Wheels that are huge that define worlds on the lower planes are small or don't even exist the closer worlds are to the higher planes.
One of the biggest wheels that define our world is the wheel MONEY that turns with great power to define how we live our lives, where and also who we are as people since money is what is used to run the world.
So many people are not aware how worlds on the higher planes don’t have the wheel MONEY turning, since people’s spiritual mechanism exists against a need for its use; instead the light of love for each other shines outwards as a victory of love.
Bearing this in mind, people on the lower planes are left with a task of putting money in its place to give room for the victory of love to SHINE OUT. One of the ways that we can have that victory is to marry for love NOT money.
A young man named Chad Oldfield is a self-made millionaire and even though he’s quite ordinary looking, he is a babe magnet as if he is an Adonis, all because of his wealth. The car he drives cost more than most people’s homes and his home cost more than what most people will earn in a lifetime.
But he finds himself with a huge problem, finding a wife who truly loves him because he wants that victory. But how can he find a woman who loves him on the lower planes when it is filled with women who have sold themselves out spiritually for money, seeking a beautiful lifestyle by prostituting themselves to get it.
Chad can see the evil gleaming look in their eyes as they hunger for him so that they can gain access to his money. If he lived on worlds that are closer to God, it would be easy for him to find a woman who would give him that victory but that type of woman on the lower planes is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
He remembers a time, before he was a multi-millionaire, when so many women didn’t look twice at him, especially stunningly beautiful women who have bodies to die for but now they are like a dime a dozen, all wanting to catch his eyes. He can now take his pick but they all give him a sinking feeling due to his need to have that victory of love.
Having children through the victory of love
We gain our worth through love and when a couple who truly love each other have children, the child becomes a victory of love to know that love is what has led to the new life entering the world, especially within the sanctity of marriage..
But when women have children with men who don’t love them and he then leaves her holding the baby it leaves a VOID that is MINUS which can then not only influence the mother’s life but also the life of the child as wheels turn anti clockwise through that vacant space where a loving father and husband should be, when MINUS is a VOID that turns anticlockwise against creation and within the VOID is Hell.
She hadn’t gained the victory of love, when God is love whose light exists against MINUS. The child has no choice but to grow up with a VOID when the very child could have grown up within a loving relationship of two parents where the victory of love shines out between them.
She hadn’t gained the victory of love, when God is love whose light exists against MINUS. The child has no choice but to grow up with a VOID when the very child could have grown up within a loving relationship of two parents where the victory of love shines out between them.
What greater thing can a woman give a man than a child? Why not with the victory of love so that he wants her AND the child?
One hundred women stand together in a crowd holding their baby as they stand beside their loving husband. Another crowd of one hundred women stand together holding their baby but they are all single mothers who had children with men who didn’t want them or the baby.
There is one crowd of women who stand in darkness without the victory of love shining out, unaware that the light is a part of God since God is love. The victory of love is what defines worlds that are closed to God but a lack of victory is what defines worlds that have a separation from God.
Another BIG wheel that turns on the lower planes is the wheel of financial enslavement where millions of people have jobs that they hate. Out of 100 people who among them loves their job? If they all won the lottery jackpot, who would continue doing their job?
The truth is, when someone has a career that they love, it’s not even called a job, it’s just what they do and normally defines an aspect of who they are as people, e,g, an actor who loves being an actor or a singing who loves being a singer.
Not many people have the victory of love shining out in their careers when God IS love but away from God there is MINUS, the living VOID that has a vacuum that sucks inwards. When the light of love is shining out, it shines out against MINUS but how is it possible to SHINE OUT against it doing a job one hates, week after week, month after month, year after year? Instead, it is able to come alive, to suck inwards to feed off our life-force which can lead to aging faster, addictions, even sickness.
It’s negative energy can flood into our lives without us even knowing which can lead to other wheels turning anticlockwise like the wheel of destruction. Our willpower can be zero along with our motivation to exercise. If there is a choice between eating a snicker bar or having an apple, it’s negative energy can resonate within us to influence us into having that snicker bar but the moment you think about eating an apple, your heart feels this jolt of reluctance.
Coupled with a job that is hated, we may not have people in our lives who are a light in our lives. So many couples whose life is immersed in light during the dating phase of their relationship find themselves in darkness when they get married and the honeymoon period is over. Marriage can become humdrum and boring.
So many women find themselves having to be Mum to their children and their husband that leads to her being overburdened. The wheels of discipline and moderation starts slowing down as her healthy diet is replaced by comfort eating. Her husband finds that his once slim wife is now obese and he would prefer if she was slim again, unaware that his presence in her life is causing wheels to turn anticlockwise in her spiritual mechanism so that she needs to comfort eat. But then she can end up with diabetes which ends up feeding MINUS even more through her sickness.
If she discovered a career that she loved, it might have saved her and the light could have shone onto her children so that they too have a mindset to gain the victory of love through having a career that exists above money.
So many people’s lives are trapped by the very roof over their heads, with mortgage payments eating away a third of their income every month, when they don’t have the victory of love shining out in their lives.
Ironically, so many people focus on relationships above career and get married to have children without the victory of love shining out in their career, unaware how important the victory is since it’s a light that shines out against a force that defines worlds on the lower planes.
So many youngsters who have parents who don’t have the victory, are urged by their parents to practice and study to gain that victory but MINUS can be so thick in the air through the lack of the child’s parents victory. Victory can lead to victory but failure can lead to failure as established wheels keep turning.
Loving our neighbor
The second most important commandment as Christians is to Love thy neighbor as you love thyself and such a commandment defines worlds on the higher planes so that everyone lives is lived through the victory of love that shapes society.
There is an outward flow of light that shines out in the world through everyone’s spiritual mechanism as a complete contrast to how things are on the lower planes where millions of people have inward flow within their spiritual mechanism so that they have a a me, me, me, mentality, unaware that they are connected to MINUS.
But people on the higher planes want to enjoy life more than anything, just like all those thousands of people in Britain who had flocked to the beaches during the hot weather this week but they left tons of rubbish dumped on the beach when they left, a prime example of the selfish and careless attitude of people on the lower planes through that inward flow that connects them to a force within the BIG picture that is nothing but a destroyer.
They want the beauty of LIFE, unaware that God, IS The BEAUTY of LIFE who comes alive through the victory of LOVE far beyond love of SELF...
There is an outward flow of light that shines out in the world through everyone’s spiritual mechanism as a complete contrast to how things are on the lower planes where millions of people have inward flow within their spiritual mechanism so that they have a a me, me, me, mentality, unaware that they are connected to MINUS.
But people on the higher planes want to enjoy life more than anything, just like all those thousands of people in Britain who had flocked to the beaches during the hot weather this week but they left tons of rubbish dumped on the beach when they left, a prime example of the selfish and careless attitude of people on the lower planes through that inward flow that connects them to a force within the BIG picture that is nothing but a destroyer.
They want the beauty of LIFE, unaware that God, IS The BEAUTY of LIFE who comes alive through the victory of LOVE far beyond love of SELF...