dime a dozen, all wanting to catch his eyes.   He can now take his pick but they all give him a sinking feeling due to his need to have that victory of love.

Having children through the victory of love

We gain our worth through love and when a couple who truly love each other have children, the child becomes a victory of love to know that love is what has led to the new life entering the world, especially within the sanctity of marriage..  

But when women have children with men who don’t love them and he then leaves her holding the baby it leaves a VOID that is MINUS which can then not only influence the mother’s life but also the life of the child as wheels turn anti clockwise through that vacant space where a loving father and husband should be, when MINUS is a VOID that turns anticlockwise against creation and within the VOID is Hell.   

She hadn’t gained the victory of love, when God is love whose light exists against MINUS. The child has no choice but to grow up with a VOID when the very child could have grown up within a loving relationship of two parents where the victory of love shines out between them.

What greater thing can a woman give a man than a child?  Why not with the victory of love so that he wants her AND the child?  

One hundred women stand together in a crowd holding their baby as they stand beside their loving husband.  Another crowd of one hundred women stand together holding their baby but they are all single mothers who had children with men who didn’t want them or the baby.

There is one crowd of women who stand in darkness without the victory of love shining out, unaware that the light is a part of God since God is love.   The victory of love is what defines worlds that are closed to God but a lack of victory is what defines worlds that have a separation from God.


Another BIG wheel that turns on the lower planes is the wheel of financial enslavement where millions of people have jobs that they hate.    Out of 100 people who among them loves their job?   If they all won the lottery jackpot, who would continue doing their job?

The truth is, when someone has a career that they love, it’s not even called a job, it’s just what they do and normally defines an aspect of who they are as people, e,g, an actor who loves being an actor or a singing who loves being a singer.

Not many people have the victory of love shining out in their careers when God IS love but away from God there is MINUS, the living VOID that has a vacuum that sucks inwards.   When the light of love is shining out, it shines out against MINUS but how is it possible to SHINE OUT against it doing a job one hates, week after week, month after month, year after year?   Instead, it is able to come alive, to suck inwards to feed off our life-force which can lead to aging faster, addictions, even sickness.

It’s negative energy can flood into our lives without us even knowing which can lead to other wheels turning anticlockwise like the wheel of destruction.   Our willpower can be zero along with our motivation to exercise.   If there is a choice between eating a snicker bar or having an apple, it’s negative energy can resonate within us to influence us into having that snicker bar but the moment you think about eating an apple, your heart feels this jolt of reluctance.

Coupled with a job that is hated, we may not have people in our lives who are a light in our lives.   So many couples whose life is immersed in light during the dating phase of their relationship find themselves in darkness when they get married and the honeymoon period is over.   Marriage can become humdrum and boring.

So many women find themselves having to be Mum to their children and their husband that leads to her being overburdened.   The wheels of discipline and moderation starts slowing down as her healthy diet is replaced by comfort eating.    Her husband finds that his once slim wife is now obese and he would prefer if she was slim again, unaware that his presence in her life is causing wheels to turn anticlockwise in her spiritual mechanism so that she needs to comfort eat.   But then she can end up with diabetes which ends up feeding MINUS even more through her sickness.

If she discovered a career that she loved, it might have saved her and the light could have shone onto her children so that they too have a mindset to gain the victory of love through having a career that exists above money.

So many people’s lives are trapped by the very roof over their heads, with mortgage payments eating away a third of their income every month, when they don’t have the victory of love shining out in their lives.

Ironically, so many people focus on relationships above career and get married to have children without the victory of love shining out in their career, unaware how important the victory is since it’s a light that shines out against a force that defines worlds on the lower planes.

So many youngsters who have parents who don’t have the victory, are urged by their parents to practice and study to gain that victory but MINUS can be so thick in the air through the lack of the child’s parents victory.   Victory can lead to victory but failure can lead to failure as established wheels keep turning.

Loving our neighbor

The second most important commandment as Christians is to Love thy neighbor as you love thyself and such a commandment defines worlds on the higher planes so that everyone lives is lived through the victory of love that shapes society.

There is an outward flow of light that shines out in the world through everyone’s spiritual mechanism as a complete contrast to how things are on the lower planes where millions of people have inward flow within their spiritual mechanism so that they have a a me, me, me, mentality, unaware that they are connected to MINUS.

But people on the higher planes want to enjoy life more than anything, just like all those thousands of people in Britain who had flocked to the beaches during the hot weather this week but they left tons of rubbish dumped on the beach when they left, a prime example of the selfish and careless attitude of people on the lower planes through that inward flow that connects them to a force within the BIG picture that is nothing but a destroyer.

They want the beauty of LIFE, unaware that God, IS The BEAUTY of LIFE who comes alive through the victory of LOVE far beyond love of SELF...


Saturday 29 July 2017

World Apart

Imagine a world, worlds apart from this world so removed from issues that encompass this world like the struggle to make ends meet.

I write about this a lot, knowing that sometimes we have to know what is bad, in order to truly appreciate what is good.   You could say one’s life experience can show us hell in order to appreciate heaven.

To be born into heaven, one may  not be aware of what exists against heaven that is MINUS.   Therefore, suffering can give us a need for God who exists against MINUS since God is The BEAUTY of LIFE.

But we live in a world, that is world’s apart from The BEAUTY of LIFE, even if we think we have it, for the true nature of TBL is a separation from MINUS.   To have e.g. beauty and youth knowing that it won’t be MINUSED out with age where age withers away all trace of beauty.   

Due to how close this world is to MINUS, so many people wither with age so fast to reflect how this world is world’s apart from God’s Kingdom where people grow in beauty with age to reflect how the world is of God instead of MINUS.   No one has to fear sickness and death; that defines this world.

Therefore, to know this world that has been fuelled by hatred, violence and selfishness is to know of another world that is a world’s apart defined by love, peace and an ability to share to ensure that everyone has abundance since that world exists against MINUS, the very force that is behind the use of money in this world.    We use money to fill a VOID and to get people functioning in society to be of use to the system.   We hunger for money to fill the VOID that is MINUS unaware that only God has the power to truly fill the VOID which is why his world is a world apart from this world.

We do not operate through God, since we do not live to SHINE OUT against MINUS; we can never have The BEAUTY of LIFE in this world because there will always be MINUS who exists against it.   It forms a catch-22 situation for as we hunger for money, the need for money merely highlights the presence of MINUS.

But in another world, world’s apart from this world, money is not worth the paper it is written on for there is no VOID, instead there is God - The BEAUTY of LIFE who exists as space and light.

We as people can be a world apart away from God himself which is why we are here in this world with MINUS.   It exists as hate and it has an inward flow that sucks inwards against creation via a vacuum.   It spins anti clockwise against creation.

We need to be a world apart from it within who we are as people since MINUS is death and a living death that is hell; it feeds upon suffering.   When we hate, are selfish, violent, lazy and inconsiderate it comes alive.

When we live against how God wants us to live, MINUS comes alive.   For example; youth who live in a ghetto, left on the scrap-heap of society live within a world that lacks light that shines out against MINUS which leads to the youths being caught up in a spiritual vacuum; they turn into who MINUS wants them to be.   Who is there to teach them otherwise, their parents!   

They become a World Apart from how they could be through God since this world is so close to MINUS.   With all the money in the world, heaped up in banks, there are still ghettos.   

If humanity truly existed against MINUS, we would SHINE OUT against the existence of ghettos so that there is no VOID.

So many youths turn against society, for they feel that society is against them.   There is a VOID that runs the ghettos and a VOID outside of the ghettos in the hearts of man who have an inward flow like MINUS; whereas God has an outward flow of light to cancel MINUS out.
Therefore, the existence of ghettos, third world countries reflect how humanity is worlds apart from God despite the number of people who are religious.   

Our past is so blood thirsty; we are on the rise, slowly but surely but too slowly due to ignorance and a lacking of understanding of how we should be as people.   So many people are caught up in being how MINUS wants them to be; change can be an uphill struggle since MINUS is so established.  It doesn't want to let the people go for it lives through them.  

It does not want God to live through them so that they become a world apart from MINUS.  It doesn't want God to have this world.   People can go to church and worship God but when they step out to church, they step out to be who MINUS wants them to be.

How many people who step into church, can step into heaven?   Imagine how the world would if, if all the so called religious people of this world qualify to step into heaven?  The world would transform overnight.

It is so easy for our life to be caught up in inheriting the earth.   We can be all about our own birthing so that we live on through our children but we may not be aware how we need to be reborn of the holy spirit so that we become a world’s apart from this world that has such a small wheel that turns governing life and death.     The wheel is so small.  One minute we are here and the next minute we are gone, even if we live to be 90.   Half our life we can be young and the other half we are old.    A struggle against MIINUS can even speed up the aging process.   Life can be all about work - work - work.   Enjoying The BEAUTY of LIFE may cost money that we can’t afford.

That much needed holiday may seem like a pipe dream against having to pay bills like huge monthly mortgage payments.   MINUS doesn’t want people to enjoy The BEAUTY of LIFE - it hates us all.   It is happy to see the rich few living large while the masses live but have no life.

On a warm sunny day, they have to work and head home when the day is done.   I read that countries like Mexico don’t even have proper employment laws to prohibit employers from making their low paid staff work from sunup till sundown.   There are no minimum wage laws.  The anti clockwise wheel within the VOID is able to spin faster to drag people down into hell.

MINUS is able to feed and gain more life through their suffering.  In other words, so many people are world’s apart from how God would have us live; instead they are caught up in how MINUS wants them to live.

And yet many people are prone to blame God for all the suffering; many people feel let down by God or they don’t want to know God since God does not give them the beauty of LIFE.   Many people don’t realize that in order to live how God wants us to live, we have to live against MINUS and SHINE OUT against it so that there is space and light instead of  VOID.

We have to love each other as God would have us love so that there is no VOID between us.   The full beauty of it is when love goes both ways.   The new testament in the Bible makes it clear how we should love - e.g. to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and yet this world is based upon the opposite.    

There are so many divisions among people to limit how we are able to love.  Even religion itself and people’s love for God can cause divisions as people try to take ownership of God with the mindset that they are only God’s people.   They are not aware how there is God when love is extended beyond SELF even beyond one’s own culture, religion, family and our own nation.   

We move away from being like ants on an anthill when our hearts can extend beyond our own small world.   We are able to transform to fit into  a world apart from this world.

Through God we know how to treat animals kindly along with nature itself; moving away from how MINUS likes to treat things which is to treat things heartlessly.   It is able to manifest itself in this world through so many people, even through abusive spouses.   

In other words, how we treat each other, animals and nature can reflect how we are a world apart from God’s world.   MINUS is able to have its way even though it exists against creation.   It is able to live even though it is death.   

We should know that if God’s people were to flood this world, they would  seek to transform it at the heart of the problem which is mankind.   

They would somehow try to make people understand how this world is a world apart from their beautiful world where the beauty of life - God is able to manifest.   They would explain to us that we have to live against how MINUS wants us to be.    MINUS wants us to  be immoral, violent, selfish, heartless, dishonest, greedy and ignorant.   

They would consult with political leaders to see whether they can put all the necessary laws in place that SHINE OUT against MINUS.   They would set up TIA schools so that children can discover their talent, interest and ability so that their career SHINES OUT in their life against anti-TIA

They would set up a system to promote God to the wide populace based upon living through God, not just worshipping God.   They would do millions of things to turn this world against MINUS.  In other words, they would set wheels turning clockwise.

One of the biggest wheels that turn anticlockwise in this wheel is the wheel immorality which gives life to MINUS.   The sheer size of the wheel lowers this world in a major way so that it is closer to MINUS.    Every immoral person in this world, especially peadophiles are like fuel to MINUS since it lives through anti clockwise wheels; immorality is one of the biggest wheels in this world.

This is why MINUS, the devil is temptation, to tempt us into sin, since it lives through sin.   It knows that once wheels like the wheel of immorality turn, it is hard to turn it clockwise especially when people have wheels that spin fast.   Sometimes, it spins so fast to take people over; they get sucked into temptation; even against all good judgement.   So many people end up having unprotected sex due to losing control of themselves due to the power of the wheel of immorality.

Many people start having sex at a very early age that sets wheels turning anti clockwise to establish itself in people’s lives; the anti clockwise wheel is so used to spinning fast to give life to MINUS so that they are a world apart from where and how God wants them to be.   They become a part of MINUS’s mechanism.

So many people comprise of many anti clockwise wheels and some people have BIG wheels that turn anti clockwise that is there to drag people into the vacuum.    So many people are unaware of spiritual wheels that turn; they get caught up into being how MINUS wants them to be due to this world being a world apart from how God wants people to be.   It’s so easy to just fit into this world.

If everyone is being immoral, it is so easy to be drawn into the vacuum to become immoral.   The same applies to racists.   The more people are on the wrong track, the more there is MINUS there to suck more people in.    It makes it harder for people to be e.g.   There are many women out there who make themselves so available sexuality, it’s as easy as getting a takeaway.    All those women have the wheel of immorality spinning so fast; to tempt men into sin.   The men that go with such women are a world apart from The BEAUTY of LIFE, they are with MINUS instead and the women are with MINUS; they both give life to MINUS.

Even when certain people want to turn away from sin; if the anti clockwise wheels are so used to turning; MINUS may plant suggestions in their mind to set wheels turning.   One minute someone says they won’t do it again but the next minute they are taken over by MINUS whose wheels turn anyway.   Afterwards, there is nothing but regret.   

That person vows never to do it again but before they know it MINUS is back giving prompts for the anti clockwise wheel to start turning again because MINUS wants to manifest itself in reality and live.

MINUS is the ill consciousness and God is the high consciousness.   The consciousness of MINUS seeks our destruction for it is hate.   God wants to save us for God is love.   

As we live and breath we can be blessed to become a part of the high consciousness, constantly striving to grow closer to God on that endless journey of life away from death; we can figure things out to know that we need to be a world apart from this world and the way so many people are; we need to stand apart from how this world wants us to be.

We can have the vision of another world away where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE shining out within people whose beautiful spirit justifies why they are there and not down here.   They are gifted, geniuses where TIA shines out brightly.   Their genius could transform this world; they are needed here instead of ruthless capitalists.

We need them to run nations but it forms a catch-22 situation for most people have children through the love of their own flesh instead of the love of God; they want to see their own reflection in their own children instead of God.  This is what people get which is a world apart away from The BEAUTY of LIFE.

So many world leaders have reflected how this world is a world apart from The BEAUTY of LIFE.    In order for things to change, WE need to change so that we pertain to TBL and thus call upon God within who we are as people.   God would then see how he needs to govern his own people instead of that of MINUS the destroyer.

We are all connected; how we think, where we are and how we feel.   The wheels that turn clockwise, the more there is God and the more wheels that turn anti clockwise, the more there is MINUS the cause of all sickness and death.      

Therefore, even when someone is suffering in poverty in another nation that may seem like another world, they are feeding MINUS which gives its vacuum more power which can affect anyone in the world.   It forms an irony, for so many people don't care a fig for the suffering of other people in other countries, all they may care about is themselves and yet such an attitude gives more power to MINUS too to manifest itself in reality.

Therefore, the way we are as people makes us our own worst enemy, so removed from that other world where every exists to SHINE OUT against MINUS so that it is not able to manifest itself in reality.   Everyone loves each other and is happy to share with one another.   There is no poverty or ill balance between the rich and the poor; MINUS is not able to justify its existence upon any of their demise for they all call upon the power of God within who they are as people.

They don’t belong in this world as most people of this world don’t belong in their world.   Ironically, so many so called religious people of this world, don’t belong in their world.   

We all have to live with each other but not a lot of us gain any benefit from the vast number of people who deem themselves religious since they don’t belong in that other world where they live to SHINE OUT against MINUS.   

Instead they belong in this world.   Being religious gives many people a feeling of false security; they think that as they step into places of worship, they can step into heaven and yet the whole beauty of that other world is the separation it has from this world and its people, which is why heaven is heaven and not hell.

We gain a time to live in this world but our time can be well worth spent when we understand that we are not here just to live but to become IN with life, not just to have life since we need to SHINE OUT with it to gain a separation from MINUS.   We need to be like a machine where wheels turn clockwise that’s a part of God’s mechanism so that he is able to run things instead of MINUS; in other words, we SHINE OUT instead of being a part of the vacuum within the VOID.   

This is when we head to The BEAUTY of LIFE - God, away from where MINUS wants us to be which is with it.   Our life in this world then serves its purpose, to know that it was well spent - when our life becomes a part of LIFE itself.

Friday 28 July 2017

The nature of abundance

Once I had this dream that I fell to earth from a world where Jesus reigned and I was in a panic to have fallen to this world filled with people who have a disconnection from God.   The Devil was after me so I went on the run.   I did not want to have anything to do with anyone from this world because I didn’t think anyone could be trusted.

Ever since that dream it has given me a different perspective about people of this world especially since I experienced a spiritual awakening.    I know that within the BIG picture MINUS verses The BEAUTY of LIFE; in other words God exists against a VOID where there is nothing but emptiness and the emptiness within the VOID exists against God who is abundance.  

Most people seek to have abundance but how many of them need it through God?   For instance, I read in the newspaper today how robbers broke into a mansion and stole over £400,000 worth of valuable items including over £100,000 worth of designer handbags from the wife of her wealthy husband.

The wife had great abundance through her husband but this differs from having abundance through God for God exists against MINUS who lives through the ill balance between the rich and the poor.   The robbers have a separation from God and they seek to have The BEAUTY of LIFE but the wealthy wife also has a separation from God which is why she is able to be so extravagant despite the ill balance.

In other words, the mindset this world can give us is to gain abundance away from God even though what exists away from God is MINUS who is a VOID that has an inward flow that sucks inwards; it constantly hungers to feed upon creation; it is nothing but one big appetite to feed and yet it can never be filled.   

Therefore, when we seek abundance through MINUS, we may never be filled and yet when we gain abundance through God, we are filled.

The wealthy wife may feel that she has great abundance through her husband and yet she may not pertain to The BEAUTY of LIFE which is God, which means that she does not truly exist against MINUS even though it had broken in her home.

It forms a catch22 situation, for the nature of being born into this world, means that we are somehow IN with MINUS instead of being IN with God which calls upon us having to be reborn so that we are no longer of this world; this is when our perception of having abundance alters so that it exists through having an outward flow instead of an inward.

We can still seek to have lovely circumstances but without being sold out where we have a need to constantly spend, spend, spend on having luxury items that most people cannot afford; instead we can gain the mindset to SHINE OUT against MINUS which is the true nature of abundance.

In other words, no one can truly have abundance with MINUS; we have to SHINE OUT against it so that there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE - God to manifest where there is no ill balance.

So many wealthy people love the ill balance and take delight in buying what most people can’t afford.   They don’t want every Tom, Dick and Sally to have what they have since they love the feeling of being rich off the back of the poor.   

But it forms an irony, for such an attitude removes them further from The BEAUTY of LIFE -  the true nature of abundance that shines out against MINUS.   They don’t belong with God, they belong with MINUS.   So, as the rich get richer, they can actually become poorer as they heap up their wealth like a mountain and lavish themselves with more than what they need, when MINUS is able to gain more space to live within the ill balance.

How much is your life worth compared to a Designer handbag if you lived in a third world country that has no social net to fall back on?  In other words, through MINUS your life is nothing and less than nothing which is why it wants to drag us all down into hell if it could.

So many people envy the rich, feeling that they have abundance.   It is so easy to think that abundance is gained through having money and yet the basis behind why money is needed in this world is due to all those people who do not exist against MINUS.   The system is run through a deficit.    

If you hate your job, you still have to pick yourself up to work since MINUS doesn’t care about whether or not you like your job; if anything it lives through you hating your job.    

There are parts of the world where underage girls no older than 12 are sold into marriage by their parents due to their love of money.   So many people marry due to their love of money.   The world is filled with people seeking abundance but not through God which means they lack the mindset to SHINE OUT against MINUS.

They don’t fit into God’s world where there is no need for money, instead there is The BEAUTY of LIFE on all levels of existence to enjoy.   No one is financially enslaved; no one is made to feel as though they are nothing; no one has to sell themselves out; no one is forced to be with MINUS, instead God SHINES out against it so that there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE.

In other words, God’s people live through him, since they are so happy to SHINE OUT so that everyone is able to have abundance with no fear of robbers coming in to put anyone in a deficit situation; they have no reason to fear.   MINUS is not able to justify itself.

There is a beautiful atmosphere in the air and there is so much space and beauty indoors and out.   Would the wealthy man’s wife be welcome in such a world?   She would be as welcome as those robbers who had broken into her home.   

This means that the true nature of abundance, is having a separation from MINUS - which is why people born into this world are here and not up there.

But through the love of God, we can become reborn.   Christ had graced this world with his presence and paid a penalty for our sins so that through representing through him he will forgive us all our sins, when we are truly sorry.    We can transform to pertain to the true nature of abundance - God.

Thursday 27 July 2017

Follow me

When I went to school there were a group of pupils who were the popular ones and everyone wanted to follow them.   I wasn’t one of them, instead I was a loner who wanted to do my own thing.   I didn’t want to be IN with the crowd; I just wanted my own space to figure things out.

I was lost at school but I didn’t seek anyone out to show me the way, instead I just went off somewhere to find solace.

That was me back then and I guess, that little girl is still somewhere inside me who just want to do my own thing and not follow anyone in terms of people.   But I used to have little girl crushes and I had a crush on the boy who lived next door but I grew out of it.

I used to sum things up based upon my own limited equation without a need to follow anyone since I was different to a lot of children who was drawn to following whoever is the most popular.

Now in the year 2017 social media is the yardstick that reveals how popular someone is through websites like  Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.   It can be the judge of us and yet we can end up like a woman who lives in a household that buys a puppy and she ends up taking pictures of the puppy to post on her social media channel.

She delights in all the likes and comments she receives about the puppy more than she delights in spending time with the puppy.   She hardly spends any time with the puppy because she spends most of her time online.   

She uses the puppy to become more popular on social media.  She ends up removing herself from The Beauty of Life - God due to valuing her time spent on social media than spending time with the puppy.   

Through loving the puppy and spending time with the puppy there is light but through forsaking the puppy due to social media there is nothing but MINUS.    The puppy does not benefit from any of those likes and comments what the puppy will benefit from is being in the company of God who is love.

When we open ourselves up to God, knowing that God is the BEAUTY of LIFE, we are able to put things in its place like social media knowing that God exists as a world of togetherness and warmth where there is love that is tangible.

We may feel that we are loved based upon how popular we are on social media but this can be very misleading.   When we are truly open to God, we will see sense to know that we are only truly popular through God who is love.

Through spending time with a precious puppy who thrives upon love, there is God who is light.   We have to ask ourselves where do we truly seek popularity?   What is everlasting?   How popular we are on social media or how popular we are through God?

So many people want you to follow them, and many of them may use a puppy or they may be very sexually revealing - whatever it takes to gain followers but what we have to be aware of is the danger of turning our attention away from who we should truly follow which is Christ who came into this world for a great reason which is to pay a sacrifice for all our sins so that when we turn to him and repent he has the power to forgive us for our sins.  

It forms an irony that there are so many ways to follow that can draw our attention away from who we should truly follow, on that narrow path to salvation.   We can have our eyes everywhere but upon God so that we are not able to see his beauty and how we have to become reborn so that we fit into his world.

We can become caught up in following everything but Christ; we can follow our own inheritance, celebrities, culture, politics, popes and bishops, reverends and pastors.    In other words, our own spiritual door can be closed to inner guidance from God when we are besieged by following what is of this world.   We can become caught up in following customs and traditions, our mother and father, culture that has its own wheels turning that can carry us along in another direction away from who and where God wants us to be.

Even away from social media, so many people hunger to be followed even against choice.   Traditions and customs that has been laid out for centuries can form BIG wheels that seek for life to be caught up in its mechanism to power it like fuel.   Without new life to fuel it, its wheels cannot turn.   What it seeks beyond anything else is life to manifest itself in reality in order to live which means it needs followers.   

But what is such wheels are MINUS?   If this is the case, it will lash out against choice; follow me OR DIE.   

I think the issue with this world is how so many people are unaware how close this world is to MINUS, a great VOID that exists against God - The BEAUTY of LIFE.   MINUS seeks to live but against life and it seeks followers.   It hides behind things knowing that if it was revealed people would flee from it.   It shapes people’s souls away from God so that they do not know wrong from right.    It wants people to think they are following God when they are following what exists against God - MINUS.    

MINUS uses the very reason why people are born into this world knowing that their spirit is not Holy; due to this MINUS can trick and dupe many people into thinking they are righteous when they are evil.

It forms an irony that so many people who think they are religious are more off the track than many people who have no interest in religion.    The sheer number of people who are religious reveal the harsh reality how this world is so removed from God whose  Kingdom that is a place of pure beauty filled with people whose spirits SHINE OUT against MINUS so that there is space and light for The BEAUTY of LIFE to manifest- God.   

The harsh reality reveals why there is a need for Christ who calls upon us to repent, even of our very inheritence.   The very blood in our veins can be attributed to MINUS.   If we are to look back at the history of humanity we can then understand why there is a need for us to repent for the sins of our foreparents.   This means, instead of following them, we need to distance ourselves from them to make it clear we are not IN with them, we are IN with God.

We can have the mindset to remove ourselves from the vicious circle of life and death that is a small wheel that turns based upon living through MINUS when there is another world filled with space and light where there is The BEAUTY of LIFE - God who is everlasting.   His wheels propel the true journey of life that is based upon gaining a height away from MINUS who is death and a living death that is hell.

Therefore, as we are born into this world, we are yet to begin.   We only begin when we are IN with LIFE and exist against death that is MINUS.    Therefore, we only begin when we are reborn and become holy through the holy spirit, removed from our blood thirsty past.

It is a huge irony how we can become so caught up in this world that is so steeped in MINUS when there is another world so removed from it.   We can forsake that other world through our struggles in trying to get past MINUS in this world.  

Life can be all about MINUS.   We may even have the mindset to do anything it takes to get past it, even turn to crime when this removes us further from God and his world so that we draw closer to MINUS who exists against The BEAUTY of LIFE.

In 100 years time we will be long gone but where will we be if we had followed MINUS instead of God?   It is so easy to think that this world is all that there is and yet this world has such a fast turnover of life, eager for there to be death due to how close this world is to MINUS who hungers to live but through itself.  It cannot live through God.

Therefore MINUS seeks mayhem, trouble and strife, anxieties, worries, stress, paranoia, violence, hatred, selfishness, greed, suffering, torment, grief.   It lives through all those things.   It loves bickering, vicious gossip, arguments.   It doesn’t want us to live in peace.

If only we all knew what exists against us and how it seeks to rob us for the reason for our existence - God who is the father of creation for without God there would be nothing but a VOID - MINUS.

Therefore, we should all follow God but only when we know who God is and not the God so many people follow who are misguided and are following MINUS, to be who it wants them to be.

We have to be very careful when it comes to religion.   We can be caught out due to the level this world is on which is so close to MINUS.  

One way of gathering who God is to look at how this world is and knowing that God’s world is the opposite.   As there is war and discord in this world there is peace in God’s world; as there is selfishness and hatred in this world there is generosity and love in God’s world.   

As there is immorality in this world there is morality in God’s world.   As there is disempowerment and financial enslavement in this world there is freedom in God's world.  As there is wickedness in this world there is kindness in God’s world.   As there is an ill balance between the rich and the poor in this world there is no ill balance in God’s world; everyone has great abundance.   As there is reason to mistrust people in this world; everyone is honest in God’s world.   As we have reason to lock our doors against strangers in this world, everyone can leave their door open in God’s world happy to welcome visitors.      The list of differences is endless.   So much for all those so called religious people of this world who number in the billions.      How much do they shine out to create space and light for the beauty of life God to manifest in this world?

Therefore, the task we have is to truly follow God so that we become who God wants us to be instead of MINUS.   It is a huge task due to MINUS.   Who we have on our side is God who loves us and yet what exists against us is the hatred of MINUS.    

Ultimately, we have to ask ourselves who do we truly seek?  Who do we truly want?   Who do we truly love?   Who do we truly want to follow?